Han Chen stood up, with a lot of emotion in his heart, and finally worshiped under the saint's door.

As a flood creature, the best opportunity is actually to worship under the saint's door, as long as you worship under the saint's door, you don't need to worry about resources, Penglai Islands, Nayingzhou and Fangzhang, the two innate islands can open a dojo at will.

I don't want to think before, although it was called the Penglai Sect Scattered Practice, but except when the saint preached, he was not qualified to go to the Penglai Three Islands at other times.

Become a saint disciple, and take the exercises casually.

You can also get the guidance of the Jiejiao high cultivator and get the guidance of the saint.

As for the four requirements of cultivation, wealth and law, as for money, hehe, become a saint disciple, will there still be a lack of resources, it is estimated that even the innate spirit treasure will not be lacking.

This is the benefit of a saint disciple.

Therefore, Han Chen knew that the big ship was going to break, but he still chose to get on this ship, after all, risks and benefits coexist, and there is no good thing to drop pies in the sky.

Moreover, Han Chen believed that even if the ship was destroyed, he would still be able to save himself.

Glancing around, the four disciples sitting in front should be the four disciples of the Sect, while the seven standing next to them should be the disciples of the inner sect of the Sect and the Seven Immortals accompanying the Heavenly Saint.

When Han Chen looked at the four disciples, Duo Bao and the others were also looking at Han Chen.

I already knew from the master before, Han Chen's bottom was fine, but it was still full of surprise, this kid was too lucky.

The only male disciple, the master brother of the Jiao Sect, the Duo Bao Daoist, Han Chen had seen and had purchased the technique of "Nine Pins Immortal Record" from his hand.

The other three senior sisters had never seen them before.

However, when consecrating the gods, except for the Wudang Virgin, the other two did not end well, especially the Turtle Spirit Virgin, even the divine soul was partially sucked away, and finally led to the crippled divine soul.

As a result, a Da Luo Golden Immortal, a disciple of the Truncated Sect, did not even have a divine position, and could only be reincarnated and left.

And the seven inner disciples next to him, the best to mix in the end should be Dingguang Immortal and Bilu Immortal, relatively recently, these two people finally mixed into the Buddha fruit position in the Western Buddha Gate.

Of course, there is also the Golden Hoop Immortal, but there is no place to introduce it later, and Han Chen is not clear.

"Thank you Master, Senior Brother has seen all the senior sisters and senior brothers!"

"Hahaha, good junior brother!"

"Now, you enter my door as my fifth disciple, but you cannot live without a protective treasure." Tong Tian thought about it, only to see a little in his hand, and a divine light flew out.

Appeared in front of Han Chen and Yunxiao.

They are a three-foot fairy sword, a set of armor, and a red and blue gourd.

The cyan long sword and armor flew towards Han Chen, while the red and blue gourd came to Yunxiao.

"This..." saw the gourd in front of him.

"Yunxiao, for the master to know that you are blessed, the qualifications and understanding are all first-class in the three realms, but unfortunately, the four of your brothers and sisters are connected by luck, and if the master has the supreme treasure to suppress the luck, you can no longer accept disciples.

Otherwise, no matter what the teacher says, he will accept you as a personal disciple.

However, although you cannot be accepted as a personal disciple, you can hold this treasure.

This treasure is the innate gourd on the Chaos Immortal Vine of Buzhou Mountain, and it has been refined into a superb innate spirit treasure for the master, known as the water and fire gourd, which has the innate origin of water and fire, and when this treasure is cast, it can summon two quasi-saint late stage cultivation water and fire unicorns, and the combat power is extraordinary.

In the hands of the master, this treasure is a pearl covered in dust, and the food is tasteless.

Take it to the path! "

The meaning in Tongtian's words is very clear, he wants to accept Yunxiao as a personal disciple, but the four Yunxiao brothers and sisters are lucky, and if they receive one, they will take the other three together.

It is a pity that there is no innate supreme treasure or acquired merit supreme treasure to suppress the great sect's qi luck.

I can't stand so many disciples.

I can only give up geniuses such as Yunxiao.

And accepting Han Chen is also because he has half of Pangu Qi luck on his body, and no one can take this Pangu Qi luck away.

As a Daluo Golden Immortal who has successfully cultivated, Yunxiao has already understood everything about qi luck, of course, he knows the Dao in it, and there is no dissatisfaction in his heart.

On the contrary, because of this innate gourd, my heart is in a very good mood.

Her brother and sister only have two magic weapons, a mixed yuan golden dou, although they have realized a powerful formation, but this mixed yuan golden dou is actually only a top-grade innate spirit treasure.

There is also that golden jiao scissors, that is, the dragon flesh body of the ancient Da Luo above the heavens, plus the ultimate Houtian Lingbao refined by various innate divine materials.

Although the power is good, it is still a little less interesting for Yunxiao, a Da Luo Cheng powerhouse.

And now with this superb innate spirit treasure water and fire gourd, in this way, the three sisters can each have a talisman magic weapon.

Yes, Yunxiao collected the magic weapon and quickly thanked him.

"Disciple, thank you teacher for the treasure." Full of joy, he retreated to the side under the gaze of the seven immortals who accompanied him.

Can you not envy, this is the ultimate innate spirit treasure, the seven of them do not have it, but they dare not have other ideas, jokes, this is Yunxiao.

Da Luo Jinxian is a complete powerhouse.

What kind of cultivation they have, they can enter the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and the seven joint forces are estimated to be not enough for each other to beat.

However, when Duo Bao and the others saw the magic weapon in front of Han Chen, they all gasped, and they were surprised to think about how his master could give such a magic weapon to this little junior disciple.

This is too graceful....

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