Han Chen also did not expect that he would pass the customs within two days of retreat.

Of course, Huang Feihu's inability to clear the customs has nothing to do with himself, even if he is destroyed, what, in this world where all the ants are under the saints, he cannot be sanctified, everything is illusory.

Moreover, he seems to have snatched Huang Feihu's position as the emperor of Dongyue, and he is still a little embarrassed in his heart.

And the boy who heard what his eldest brother said is probably Nezha.

'Seal God Killing Star, Xiqi Pioneer Officer has descended the mountain, this God Tribulation is about to officially begin, no, my Buddha-figure can't stay here, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave at that time. ’

Han Chen said darkly.

"Big brother, you said that young man I know, his original is the reincarnation of the saint Nuwa Niangniang sitting down Tong Zi Lingzhuzi, and now he is the third son of Chen Tangguan and Li Jing, Nezha, worshiping under the disciple of Taiyi Zhenren, the first Tianzun disciple of the Interpretation Sect.

It is the body of the lotus, the soul and body are mixed, and it is not afraid of any attack of the divine soul power.

There are many innate spirit treasures in his hand, and their combat power is extraordinary, and ordinary people are by no means their opponents.

With General Yuhua's means, that is, the Soul Killing Banner is extraordinary, but this Soul Killing Banner was restrained by Nezha, so it is normal to lose and leave, and when you encounter this person in the future, the eldest brother must be careful. "

In fact, Han Chen wanted his eldest brother to follow the path of sealing gods in the flesh.

But think about it, I don't have the ability, I can walk in the flesh and seal the gods, but they all have a deep background, especially the background of the interpretation, after all, the interpretation of the religion is in charge of the list of gods.

Like other people, it is absolutely impossible to go in the flesh and become a god.

He also did not have the capital to let the Yuan Shi Tianzun take a high look.

"What, that boy actually has such a deep background?"

Han Sheng and Han Cheng next to them were also surprised.

"What's so surprising about this, the Feng Shen Tribulation is originally a saint disciple who wants to cross the red dust and wash his karma, and now it is only the beginning, and when it comes later, maybe even the saint will end up in person.

Those Da Luo Golden Immortals, quasi-saints, and saints fight, we people can only serve as cannon fodder...

Therefore, big brother, as long as you hold it seriously, Xianshui Pass, your divine position is absolutely stable.

But two nephews..."

"Sheng'er, change, uncle has something to hand over to the two of you, this thing can be used as a disaster barrier for the two of you, it can block your three calamities, but there is nothing to block the first time.

But the second and third times will cause damage to the Origin Qi Luck of the two of you.

Therefore, Uncle reminds you two that if it is not necessary, do not use the second disaster to block the disaster, as long as you survive the first time, it will be enough to dissipate the calamity on you. "

The avatar to block the disaster is very mysterious, but the two of them's disaster blocking avatars are different from Han Chen's.

The incarnation that Han Chen refined for himself was a peach creation, a one-time, no growth, and could only be used as a calamity, but it was also just as Han Chen said.

Sealing God Measure Tribulation, after a calamity, it is enough to wash his own red dust robbery karma.

It was for the death and dispersal, just like the second generation of disciples of the Interpretation Sect, after the Great Array of Ten Thousand Immortals, they returned to the mountain gate and cave mansion non-stop, the mortal world was chaotic, and all living beings were suffering, but they didn't care at all.

And the incarnations of Han Sheng and Han Cheng are refined with refined blood.

Connected to its own origin, the first time it is cast, there are no side effects, and if you can use it for the second time, it will cause the origin to be halved, and if you use it for the third time, the consumption will have the potential of the origin.

There is no possibility of progress in life.

And hearing Han Chen's words, Han Sheng and Han Chang both opened their eyes wide, their faces showed surprise, they didn't expect that their uncle still had such a magic technique, which really surprised the two of them.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Han Chen shook his head, and knew that the two did not listen to the harm.

"Uncle reminds you that if you cast it three times, when the time comes, your origin will be consumed, there will be no possibility of progress in cultivation, and all sentient beings will stop at the realm of the Earth Immortal Realm, and then die at the end of their lives, and reincarnation will go.

As for whether you can still have a blessing to step into the immortal path immortal life in the next life, I won't say more, the two of you can also see how many people there are in the Terran Race Kyushu, the vast number of sentient beings, and those who have immortal roots.

And how many people with immortal roots can meet immortal origin and step into the immortal path. "

Once again, give the two good vaccinations.

"You two boys, do you remember your second uncle's words?" Seeing the seriousness of the second brother's explanation, Han Rong also knew the seriousness of this, and he had three chances to save his life.

However, after using it three times, it also cut off his future path, it is better to die directly, and maybe it is still possible to be a god.

"Ahhh Second uncle, is it really so serious? "

"Hehe, you think I'm joking!"

"Please rest assured that the nephew will not come in a mess, after the calamity, although the master will go to Penglai Immortal Mountain to practice, this can be regarded as returning the grace of Yin Shang."

Han Sheng and Han Chang looked at each other, nodded secretly, as if they had made up their minds, and promised Han Chen seriously.

And hearing the words of the two, Han Chen smiled bitterly in his heart, and went to Penglai?

Even if the two of you survive the calamity, this Penglai is afraid that he will not be able to go.

After the robbery of the law and the precepts, he went to the Western Sect, and if his two nephews returned safely, I think they would also follow them into the Western Sect, but in the end, they are also the Saint Sect, and who is not mixed up.

Unlike myself, I don't even have a backer.

'It is said that Houtu Niangniang is very optimistic about me, or I will turn to Houtu Niangniang, but with my current cultivation, I am afraid that Houtu Niangniang will not look at it.

Forget it, let's talk about it after cultivating Da Luo. ’

And at this moment, in the sky, a purple cloud flew...

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