To get Pangu to create the relic, to achieve mediation creation, and then with the help of mediation to create this heavenly Dao divine power to rebel against the origin, to achieve the Pangu clan gods, such opportunities, to be honest, even if Yuding real people he envied.

In fact, he can be regarded as half of the Pangu clan.

After all, he is an innate spirit treasure jade that Pangu teeth have transformed, and the origin comes from the Oh Zheng Great God, but in the end, he has already transformed, so he cannot be regarded as a Pangu lineage.

And this Taichen.

If it is created for a few years, maybe there are really good achievements, think about it, the Pangu line is simple, and the Pangu line that exists now is at least at the level of a saint.

Unfortunately, it was born too late.

Now he is only a true immortal cultivator, moreover, he is still in the wrong position, worshiping under the gate of Tongtian, in his opinion, he is a master uncle of Tongtian, there is no supreme treasure to suppress qi luck, and the disciples of the sect are too mixed, and there are many people who corrupt qi luck for disaster.

Now the God Sealing Tribulation, as long as the discerning people can see it.

Master Uncle and Master Venerable are joining forces to deal with Senior Uncle Tongtian, otherwise, who will fill so many divine positions.

This is too much, entering the Xianshui Pass, which shows that the amount of robbery is added to the body, the robbery is not washed, it is difficult to become enlightened, and now there is a wrong master's door, and if you can't say it, you have to go to the god platform.

It is precisely because of this that Yuding Zhen pity this ancient bloodline.

If you practice the Xuanmen Apologetic Divine Skill "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" with this Pangu bloodline, I am afraid that it will far surpass Yang Jian, a disciple of his human and divine body.

After all, "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" is deduced from the inheritance of the Wu Clan's incomplete "Nine Turns Xuan Gong" and the Sanqing part of "Nine Turns Xuan Gong", although it does not require Pangu bloodline requirements, but it is obviously more suitable for Pangu bloodline practitioners to practice.

"What? Senior, are you saying that Taichen Zhenjun will fall? "

I don't know why, hearing that Taichen was about to fall, Yang Chan was a little unhappy in her heart, although she hated not knowing how to lift, but she still didn't want any accidents from the other party.

"In the calamity, who dares to be sure, even if I cultivate in the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, I dare not pack a ticket and return from the Tribulation intact, not to mention that it only has a true immortal cultivation."

"How can this work, the teacher said to find him to take over the job."

Yang Chan was immediately anxious and said the words in her heart, although Nuwa did not say it directly, but it was probably such a meaning, how she said it was also practiced by Nuwa's side for many years.

I often see my teacher tinkering with the problems in the flood world.

Others are not familiar, just the four heavenly pillars, her teacher basically has to go once in 10,000 years to repair and strengthen them, otherwise, how can the four heavenly pillars experience the years and support the entire big world.

And hearing Yang Chan's words, Yuding Zhenren's eyes froze.

At this moment, he also knew why the Nuwa sage wanted to take that Taichen Zhenjun as an apprentice, it turned out to be for this purpose.

In this way, with two saints protecting him, I am afraid that this son will not be in danger of falling.

If it is really a good fate, the blessing of this son, I am afraid that the junior disciple of Yunzhongzi, who is known as a meritorious true immortal, cannot compare with it. ’

"Okay, Third Sister, you haven't completed Nuwa Niangniang's task now, what are you going to do next, go back to the palace, or travel in the mortal world?"

"Second brother, I didn't complete the teacher's task, and I am afraid that the third sister will go back without face.

Moreover, the teacher did not inform me, it is estimated that he wanted me to experience in the world, after all, after so many years of practicing in front of the teacher, I don't know the outside world, come to the mortal world to experience, broaden my horizons, and it is also helpful to improve the realm. "

"Then don't run around, follow the second brother, now it's the Feng Shen Tribulation, it's too dangerous outside, you walk outside, the second brother can't rest assured."

The two brothers and sisters depend on each other and have deep feelings, and Yang Jian doesn't want Yang Chan to have an accident.

"Okay. I don't run around, and Niangniang gave me a powerful magic weapon, there will definitely be no danger, by the way, when I passed through the Heavenly Court when I went down, the queen mother Niangniang sent me ten peaches.

Second brother, you taste it, it's very sweet. Saying that, I saw ten peach laughing at the mouth of the bowl, which was taken out by Yang Chan.

The moment the peach appeared, it was wrapped in a stream of fairy light, and the rich aura and penetrating aroma made people intoxicated.

"Good fellow, it's still a nine-thousand-year-old purple-striped peach, I didn't expect the queen mother to be quite generous to you."

Even if I am a teacher of the peach, I can only eat so many three at the Peach Conference, come, good apprentice, don't be polite! Saying that, Yuding Zhenren didn't see anything at all, and reached out to get a peach.

While beckoning Yang Jian to eat, seeing the master look like this, Yang Jian shook his head helplessly, but also took one and put it in his mouth and took a bite, and suddenly the sweetness turned into a clear spring pouring into his heart, how a cool word...


Penglai Immortal Mountain, the base camp of the Truncated Sect.

It is said that it is Penglai Immortal Mountain, but it is not actually a mountain, but it is composed of thousands of large and small immortal mountain groups, which are all formed by chaotic fragments falling in the East China Sea.

It's just that these small immortal mountains are assimilated and absorbed by the world, dissipating the innate characteristics, and there are no innate spiritual veins on them.

However, even if there is no innate spiritual vein, it is still a good spiritual mountain blessed land.

There are only three innate spiritual veins, namely Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou, which are the three innate immortal islands, especially Penglai Immortal Mountain, with an area of 300,000 li, which is twice the size of the two immortal mountains of Fangzhang and Yingzhou combined.

That's exactly what happened.

It will be called Penglai Immortal Mountain.

Immortal mountain blessed land, in the Biyou Palace, surrounded by fairy mist, there are 10,000 acres of green lotus ponds, immortal koi in the pond leaping into the sky, and cranes dancing and dancing with the wind...

At this moment, in the palace, there were young Daoists sitting quietly on it, and there were four people on the front futon below, one man and three women, and there were seven Da Luo Immortals standing next to them.

In the center below, a young man and a woman bow down to the young Daoist above!

"Disciple (Yunxiao) Taichen visited Shizun (teacher), wished Shizun (teacher) a holy life without boundaries, and early proof of the road Pangu."

"Hahaha, good, good, please, good apprentice, please get up quickly..."

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