And the most important thing is that this Dao can also absorb the Qi of Chaos with the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus, which can be transformed into the energy of heaven and earth to nourish the evolution of the world.

That day, Dao Qinglian was at least able to rebel against the innate under the influence of the world.

After the world evolves into a great world, this Heavenly Dao Green Lotus can at least become an innate spiritual root comparable to the innate supreme treasure level.


At this moment, Han Chen really gasped, it was too against the sky, not only could he create a great world, but also let himself break through the Mixed Yuan Saint, and he was able to have an innate treasure.

Such a heaven-defying exercise, just ask who else.

Moreover, to practice this path, there is no need to worry about luck.

You must know that the luck of the current flood and desolation world has basically been divided up, where there are other people to interfere in the share, if you want to intervene, that is, to join a certain force.

It was as if Han Chen had joined the Intercept Sect now.

Becoming a disciple of the Intercept Sect, he also participated in the division of qi luck.

However, these lucks are not enough to support becoming a saint, because other people want to preach sanctification, the premise is not what Hongmeng purple qi, after all, Hongmeng purple qi is only to reduce the difficulty of preaching mixed elements.

The real necessary condition is to accumulate enough luck.

There is no way to find the luck of the Great World of the Flood Desolation, and it can only be found elsewhere, that is, in the chaos, if a great world is found in the chaos, this is definitely enough to support the luck of a Dao Chaoyuan.

Unfortunately, if you want to find the Great World in the chaos, it is basically impossible, at least not a single saint has found it so far.

At most, it is just to find one or two Middle Thousand Worlds.

A heavenly boss like Yunxiao, who holds two middle thousand worlds and dozens of small thousand worlds, is definitely very few in the flood wilderness, even if he is a quasi-saint, he may not be able to find a few small thousand worlds in the chaos.

Therefore, now the cultivators of the Flood Desolation World, who want to preach, have basically been stuck.

And Han Chen doesn't need it, this "Hongmeng Divine Dao" is the way of the trinity of heaven and earth to rule the world, and the world fruit position is Han Chen's power, but Han Chen is not the world.

However, he can rely on the power of the world to achieve the promotion of his own life level.

"In this way, I have to go to Sanxian Island."

Practicing this path, the higher the level of the world, the better.

After all, this exercise is mainly to create a heavenly court, and use the three personalities of heaven and earth to control the world's origin authority, so as to promote the evolution of the world, and then achieve a breakthrough in one's own cultivation.

Of course, you can also practice by yourself.

Think about it, the world used to promote from a small thousand world to a large thousand world, the effort must be far more than the promotion from the middle thousand world to a large thousand world.

As far as Han Chen knew, he owned the Middle Thousand World, and only Yunxiao Fairy was friendly with him.

In his hands, he is in charge of two worlds.

"But in what way and how to exchange?"

The value of a middle thousand world is immeasurable, think of the dojo opened up by the six holy houses, that is, the middle thousand world, and the bliss world opened up by the two is the top middle thousand world.

Jumping down on the flood wilderness all day and bragging about how good his Elysium is, to fool the ignorant geniuses of the flood wilderness into joining the West.

Although it is a flicker, it also shows that the Middle Thousand World is really rare.

'Exchange with magical powers? ’

Thinking about it and shaking his head, obviously it will not work, although Yunxiao is a disciple of the outer sect of the Jiejiao Sect, but as a disciple of the Jiejiao Sect of Da Luo Jinxian, there is no lack of magical powers.

At least Tiangang thirty-six magical powers she did not lack.

Moreover, it is not so simple to think that if you want to practice a divine power, it is enough for a Da Luo Golden Immortal to be able to fully master a supreme divine power throughout his life.

"For the sake of preaching, it is only a Dharma, and it does not hurt not to teach it."

In fact, the practice of "Hongmeng Divine Dao", Han Chen is also ready to wait for himself to preach the Honghuang after preaching in the future, and like the Hongjun Dao Ancestor, he will preach the way of the three corpses of the Hongjun Dao Ancestor to harvest the luck of the listeners.

The premise is that you need to wait until you preach yourself.

And now, now that his cultivation was too low, Han Chen decided to master a Attack Divine Ability first.

As for attacking divine powers, Tiangang thirty-six divine powers, Han Chen can learn them, but these divine powers, even if they are learned, need strong mana support and cannot last.

It is the supreme divine power of his own bloodline inheritance.

This is not only a divine ability to attack the power of heaven and earth, but also a divine ability to make talismans.

It is possible to prepare in advance....

At that time, make hundreds of god-level talisman seals, and each one thrown out is at least the attack of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and even the power attack of the quasi-saint level, it is a little crazy to think about.

After deciding, Han Chen directly threw his divine thoughts into that enlightenment card!


"No, use the Gokudo card!"


In the Divine Sea, the Saint-level Enlightenment Card was activated, and the Supreme Divine Power Heavenly Seal suddenly flashed in Han Chen's mind, and at this moment he found that his body seemed to be occupied by Pangu Great God.

Or become a Pangu god yourself, and constantly learn, use, and master the supreme god of the Tongtian Seal.


Opening his eyes again, Han Chen felt that the power of the rules of the world was in front of him, and there was no secret at all.

Thunder, power, speed, time, space, yin and yang, five elements, etc...

These powers, Han Chen can borrow them at will when he casts magical powers, and he can analyze these powers and make them in the form of runes, and when the time comes to use them, he only needs to take out the runes to stimulate the enemy.

Otherwise, with the magic power of a true immortal, if you directly borrow it, you really can't borrow it many times.

"My current control of the rune path is estimated to be the highest realm of the entire Flood Barren.

Fu Dao, by the way, the way of refining weapons, the way of alchemy, and the way of formation of Sanqing, do they also have related magical powers? "

Thinking that he had controlled the supreme power of the rune, he couldn't help but think of the field that Sanqing was good at.

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