For the shock of Duo Bao and the others, Tong Tian did not care, but instead looked at Han Chen with a smile.

"Taichen apprentice.

These two treasures in front of you have a origin, this armor is called the Tai Void God Armor, the earth fetal membrane is transformed, it is the ultimate innate spirit treasure, and the defense is not under the innate five-square flag.

This sword is transformed by the green lotus leaf of the innate treasure fourteenth grade creation, and is called the Qingping sword.

Although it is not a congenital supreme treasure, there are also some innate supreme treasure power, which is not the supreme treasure defensive magic weapon can be blocked.

These two treasures can also be regarded as the most precious treasure for the master to protect the Dao, and I hope that in the future, you can use this two treasures to preach the Dao mixed yuan, so that you can no longer be expected by the master! "

Even if it wasn't for that half-Shen Pangu luck, Tongtian valued Han Chen very much.

After all, it is a Pangu lineage, as long as it is a Pangu lineage, it will be favored by heaven and earth, except of course for those who want to die like the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan.

With the favor of heaven and earth, the road of cultivation will often be smooth, and with a little effort, Da Luo will succeed.

As for preaching mixed elements, it depends on your great wisdom and perseverance.

This is not something that can be decided by following his feet, but, in general, Han Chen is definitely the most promising person among his sect and even the entire Xuanmen disciples.

Even Duo Bao can't compare.

In this way, the talent, of course, Tongtian must be cultivated well, and even his own Dao Supreme Treasure Qingping Sword has been taken out.

Hearing that this newly worshiped master would send the ultimate magic weapon as soon as he came, Han Chen was of course happy, but he didn't expect that the magic weapon sent was such a heaven-defying thing.

Qingping Sword, this is the greatest treasure of the saint's preaching.

Although you have the Four Immortal Swords in your hand, the power of the Qingping Sword is not comparable, but the Qingping Sword has a special status in the Sect, even if you don't want it, you shouldn't be a disciple of True Immortal Cultivation for me.

Taking this Qingping sword, needless to say, is equivalent to the deputy sect leader of the Intercept Sect.

Let him be a true immortal disciple as the deputy sect leader, he doesn't dare to take it, he can't catch it!

Yi quickly refused

"This, this..... Master, this sword master preached the supreme treasure, which has important symbolic significance in our teaching, and the disciples only have true immortal cultivation, which is not enough to accept this treasure, and also ask the master to take back his life. "

The four people next to Duo Bao, the attendants of the Seven Immortals, and Yunxiao also looked nervously at the sick Qingping sword in front of Han Chen, the sage magic weapon.

Teacher, is this crazy, what kind of cultivation is this kid?

He also deserves such a magic weapon?

Even if you don't give it to us, you have to give it to senior brothers and sisters.

Sui Qixian secretly thought in his heart, especially the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, "It's so unfair, I have been carefully and respectfully serving you for hundreds of thousands of years, but I have never been accepted as a personal disciple."

Now as soon as this kid comes, you will accept it as a personal disciple, that's all, and also give two superb innate spirit treasures, even the saint's magic weapon, what is this kid?

Isn't it a median innate demon god?

Who isn't! Like my first divine rabbit in Kaitian, I am also a middle innate demon god, and I am a Daluo Golden Immortal cultivator, how can the treatment be so different?

Is it because he and your colleague Pangu are bloodline?

Hmph, such a truncated teaching is not stupid.

A while ago, the Junti saint happened to ask me to join the Western Shimen, and I also wanted to accept it as a personal disciple, passing on the supreme Yin and Yang Blissful Way, well, it seems that it is time to leave.

Moreover, this kid still has two superb innate spirit treasures in his hands, and this news must be told to that Junti Saint, which can be regarded as a merit..."

The long-eared Dingguang Immortal was very dissatisfied at the moment, but he did not show it, but glanced at the Bilu Immortal, and the Bilu Immortal also glanced at the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, flashing the same light, as if he had a spiritual rhino.

"Hahaha, this Qingping sword is just a magic weapon, but it was just that he preached for the master back then, and added the sense of preaching to it, so that its power surpassed the ordinary superb innate spirit treasure.

What a special meaning is there?

In the end, this treasure is not a congenital treasure, and its power is not comparable to the four swords of the Immortals.

At most, it is to eat dust and dust treasures.

It is better to give it to you as a means of protection.

You just take it well, work hard to practice in the future, as a Pangu bloodline, you have endless potential, you are expected to mix the yuan, but the teacher is very much looking forward to continuing the friendship with you on the mixed yuan road in the future! "

What the?

It is expected to mix, this is what the saint said.

The words of the saint, but they will not say nonsense, saying that it is expected to mix yuan, that is, it is really expected to mix yuan, hearing this, everyone else looked at Han Chen with shock and envy.

And Yunxiao Fairy's eyes flashed with a trace of essence, and his heart was indeed so.

'Hissing... This son, this son, actually has the hope of mixing elements? This, how is this possible...'

At this moment, the long-eared Dingguang Immortal's heart was full of jealousy, although he felt that Tongtian was unfair, although he looked down on Han Chen, he would definitely not think that the saint was lying.

The existence of the saint, the body and the Tao, is immortal and immortal, it is impossible to tell lies, and the words of the saint are generally regular, that is to say, it is very likely to happen.

Even if the Word is sanctified.

Because of the countless approximate events that may occur in the future, as long as one thing, even one in 100 million, means that it is likely to succeed.

Having said that, it means that Tongtian has seen one or more events of Taichen Dao from countless events in the future.

In the face of other people, the saint had never said such things, and even in the face of Duobao, they had not heard their master say that Duobao had the opportunity to mix.

For the saints have not seen a single event of sanctification in the infinite river of time.

"This son, it's terrifying!"

At this moment, the disciples present, including Duo Bao, thought in their hearts.

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