"Does the fairy want me to betray the master?"

Hearing Han Chen's words, Yang Chan thought for a while, and also found that it was unreasonable, although the other party was a true monarch, how dare he betray the saint and rob the cause and effect with the saint.

Moreover, the cultivation of this sect immortal named Yunxiao in front of her is unfathomable, and it is not something she can fight against, and after thinking about it, she can only give up.

"Hmph, Zhenjun don't regret it in the future."

Saying that, the greeting did not hit directly, and the incarnation of a streamer fled into the distance, leaving only a few people who looked at each other, Han Chen smiled bitterly in his heart, this is hated by the future Three Virgins.

Involuntarily touched his nose and looked at Yunxiao.

"Senior sister, this matter is not clear to the junior brother, why did the Virgin of Nuwa set her eyes on me."

"You, don't say that you became a god of the Pangu clan, just talk about the mediation and creation you mastered, this is Nuwa Niangniang's line of divine powers, of course, I regard you as the person who inherits it."

Yunxiao also shook his head.

Han Rong and Han Sheng Han Cheng next to them heard Yunxiao's words, and they were blinded at the moment.


Pangu deity?

His second uncle became a god of the Pangu clan? What's going on, didn't his second uncle just refine the Dao bone, how did he become a god of the Pangu clan?

As a general of the great merchant and aristocracy, he still knows a little about cultivation.

Knowing the power of the Pangu clan's gods, this is the true Flood Wilderness orthodoxy, it was the Wu Clan who committed great karma and destroyed the Flood Famine, otherwise it is still a question whether the Terrans can become the protagonists of heaven and earth now.

The three fathers looked at Han Chen with doubtful eyes, and Han Chen did not explain anything.

"Junior Brother, what else does he have to explain?"

Yunxiao asked again, the meaning was very clear, if there was nothing else, he would take him to Penglai Immortal Island to meet the Tongtian Sect Lord.

"Senior sister, wait a minute."

Han Chen said, but saw a stream of light flying out from Han Chen's body, hey... Falling beside everyone, the appearance of the two Han Chen made several people do not know why.

The people who don't know about the doppelganger, the incarnation technique, or something.

Ordinary doppelganger techniques, even cultivators who have not entered the Immortal Dao can cultivate.

What's more, Han Sheng Han has become such an immortal cultivator.

But Yunxiao, who had successfully cultivated with the Great Luo Golden Immortal, saw the difference in the doppelganger technique, "Junior Brother, this is your incarnation technique?" How can I not see through something..."

"Senior Sister Yunxiao, I think you should know the purpose of Junior Brother coming to Yin Shang a few years ago, right?"

Yunxiao nodded.

In fact, this is still Yunxiao pointing him out.

"A few years ago, the immortal path was difficult to find, and under the guidance of my senior sister, I went to the Terran race and borrowed the seal of God to measure the robbery, in order to seek a god position, which can be regarded as a way to obtain an immortal life.

But he couldn't get the Pangu legacy, becoming a supreme blessing, and Da Luo can be expected.

However, it has entered the red dust, and the calamity is added, if you do not survive this calamity, I am afraid that it will be unfavorable to cultivation. "

Han Chen said with a wry smile.

"And the incarnation technique of junior brother is precisely refined by mediating the creation of divine powers, which is extremely mysterious, and can block robbery and avoid disasters for the Buddha-figure, but it is to trouble Daoists."

Han Chen said with a smile at the avatar.

"Brother Dao, just go, here will be handed over to me."

The avatar didn't care, and responded with a smile.


When Yunxiao heard this, he was stunned, and his heart said that this mediation creation was really mysterious, and there was actually such an anti-heavenly effect, blocking disasters, or the disaster of red dust in the calamity.

If this thing is so easy to block, the second generation of Da Luo Golden Immortal will not rely on accepting disciples to block the disaster.

Immediately, Han Chen took out two beads.

Two glazed beads flew towards Han Sheng and Han Change, "What I said before, I hope you two remember, otherwise you will regret it later in the future." "

Han Sheng Han changed the two beads, the beads entered the body, and immediately understood the use of the beads, and their faces were overjoyed.

"Thank you Second Uncle for this treasure, Second Uncle rest assured, my nephew will not mess around."


So, eldest brother, two nephews, see you later..."

After the two sides said goodbye, purple clouds rose under Yunxiao's feet, slowly rose with Han Chen, and disappeared over Xianshui Pass...


"Abominable, abominable!"

Yuquan Mountain Jinxia Cave, above, on a green cloud, a beautiful fairy, the anger in her mouth could not be stopped, "Hahaha, who provoked our third sister to be angry." "

"Second brother!" Hearing the voice, Yang Chan was overjoyed and quickly flew towards the cave sky.

Entering the cave mansion, Yang Chan told what he had experienced, Yang Jian was surprised when he heard this, and turned his head to look at the Yuding Zhenren on the side, he practiced eight and nine Xuan Gong, and his strength had entered the realm of six turns.

It is comparable to the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, although it is not as good as Da Luo, but this Xuan Gong, the flesh is invincible, even Da Luo is difficult to break.

But in the end, it is not Da Luo, and he does not know much about this Taichen Zhenjun.

"Oh? I didn't expect that there would be such a lucky person, I got an explanation from the master brother before, saying that the master had an explanation, if you encounter the new Pangu clan, you can introduce it into the sect, and the master still has a reward.

Unexpectedly, this new Pangu Clan and the Taichen Zhenjun who was mediated by Wu Zhi were actually the same person......

So come here, in Xianshui Pass, has already worshiped under the sect? "

Yuding Zhenren once again confirmed the general question.

"That's exactly the case, his real name is Han Chen, Dao number Taichen, and now he probably has gone to the sect with that female fairy named Yunxiao..."

"It's a pity, it's a sadness, now that the calamity has come, the sect has no supreme treasure to suppress, and the luck of qi has been corrupted, and the destruction is imminent, I am afraid that this son will be in danger of falling."

It's a pity that he is in the bloodline of Pangu Yan. "

Yuding Zhenren shook his head and said....

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