Now that the Heavenly Machine is chaotic, he can't count who is cultivating the Heavenly Dao Divine Power, so he can only look at the Tongtian Master Venerable, hoping that the Master Venerable can know, since the Holy Mother of Wudang is also looking at their Master Venerable with expectation.

Looking at his disciples, he was speechless.

But he still nodded, "Haven't you already guessed, there is only one Heavenly Dao Divine Power of the Creation Avenue in the entire Flood Wilderness, and the master is also curious about who cultivated this divine power."

Now in the midst of the catastrophe, the heavenly machine is chaotic, and I and other saints can't deduce the heavenly machine, but I think the master should know who this Taichen Zhenjun is.

Well, for the master to go, a trip to the Zixiao Palace, you only need to quietly recite the Huangting Dao Sutra in the Biyou Palace, but don't go out of the cave mansion to mix with the calamity of the teaching.

Just wait for the Feng Shen to calamity the past, and will come from the world that can continue to escape. "

Afraid that these four disciples of his own family would casually mix and measure the calamity, Tong Tian once again ordered that although there were many disciples under him, let alone three thousand immortals, it was thirty thousand, hundreds of thousands of immortals.

However, there are only four family disciples who are truly connected to their own luck.

I don't want to elaborate, but there are more than ten disciples.

Much more than myself.

As long as the personal disciples are fine, other inner disciples, outer disciples, no matter how much they lose, it is not a big deal, not to mention, it is also a good choice to become a god on the list of gods.

Still able to live with heaven and earth.

"Disciples obey the master's orders!"

When the four of Duo Bao heard this, of course, they were ordered, they were not children, they knew the danger of calamity, and they could really break their heads.

The gods and demons robbed them too far away, and the dragon and Han robbery they still didn't understand, but the Lich robbery had personally experienced them.

Donghuang Taiyi, who was as strong as an infinitely close to a saint, and such powerhouses as Di Jun were all dead.

The current God Sealing Tribulation.

There is a Dao ancestor who controls the pressure, saying that it only involves those who do not behead three corpses.

But the problem is that in the entire Three Sects, only he Duobao alone beheaded the three corpses, and the entire Xuanmen, except for Duobao, the rest are at most the Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection Realm.

That is to say, except for him Duobao, the rest of the people are in the robbery.

His master also said that he might die if he left the cave mansion.

They don't fail to understand what's at stake.


Tongtian also nodded, said, stepped out, a spatial ripple appeared under his feet, and Tongtian's figure disappeared in the Biyou Palace.


West, Mount Meru, next to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, under the Bodhi Tree, on the lotus seat.

The two people opened the double pressure.

One of them looked at the other with a look of surprise on his face.

"Senior Brother, this Taichen True Monarch should have a relationship with my release door, this calamity, I should wait to cross it into my west and enjoy the path of bliss!"


In the eyes of ordinary people, it may just be a magical power, but there are only two people's ways, and the Heavenly Dao level magical power means this.

Although the Daoist preached the Heavenly Dao Saint, although he had the Hongmeng Purple Qi cheating and meritorious help, it was more that he created a half-step Heavenly Dao Divine Power Dream World.

to preach mixed elements.

Half-step Heavenly Dao Divine Power can make people preach mixed yuan, even if they do not have the help of Hongmeng Purple Qi, but they have mastered a Heavenly Dao Divine Power, plus the help of the two, there may not be no chance of mixing yuan in the future.

In this way, the West has three mixed elements, which is not much worse than the East.

In this way, perhaps the West will be prosperous, and it will be more likely to repay the cause and effect of the Heavenly Dao.

"What Junior Brother said is very true, when the time comes, when the time comes, Taichen Daoist will personally connect Taichen Daoyou to my west!"

"By the way, junior brother, can you gain anything from this trip to the East?" Thinking of something, the topic of the usher turned around, and looked at the quasi-question.

"But I have gained a lot, there are five Daoists who are deeply interested in my Shimen Dao, and that Dingguang Xiaoyou is very interested in my Shimen Dao of Joy and Bliss!"

The quasi-mentioner said with a slight smile.

"Hahaha..... Very good, very good, but unfortunately, the Tongtian Daoist friends do not know the number of days, but the great foundation of the Truncated Sect is about to turn into dust! The usher nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile.


Tianwaiwa Emperor Tian.

Nuwa, suddenly opened her eyes, only to see her lips move slightly, and her mouth spat lightly, "Chan'er!" The word came out.

Without a short breath, a beautiful girl walked in from outside, saw Nuwa, and made a salute.

"Disciple, I've seen the teacher!"

Only calling the teacher, not the master, shows that the girl is not a disciple of Nuwa, but can only be regarded as a named disciple, and Yang Chan does not know what the teacher called herself to do.

"Chan'er, you also have a Golden Immortal cultivation now, and it is also possible to go out and wander one or two, and give you three treasures for Shi Xian, and after taking these three treasures, you can go to the Terran Yin Shang Jiuzhou.

While reuniting with your brother, by the way, help the teacher pay attention to a monk named Taichen. "

Saying that, Nuwa Yu waved her hand.

Three magic weapons appeared in front of Yang Chan, a lamp, a talisman, and a streamer.

"These three treasures, thought to be the Baolian lamp, is one of the four divine lamps in the first opening of heaven and earth, ranking among the top-grade innate spiritual treasures, and possessing supreme creation power.

This talisman is a divine talisman created by Shi Lian, which can block three sage attacks.

Persistently, attacks under the saint are ineffective.

This ribbon is refined by the colorful divine light of heaven and earth that the master stole when he was replenishing the heavens, and although it is not innate, it can obtain the merit of replenishing the heavens, which is a good and excellent acquired merit spiritual treasure.

Defend against attacks, more able to suppress your own luck, and you take it well. "


Although Yang Chan practiced with a saint, what treasure had she seen there, in Wahuangtian, there was enough aura, and she often consulted Sister Jin Feng and ate some good fairy fruits.

Now the teacher gave three treasures at once, which made her both surprised and a little overwhelmed at once.

However, after reacting, Yang Chan also quickly knelt down.

"Disciple, thank you teacher for the treasure!"

Carefully put away the three treasures, and looked up at Nuwa again, "Teacher, who is that Taichen Daoyou, where is it now, please let the teacher know." "

"I don't know about the master, but for the master to feel that it is in the land of Yin Shang Kyushu, you should be able to meet it when you go here, and your second brother will also go to Yin Shang Jiuzhou soon, and you two brothers and sisters can get together."

"Thank you teacher!"

"Let's go!"

Saying that, Nuwa waved her hand at Yang Chan and directly moved it into the Flood Barren Great World, after all, this place is the outer heavens, and only the Golden Immortal cultivators cannot cross the chaos and enter the Flood Barren Great World.

"Golden Phoenix! Take a good look at the home, for the master to go to the Zixiao Palace! "

Nuwa, who sent Yang Chan away, immediately ordered Jin Feng, and then disappeared into the Wa Emperor Tian......

Only the dumbfounded Jin Feng remained.

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