Yunxiao nodded, "It is also the only innate spirit treasure bred in this world!" "

The Chaos Self-Birth World is not as powerful as the Flood Barren World, and it is only a middle thousand world, and it is very difficult to give birth to a little good thing.

However, this world has given birth to a lower grade innate spirit root and five bead-shaped lower grade innate spirit treasures.

And these five beads together can also become a middle-grade innate spirit treasure, Yunxiao saw that this world has good potential, so he did not take the initiative to migrate creatures from the flood world to this world.

It's about letting it evolve.

Over the years, the world has also given birth to a few innate beings, and Yunxiao has not intervened, but is watching in secret.

"When I first found this world, the authority of this world was pinned on these five spirit beads, and it won the favor of the great will of the entire world, if it were not for the arrival of Senior Sister and me, these five spirit beads would have become innate sacred.

Become the master of this world, take over the authority of this world.

That's why I call this world the Five Spirits World.

By the way, Junior Brother, don't tell Junior Sister that you want to come to my world, just curious about my Middle Thousand World. "

At this moment, Yunxiao suddenly changed his words and looked at Han Chen with a smile and said.

"Haha, senior sister, you are really right, this time is for the middle of the world."

Han Chen didn't play dumb riddles, and said directly.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Yunxiao frowned.

"Senior sister, please listen to me finish first." Seeing Yunxiao's slightly unhappy look, Han Chen hurriedly said.

"Junior Sister, do you know why Junior Brother comprehends the Divine Power of Heavenly Dao and mediates?"

"Of course, the teacher said that junior brother, you have obtained the blessing of Pangu Great God Divine Nian Yuan, and merged with Pangu Great God Divine Divine Thought, and the realm has surpassed the saint in a short period of time, and even surpassed the Hongjun Dao Ancestor.

Up to the realm of Pangu Great God.

It was at that moment that you successfully realized and mediated this Heavenly Dao Divine Power.

How? Junior brother wants to show off his good luck in front of senior sister? "I have to admit that this kind of good luck, Yunxiao is really envious.

"Of course not, what Junior Brother wants to say is that at that moment, Junior Brother not only comprehended the Heavenly Dao Divine Mediation Creation, but also found the path of mixed elements.

Direct access to the Supreme Avenue of the Mixed Yuan Saint.

It is not the kind that needs Hongmeng purple qi, not those ethereal preaching with force, or the three corpses preaching. "

Han Chen wouldn't explain anything about his comprehension and mediation.

After all, this kind of thing with Pangu Great God Divine Dao is not said by yourself, I didn't speak anyway, how you guess is what you think, it's none of my business.

"Junior Brother takes a big breath to preach the ethereal Dao, Senior Sister admits, but how is the Three Corpse Dao ethereal?"

Hearing Han Chen's words, Yunxiao did not doubt it, but he refuted Han Chen's suspicion of the authenticity of the three corpse sermons.

"Heh, didn't Senior Sister find out that in addition to the Dao Ancestor who relied on beheading three corpses to cultivate the Dao Mixed Yuan, who else relied on beheading the Three Corpses to Preach the Dao Mixed Yuan Saint?

It seems that Master Venerable and the two uncles, Nuwa Niangniang, and the two Western sect masters, all rely on merit to preach the Tao!

Even, even Houtu Niangniang relied on the merit of the immeasurable Dao to preach the mixed element saint.

Therefore, this can't help but make the junior brother doubt the authenticity of these three corpse sermons. "

Nonsense, he has seen the method of the Three Corpse Dao, it is indeed a supreme Dao method that is infinitely close to the holy level, but in the end, it is not a holy-level Dao method in the true sense.

Therefore, Han Chen clearly believed in his heart that beheading three corpses could not be sanctified.

At least the method of the three corpses he saw in the Truncated Scripture Pavilion could not make people preach sanctification.

"Teachers and uncles can preach sanctification with merit, which means that they are people of great merit, and heavenly saints, but it does not mean that beheading three corpses cannot be sanctified."

Hearing Han Chen's words, Yunxiao obviously hesitated.

After a long time, he pondered, but sighed helplessly, and reluctantly said something that he didn't quite believe.

"I think Senior Sister herself doubted her own words.

Therefore, Junior Brother, I have concluded that in today's flooded world, the only way that sentient beings can truly come into contact with is merit preaching, and preaching the Dao with strength is too nothing.

The three corpses preached, not to say anything.

Now, the junior and disciples have all joined hands and have obtained a supreme avenue, which can prove the mixed yuan.

But this method needs to be based on the world, and the higher the world level, the better. "

"So Junior Brother is here to want the Middle Thousand World in Junior Sister's hands?"

Seeing Han Chen nodded, he acknowledged it.

"It is precisely like this, if the junior brother wants to practice this path, he needs the world as the foundation, and the junior brother who is familiar with it and has the middle thousand worlds in his hands is only Yunxiao senior sister.

And the junior brother, who has no long things, can only exchange with the senior sister in this way. "

Yunxiao smiled, "Exchange aside, if you can really let the junior brother preach the mixed yuan, it is only a middle thousand world, even if you send the senior sister herself to the junior brother." "

"Uh, Senior Sister said and smiled."

Han Chen didn't expect this Yunxiao senior sister to be able to say such tiger and wolf words.

"Why, Senior Sister is not worthy."

"No, senior sister, junior brother definitely does not mean this..."

I don't know if you're joking or telling the truth.

Han Chen thought in his heart.

"Well, no kidding, since the avenue related to junior brother, senior sister is not stingy, you can take this world, anyway, senior sister still has a middle thousand world."

"So, thank you Senior Sister for it."

Saying that, Han Chen took out a piece of jade from his body and handed it to Yunxiao.

After receiving the jade Jane's Yunxiao, the divine mind penetrated, and in an instant, Yunxiao felt as if he had fallen into the abyss of the avenue, so profound, eternal, and the breath was huge, and the mysterious content made Yunxiao, the Da Luo Golden Immortal Perfection and powerhouse, intoxicated.

The Way of Mixed Elements!

The real way of mixing elements, the junior brother did not lie to her.

"The avenue is on top, now make a vow, Yunxiao is willing to be the person who protects the road of Pangu Clan's Taichen, Taichen is in, Yunxiao is in, Taichen is dead, Yunxiao is also dead!"

The Great Avenue is a good look! "


A sound of the Great Avenue echoed in the ears of Han Chen and Yunxiao, which was the Great Avenue acknowledging this Great Avenue Oath!

"This....... Senior sister, why are you here? "

Han Chen didn't react at all, and Yunxiao finished his oath.

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