And at this moment, in the sky, a purple cloud flew...

Ziyun looked like a fairy in her twenties, purple-clothed fairy skirt, a beautiful fairy with a gentle and lovely face, the corner of her mouth smiled in the direction of Han Chen, and Han Chen also saw this fairy.

The sudden arrival of the guests made Han Rong and several people at a loss, not knowing whether the visitor was a guest or an enemy.

"Han Chen visited Senior Sister Yunxiao, Senior Sister came from afar, Junior Brother was not welcome, and I hope that the world will forgive sins."

Seeing who was coming, Han Chen was overjoyed, but he didn't expect to see Yunxiao Fairy again so soon in a few years, although he called Yunxiao Senior Sister.

But in fact, he had only heard of the Heavenly Saint Dao once, and he was not a sect disciple at all.

On the contrary, because Sanxiao, especially Yunxiao, has a gentle personality, he treats the people of the Intercept Sect, but whether they are disciples of the Intercept Sect or not, they are very good, because Han Chen has listened to Yunxiao's preaching.

Therefore, the actual name of the master and apprentice exceeds the name of the senior sister and brother.

It's a pity that his qualifications are too low, and Han Chen doesn't have the confidence to worship under Yunxiao's door, otherwise, it would be a blessing to be able to worship under Yunxiao's Daluo Golden Immortal powerhouse.

However, although he did not worship under Yunxiao's door, when Han Chen was puzzled by his practice, he asked Yunxiao for advice, and the other party also took the trouble to teach carefully.

Therefore, Han Chen was still very grateful to Yunxiao Fairy in his heart.

No, seeing Yunxiao Fairy come to Xianshui Pass, Han Chen was very happy in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, 'I originally wanted to personally go to the East China Sea Three Immortal Island to exchange secrets with Senior Sister Yunxiao.

Unexpectedly, Yunxiao actually came to Xianshui Pass.

No, it is said that Senior Sister Yunxiao should not go out of the mountain! ’

Han Chen suddenly thought that Sanxiao followed the advice of the Tongtian Sage, meditated in the cave mansion, and recited the Huangting Dao Sutra to survive the Feng Shen Tribulation, and if he did it according to the words of Tongtian, he could pass it as said.

However, the fall of Brother Sanxiao, the first disciple of the outer sect of the Sect, Zhao Gongming, forced Sanxiao to go out of the mountain.

Now that Zhao Gongming hasn't come out of the mountain, why did Senior Sister Yunxiao come out of the mountain, isn't this stepping into the robbery industry?

Thinking of this, Han Chen couldn't help frowning.

"Senior sister is here to Xianshuiguan, is it passing by?"

And at this moment, Yunxiao also looked Han Chen up and down, with the complete cultivation of Da Luo Golden Immortal, where can not see Han Chen's roots, true immortal mid-stage cultivation, the body has a rich innate Dao rhyme.

This is a congenital divine.

Pangu Clan is innately divine, this kind of creation, to be honest, she Yunxiao is also envious, not to mention that she has also mastered a Heavenly Dao Divine Power.

"I haven't seen it for a few years, but my junior brother has done a lot of things, I'm afraid that after a while, my senior sister will ask my junior brother to protect me."

Yunxiao, who fell from the clouds, walked towards Han Chen and said with a smile.

"Senior sister quipped, with Senior Sister's cultivation, Junior Brother, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with it for another million years."

Hearing Yunxiao's words, Han Chen felt in his heart, and he understood in his heart that it seemed that this senior sister of Yunxiao knew his own affairs, and he was afraid that it was related to his achievement of innate sacredness.

"It's still hidden, to be honest, the chance of junior brother makes senior sister so envious."

This time, the senior sister did not pass by Xianshuiguan, but came to Xianshuiguan to find you on the order of the teacher, and the teacher intends to accept you as a disciple of the sect, let me announce, I don't know the meaning of the junior brother.

If the junior brother is unwilling, the teacher also has an explanation, and will not force it, if he is willing, I am afraid that I will call you senior brother in the future. "

When he said the last sentence, Yunxiao pretended to show an unpleasant expression.

Ancestral disciples and outer disciples are two concepts.

If Han Cheng worshiped under the Tongtian Gate of the Intercept Sect and became a disciple of the Sect of Interception, then Yunxiao, a disciple of the outer sect, really wanted to call Han Chen a senior brother.


Hearing Yunxiao's words, Han Chen's eyes widened, and Han Rong, Han Sheng, and Han Change's father and son next to him also opened their eyes wide, looking at Han Chen with incredible faces.

Isn't this younger brother refining a Dao bone, and he is favored by the saints.

That's unlikely.

However, I am still happy for Han Chen, think about it, this is a saint disciple, or a personal disciple, if his second brother successfully worships under the saint, then the old Han family, it is really developed.

Although it is not the only Terran disciple of the saint's family, there are not many disciples of the saint's family disciple in total.

In the future, his old Han family is afraid that he will become the first immortal clan in Kyushu.

It's exciting to think about, the father and son looked at Han Chen, their eyes kept making their eyes, they were afraid that Han Chen would be confused, refused, if not not allowed, they all wanted to agree for him.

'Saints? Sure enough, his own changes could not be concealed from the saint.

If you can worship under the saint's door and have a saint as a backer, you should be able to go smoothly on the road to the road in the future, and you don't have to worry about the fifty immortal-level exercises and nine god-level exercises. ’

Sect Intercept Sect disciples, all the exercises on the three layers of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion can be seen casually, which is one of Han Chen's advantages as a Sect Intercept Sect Sect Transmission Disciple.

It is also the most important thing for Han Chen now.

Although it is said that now that the Sealing God is calamitous, the Intercept Sect is being calculated by the four saints, and he is unable to return to the sky, and as a disciple of the Intercept Sect, he is at risk of falling, but Han Chen has created an incarnation to block the disaster.

The amount of robbery is irrelevant.

"Why, junior brother, don't you want to? Junior Sister also wants to ask Junior Brother for advice in the future. "

"What is Senior Sister saying, being able to worship a saint as a teacher, this is the dream of all living beings in the entire Flood World, how can I not be willing.

It's just that the advice that the senior sister said is the opposite, and it should be the junior brother who asks the world for advice. "

Yunxiao is now a Da Luo consummation, if he can avoid the Feng Shen calamity, the position of quasi-saint will definitely not be able to run, promoted to quasi-saint, looking at the mixed yuan, and himself, if you want to see the shadow of the mixed yuan, I don't know when you have to wait...

"It's so good, Junior Sister Yunxiao is here to meet Senior Brother."

"Junior sister can't make it, can't make it, junior brother will always be senior sister's junior brother."

And at this moment, a green cloud slowly flew in the sky, and above the green cloud was a graceful fairy, with beautiful eyebrows, and she was very good-looking....

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