With the cultivation of the Da Luo Golden Immortal, plus the innate spirit treasure protection in the chaos is still dangerous, there is no problem in the general situation, if you encounter a chaos storm, let alone the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Even if a quasi-saint powerhouse does not have a superb innate defense spirit treasure in his hand, he may be able to account for it inside.

At the beginning, Yunxiao was walking in the chaos in the realm of the Etheric Golden Immortal.

You can imagine the danger involved.

But it was precisely because of the original adventure into chaos that it found a middle thousand world, and it was a middle thousand world as a support that allowed it to successfully break through the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Because relying on the Middle Thousand Worlds to become a Da Luo Golden Immortal, after becoming a Da Luo Golden Immortal, Yunxiao will walk chaos to find other worlds.

Over time, slowly, it has accumulated dozens of worlds.

Among them, there are two middle thousand worlds, and the other small thousand worlds have low-level, middle-level, high-level, and even top-level small thousand worlds, although these worlds are of extraordinary value.

However, Yunxiao cannot play its full value.

Especially those small thousand worlds, completely placed by Yunxiao, generally not much management, but the middle thousand world, Yunxiao with Da Luo cultivation, refining and controlling the world's heavenly way.

Then, use the World Heavenly Dao to help you realize the Dao.

Not to mention, this is much stronger than just practicing on your own, which is why it surpasses other sect disciples.

Now..... I heard that this junior brother of myself was going to enter my own world.

Yunxiao did not frown, but still nodded and waved his hand casually.

The fire and water gourd appeared in front of the two.

She who is in charge of the origin of the world, although she is in the flood world, but if she wants to enter her own world, she does not need to cross, the wall crystal of the flood world, only need to summon the supreme treasure that carries the authority of the world, and can shuttle through space directly into the world she controls under the power of the supreme treasure.

Previously, Yunxiao used the Mixed Yuan Golden Dou to carry the authority of all the worlds he controlled.

But after getting the Water and Fire Gourd, Yunxiao gave the Mixed Yuan Golden Dou to Qiong Xiao, and all the world authority imprints on it were transferred to the Water and Fire Gourd, the ultimate innate spirit treasure.

In the past, it would take some time to open the door of the world with the Mixed Yuan Golden Dou.

And now, with the ultimate innate spirit treasure, the gate of the world, the moment Yunxiao Shi displayed the gourd, he appeared in front of the two people.

Yunxiao secretly said in his heart, 'It's still a superb innate spirit treasure that is easy to use.' ’

"Junior Brother, follow me."

Saying that, Yunxiao stepped into the door of the world in one step, and Han Chen hurriedly followed.

"This world, which I named the Five Spirits World, is a high-level Middle Thousand World that Senior Sister found in the chaos after breaking through the middle stage of Daluo, and the level is no longer under the Saint Field.

It is precisely by relying on this world, your senior sister, and I have been able to achieve the Daluo Perfection Realm. "

Following the clouds, a golden bridge was formed under his feet, leading directly to the nine heavens above the world, and there was no supreme wonderland.

And hearing Yunxiao's words, Han Chen was shocked in his heart, knowing that Yunxiao had two middle thousand worlds, but he didn't expect that there was actually a high-level middle thousand world.

This is a high-level middle world.

Not to mention that Da Luo is quasi-saint, I am afraid that even the saint can't help but be moved.

At this moment, Han Chen couldn't help but wonder why when Feng Shen was robbed, Sanxiao was robbed by Taiqing and Yuanshi personally, and he didn't want to give his disciples a congenital treasure like that.

This is definitely impure in purpose.

Obviously, he took a fancy to the middle world in Yunxiao's hands.

After all, this is a high-level mid-thousand world, and among all the saints, that is, the dojo of Taiqing and Zhun Ti, who hold the ultimate innate spiritual root, is the top middle-level world.

And the other sage dojos, including Tongtian and Yuanshi, are just high-level middle and thousand worlds.

And now you are a little big Luo Golden Immortal, holding a high-grade middle and thousand world, how can you not let your heart move, maybe this is the crime of cherishing it.

"I take the liberty of asking, I don't know what level Senior Sister's other Middle Thousand Worlds is?"

"Hmm..... Junior brother is curious?

It's not a secret, it's just a middle-level middle thousand world, but that world, senior sister, I haven't been there for a long time, most of the time I use this five spirit realm to practice. "

Shaking his head, Yunxiao didn't care at all, and Han Chen was shocked in his heart.

It's really like this, Taiqing and Yuan Shi definitely want to seize the two worlds of Senior Sister Yunxiao, so they don't want to set up a game in person, so that they have an excuse to end in person.

Sure enough, saints are insidious creatures." ’

Han Chen secretly told himself that he must be careful about these saints in the future.

With his current name, maybe those saints are also secretly plotting themselves, especially the two Western saints, think about the end of the Sect.

Dao Ancestor said that if he didn't behead three corpses, he would be robbed, but as a result, Na Zhun Ti and the two wanted to serve the sect in one pot, and even the disciples of the family would not let go.

"Senior sister, why is this world called the Five Spirits World?"

Above the nine heavens, the supreme wonderful realm, this can be regarded as the top heaven in this world, except for the clouds, no creatures in this world are allowed to enter without the prohibition of the clouds.

And this is also the place where the vitality of heaven and earth is the strongest.

Although there is no creation of the flood world, innate spiritual veins cannot be bred, and innate spiritual qi cannot be produced, but there are still more or less high-quality acquired spiritual qi such as second-class fairy spirit qi.

Sitting on the futon, Han Chen asked with some curiosity.


Yunxiao's fingers moved, and five divine rays of light flew from all over the world, falling in front of Yunxiao's body, levitating, flashing with divine light, revealing his true face, it was five beads the size of dragon's eyes, and there was a strong innate rhyme on the beads.

Each bead has a different color, representing a different attribute spirit treasure.

Wind, thunder, water, fire and earth!

"This is..... Innate Lingbao? "

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