After carefully understanding "Hongmeng Divine Way", Yunxiao also realized that this is not without the supreme Dao, and it is really an important direction.

First, it belongs to the trinity of heaven and earth, the Tao and the world, and the world also perfectly returns the benefits of world promotion to the Buddha-figures through this Trinity of the world, so that the Buddha-figures can achieve a breakthrough in cultivation.

Second, it is the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus, this green lotus is planted in the Heavenly Dao Origin, connected to the Heavenly Dao, and can connect to the World Origin, and the root must be rooted in chaos, and the chaotic qi is continuously absorbed and transformed.

Third, it is the Hongmeng Heavenly Book, which is the origin of the transformation, and its function is to transform the incense belief of all sentient beings into a source without side effects, a source that can be absorbed by the world.

Moreover, the Hongmeng Heavenly Book can also collect the great will of all sentient beings, and use the great will of all sentient beings to help the world break through and resist the chaotic calamity.

The most important of the three is the trinity of heaven and earth.

Secondly, Tiandao Qinglian thought of cultivating foreign affairs, while Hongmeng Tianshu was quite cultivating internal affairs, and the two complemented each other.

However, from the perspective of Yunxiao Daluo Golden Immortal's cultivation, the most important thing in this Dao was the Dao Qinglian that day.

As for Hongmeng Tianshu!

If you want to promote the promotion of the world by collecting incense beliefs of all sentient beings, it is absolutely not enough to rely on the creatures of this world to provide incense, and you want to promote a middle thousand world to a large world.

Yunxiao estimates that he has to collect thousands of small worlds and collect these thousands of small worlds, so that he may be able to see more obvious progress.

I think Yunxiao himself has been looking for worlds in chaos over the years, but he has only collected dozens of small worlds, and if he wants to collect thousands of small worlds, this difficulty is not ordinary.

Therefore, the whole chaos is extremely important for those who practice this path.

Because the Qi of Chaos can be transformed into the origin of world promotion.

If the chaos is gone, if you want to rely on incense belief to transform the origin and promote the world to the world, although you can, there will always be a successful day.

But time is definitely long.

When I thought of Pangu Great God opening up the Flood Desolation World, he consumed thirty percent of the chaos, which means that now only seventy percent of the chaos left in the entire chaotic space.

Thinking of this, Yunxiao understood something.

"Junior Brother, chaos is limited..."

Han Chen nodded.

"What Junior Sister thinks is also what Junior Brother thinks, the rest of the chaos is not much, carrying hundreds of worlds, I think it is enough."

However, if the world is to be promoted to a supreme world such as the Flood Desolation Great World opened by Pangu Great God, it is estimated that it will be able to carry at most two or three more.

However, if you want to become such a big world, how difficult it is, Senior Sister rest assured.

Until he is 100% sure, the junior brother will not teach this way. "

Although "Hongmeng Divine Dao" is a holy level Dao method.

However, it can only guarantee sanctification, that is, the world is promoted to become a great world, and after becoming a great world, there is no way.

Yes, although Han Chen also wants to have a top-level world.

But it's still unrealistic.

Being able to have a low-level world to help him become holy was enough for Han Chen now.


In the chaos, the two worlds of the Middle Thousand kept approaching, buzzing...

In the two worlds, a secret information bridge was formed, and the whole world trembled, and at this moment, in the world, Han Chen's own Yuan God began to slowly practice "Hongmeng Divine Dao" under the guidance of Yunxiao's Yuan God.

If the long-eared Dingguang Immortal sees this, he will definitely know what this is, isn't this a double cultivation?

Or Yuanshen double cultivation, if you want to complete this Yuanshen double cultivation, you must trust one hundred percent, otherwise, it is impossible to achieve it, and even inadvertently, it is possible to go crazy.

Han Chen also had no way, if he wanted to practice Hongmeng Divine Dao, he had to completely control the origin of the world.

Although the authority of this world has been refined by Yunxiao, Han Chen only needs to grasp the authority to control the power of the entire world, but authority and origin are two concepts.

If you want to divide the three personalities of heaven and earth, you must be transformed by the world origin, and both the Heavenly Dao Qinglian and the Hongmeng Heavenly Book need to be refined with the world origin.

Even if Han Chen controlled the power of the world, it would take at least thousands of years to do this with Han Chen's current true immortal cultivation.

Of course, if it is a small world, it is much simpler.

But this is a high-level middle thousand world.

Therefore, there is no way, if you want to use the origin of the entire world in a short period of time, you can only rely on the divine soul power of Yunxiao, the Great Luo Golden Immortal Perfection powerhouse.

In front of Yunxiao's immortal and detached Supreme Yuan God, Han Chen's Yuan God was simply a country old land.

And he didn't dare to look directly at Yunxiao, the kind of Da Luo Yuanshen kind.

Da Luo Yuan God, beyond the long river of fate, immortal, great freedom, great escape, eternal heavens, even if the world is destroyed, they can survive in other worlds.

Therefore, the strength of Da Luo is not something that cultivators below Da Luo can look at directly.

It is precisely in this way that Han Chen's entire operation was carried out under Yunxiao's initiative, and the interaction of the Yuan God even made Han Chen feel that his spirit had been sublimated, which was too comfortable.

Even, Han Chen couldn't help but make a sound coolly.


"Boom!" Seeing this Taichen junior brother's reaction, Yunxiao was also a little embarrassed.

"Junior Brother, don't be distracted, otherwise you may lose your achievements."

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