"I've seen the master!"

Han Chen walked out of the retreat room with a full harvest, looking at the two boys in front of him, how they were also their own people, but they still didn't know the names, which was a little undeserved.

"Well, it's not just you two who have a Dao number?"

"Back to the master, Master Duobao gave us Mingyu and Mingjue."

The two boys replied very obediently, "Well, in the future, when I am not at home, this mansion will be handed over to you to take care of." "

"Sir, please rest assured, we will take care of the master's mansion seriously."

Nonsense, of course, they will take care of it seriously, they are not some Jiejiao disciples, they are not qualified to live on Penglai Immortal Island, and becoming a boy of a Jiejiao disciple is definitely a big blessing for them.

Not only do you not have to leave Penglai Immortal Island, but you can also get the reward of the master in this core area.

After all, the old man is a disciple of the Sect, and casually leaking a little from his fingers is enough to fatten them.

"Do you have a practice method?"

"Back to the master, Master Duobao passed down a straight golden immortal's "Star Recipe"." Saying that, he quickly showed the jade Jane of the magic to Han Chen, and Han Chen took the jade Jane and looked at it.

I immediately understood the approximate, after all, it was a person who had experienced the saint-level exercises.

I can't create, but I will appreciate it, I know it's good or bad, to be honest, this trick is much better than the "Nine Pins Immortal Record" that I practiced before.

Sure enough, it was the seventh grade official in front of the prime minister's door.

"Although it is a little worse, it is still enough for you now, practice hard, and when I have the opportunity, I will pass on a high-level true tip to you."

The qualifications of the two are actually good, the immortal jade shape, the qualification, at least quite high-grade immortal root.

Such qualifications, if there are good exercises, sufficient resources, golden immortals are not difficult, Tai Yi is also promising, as for, Da Luo..... This thing depends on your own luck.

After all, congenital limitations, this thing, if there is merit to help, is still very good.

But without merit, then it has to rely on innate treasures, there are many innate treasures between heaven and earth, so although the Great World of Flood Barren is a supreme world, with a strong origin, but the real Great Luo Golden Immortal is numerous.

The exercises of truncated teaching cannot be taught casually, and the exercises of others cannot be taught casually.

The so-called law cannot be passed on, mainly because it will produce cause and effect.

It doesn't matter if the person who created this method teaches it, but what others teach is to form cause and effect with the person who created it, and cause and effect is the most troublesome thing in the flooded world.

Light will make it difficult for you to cultivate an inch, and heavy will make you lucky, go crazy, and cultivate for a while.

Of course, if you summarize his exercises and pass them on in the form of sermons, it will have no effect, and you can still get the merit of education.

This is also why some cultivators above the Great Luo Golden Immortal always like to preach when they are fine.

With Han Chen's cultivation, if he wants to create exercises that surpass the "Star Recipe", it is estimated that he will have to wait until what year and month, at least it must be a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

If others hear this, they definitely know that they are drawing bread.

Of course, Han Chen has a golden finger, so Han Chen thinks that he is not painting cakes.

And, hearing Han Chen's words, the two boys did not feel that Han Chen was painting cakes at all, but they were very excited, after all, their master was a disciple of the saint.

Even if the cultivation is not high now, it can be later.

Will it be simple for people who can be favored by the saints, since the old man promised them, I think that what will be realized to them in the future is that they are full of hope for the future at this moment.

Quickly knelt down and thanked him.

"Disciple thank the master, don't worry, I will definitely practice hard later, and I will take good care of the master's mansion."

"Well, that's good."


Walking out, Dongfu, Han Chen was ready to go to find Tongtian Master Venerable and bid farewell to one or two.

Who knows, Master Zun is actually not in Biyou Palace and has just gone out.

Next to the 10,000-acre lotus pond, Han Chen and Duobao stood on the shore.

"Senior Brother, the green lotus of this 10,000-acre lotus pond is all cultivated from the root whiskers of the green lotus?"

"Hongmeng Divine Dao" needs to give birth to the Heavenly Dao Qinglian.

But this Heavenly Dao Green Lotus needs the heir Spirit Root of the Chaos Green Lotus.

After all, the part of the Heavenly Dao Qinglian of Hongmeng Divine Dao was obtained by collecting the data of the "Qinglian Sword Song" created by the Qingping Sword that was transformed by the creation of Qingping leaves by the heavens.

Therefore, I thought of how precious my senior brother was, and I thought that there should be a descendant spirit root about the Chaos Green Lotus.

Unexpectedly, when asked, the other party actually said that the green lotus of the Qianwanmu lotus pond of Biyou Palace was actually the heir of the chaotic green lotus, which really shocked Han Chen and inexplicable.

"Junior Brother, you don't know.

At the beginning of Buzhou Mountain, Master Venerable and the two uncles jointly discovered the innate treasure of the Creation Green Lotus.

Under the witness of Master Hongjun, the origin of the green lotus was divided into three, the green lotus leaf was obtained by the master, the white lotus root was obtained by the second master, and the lotus flower was obtained by the master.

The origin is divided into three points, but there is still a root that has lost the origin of the creation green lotus.

Although the rhizome is not as good as the three treasures, it is also an innate spiritual object.

Therefore, the master and the two masters divided it into parts, carefully cultivated, and each had its own harvest, thinking that the colorful immortal lotus in the hands of the senior disciple of Taiyi was cultivated from the root of the green lotus.

The same is true of these 10,000 acres of green lotus.

Although it is no longer an innate spiritual object, but under the nourishment of our innate spiritual vein with chaotic attributes, it has been bred into a good divine object, and this green lotus has a trace of creation opportunity to refine the elixir, but it is very good. "

Receiving Duo Bao's explanation, Han Chen suddenly understood.

"Thank you, Senior Brother for your guidance."

"By the way, what does Junior Brother want this Chaos Green Lotus descendant to do, does Junior Brother also want to refine pills?" Duo Bao asked nicely.

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