And at this moment, a green cloud slowly flew in the sky, and above the green cloud was a graceful fairy, with beautiful eyebrows, and she was very good-looking....

The fairy walked down from the cloud in a blue robe.

"Yang Chan, a disciple of the Imperial Palace, meets Taichen Zhenjun!" The fairy first reported to the house to greet her.


At this time, not only Han Rong's father and son, but also Han Chen was a little surprised, what's the matter, why did Nuwa Niangniang also let people come, did they also want to take themselves as apprentices?

What, in the past, I begged my father to worship my grandmother, one by one, they were very arrogant, and a golden immortal was unwilling to accept himself, but now he has become a congenital sacred, which has attracted the attention of saints?

Han Chen also thought that Nuwa also let people come because she became a congenital divine.

And the person who came was actually the future Three Virgins Yang Chan.

"Taichen has seen fairies, I don't know why fairies are here?"

Feeling Yang Chan's unfathomable cultivation, Han Chen did not dare to snub, this Yang Chan also has an older brother Yang Jian, these two brothers and sisters are afraid that they are the hardest immortal second generation in the background of the Three Realms.

The uncle is the Great Tianzun, one master is a disciple of the saint, and one teacher is a saint.

You must know that Nuwa did not accept any of her own disciples, although this Yang Chan is only an outer disciple, her treatment is not bad, and all kinds of treasures such as innate lingbao are not stingy.

Such a background is no longer an ordinary second generation.

Han Chen, who had seen the Feng Shen Ren, but knew that this Yang Jian's entire Feng Shen was basically in a state of releasing water, that is, to plated gold and mix up the merit.

Yang Chan also looked at Han Chen curiously at this moment, not to mention that this newly born Pangu clan is quite handsome, and he is also valued by the teacher, and the future potential is afraid that it will not be under the second brother.

This is Yang Chan's true thoughts.

But when he saw that there was a female fairy next to him who could not see through the cultivation, all of a sudden, Yang Chan had a bad premonition in her heart, and when Yunxiao saw Yang Chan report herself and said that she was from the Wahuang Palace, Qiong Xiao also understood why the teacher ordered him not to force it at that time.

It seems that this new senior brother is quite sought-after.

"Yang Chan came to Xianshuiguan on the order of the teacher, because the teacher wanted to accept Zhenjun as a personal disciple, pass on the supreme creation mysterious true technique, and the use of many other aspects of mediation and creation.

I don't know what the real monarch wants? "

Yang Chan's words fell, Han Rong's father and son opened their eyes wide, looking at Han Chen as if they had seen a saint, when did his second brother (second uncle) become so sought-after.

First he was a Tongtian Saint, and now he is a Nuwa Saint.

Nuwa saint, this is the mother of the Terran race, the emperor of the three emperors of the Terran race is Nuwa's brother, if he worships under the Nuwa saint, the future is promising.

Well, worship under the door of the Tongtian Saint, it seems that it is also promising.

Forget it, I don't want to think about this, anyway, their old Han family is developed.

Han Rong's heart couldn't suppress the anxiety, constantly beating, Han Sheng and Han Chang both looked Han Chen up and down again as if they saw a different second uncle.

Why didn't the depressed saint take a fancy to himself.

And when Han Chen and Yunxiao heard this, they both felt in their hearts, 'Sure enough! The word ', Yunxiao is also emotional, thanks to himself to come first, otherwise whether his junior brother can stay or not has two words.

You must know that Nuwa is not a disciple.

Even those Nine Heavenly Xuannu were only named disciples, and the one named Yang Chan in front of him thought that he would also be a named disciple in the future.

In other words, if he worshipped under the door of the Nuwa saint, he would really be favored by thousands of people, and the saint's grace was favored alone.

Under such great luck, it is estimated that even a pig can preach Da Luo, and I don't want to think about myself, even if I am a congenital demon god, I still found a middle thousand world in the chaos to successfully preach Da Luo.

And Teacher Tongtian already has four family disciples, plus the junior disciple, that is, five family disciples, but the dispersion of grace is not better than the favor of grace alone.

As long as there is no problem with the brain, you know how to choose.

And Han Chen was speechless at the moment.

But as Yunxiao thought, he also knew the benefits of worshiping under Nuwa's door, Nuwa has a congenital treasure to suppress, luck is not lost, and intercepting the sect, the intercept sect is about to die.

Under the calculation of the four saints, the demise of the Truncated Sect was already inevitable, and this was not something that Han Chen and Tongtian could change with a few words of persuasion.

That's the way it goes.

Even if he had the Creation God Power Talisman, if there were other saints who chose it, he would definitely not worship under the sect.

'Well, if only you had come earlier, but alas...'

Although it was a pity in his heart, his face did not show it, but said with a little regret, "I have been blessed with the love of the Virgin Mother, but it is a pity that Taichen has already worshiped under the master and Venerable, but it is not good to change the court."

But let the fairy come for a trip, and asked the fairy for forgiveness. "

"Poor Dao Sect disciple Yunxiao has seen Yang Chan Daoyou, and Senior Brother Taichen has already worshiped under the teacher's door under the witness of Poor Dao before Daoyou came, but he disappointed the fairy."

Yunxiao also said with regret.


Yang Chan's heart was bad, this task was explained by her mother, and now she was actually preempted, if it was someone else, no one dared to disobey in the name of Nuwa Saint.

However, the other party is a heavenly saint.

'Teacher, I'm afraid the disciple won't be able to complete the task! ’

Thinking that her first mission was about to fail, Yang Chan was depressed in her heart, unwilling, raised her head, and resolutely looked straight at Han Chen again, her eyes revealing sincerity.

"Don't you think about it anymore, you must know that the true monarch is a Terran, and it is best to come and worship under the Terran Virgin."

Being looked at straight by Yang Chan, Han Chen felt longing in his heart.

'Girl, don't look at me like that, I'm afraid! ’

Well, if his Yunxiao Senior Sister wasn't here and was stared at like this by a Golden Immortal powerhouse, it really wouldn't be a simple matter....

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