
A divine light flew out from Han Chen's body, and the divine light split into three and fell beside him.

It was the three incarnations of heaven and earth people transformed by the world, and the three of them were seventy percent similar to Han Chen, looking at each other, smiling, and nodding, as if they were sure of something.


The sound spread throughout the Five Spirits World, and those innate beings nested in the cave mansion all opened their eyes wide when they heard this voice, looking at the sky, and in the depths, they felt that something big had happened.


A green light flew out from Han Chen's hand, it was a green lotus, but he saw that the green lotus took root in the Origin of the Heavenly Dao and quickly absorbed the Origin of the Heavenly Dao.

With the operation of the exercises, the control of the three personalities of heaven and earth, that green lotus actually began to appear innate attributes, not for a long time.

The three personalities, seeing this moment, directly retreated into the green lotus at the same time.


An innate immortal aura was born in the green lotus, and at the same time, the green lotus began to merge with the whole world, becoming part of the world and part of each other.

At this moment, a congenital spirit root was born alive, or a medium-grade innate spirit root, a congenital spirit root that can grow.

Although he had already seen the "Hongmeng Divine Dao" exercises, Yunxiao was still shocked.

Rebellion is innate.

In the entire Flood Barren World, only the innate supreme treasure in the hands of Nuwa Niangniang has this effect, but although Nuwa Niangniang can refine innate spirit treasures, she can't refine innate spirit roots.

It's a pity, this is a one-time thing, if only you could refine the innate spiritual root far and wide. ’

Yunxiao thought secretly in his heart.


A little essence blood flew out of Han Chen's body and flew towards the Middle Grade Innate Spirit Root Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.

But I don't know for what reason, the essence blood has changed, one is divided into three, one belongs to the breath of creation, one belongs to the breath of the Pangu clan, and one is the breath of Han Chen's original human race.

The three-point origin was directly integrated into the three lotus seeds in the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.

In the dark, this is being conceived.


The sudden change was something that Han Chen did not expect, Han Chen actually just wanted to cultivate a Heavenly Emperor of this world, establish a Heavenly Court, and collect incense beliefs.

Didn't think so much.

"The breath of the avenue..."

Han Chen didn't feel it, but Yunxiao, who was a Daluo Golden Immortal powerhouse, did.

"Junior Brother, I didn't expect that your Hongmeng Divine Dao actually attracted the attention of the Dao!"

"What? Boulevard? Senior sister is not joking, right? "

How can he be himself, a golden immortal attracted the attention of the Dao.

"Junior brother, you underestimate yourself, Hongmeng Shendao is such a perfect mixed yuan avenue, you must know that opening up the world has the merit of the avenue, and junior brother, you want to cultivate a big world."

I'm afraid that the merit of the Dao alone can make you preach mixed elements.

Such a big movement, how can it not attract the attention of the avenue.

However, the Dao is a chaotic great will, to the public and selfless, junior brother, you don't need to be nervous, moreover, it should be beneficial to think about it. "

"I hope so!"

Han Chen thought in his heart!

"Qinglian is in its place!"

With Han Chen's order, a huge green lotus phantom appeared in the entire Five Spirits Great World, and the creatures of the entire world, including those fierce beasts, saw this phantom.

Inexplicably, there was an urge to fear and bow down.


This kind of fear, even the fierce beast without spiritual intelligence involuntarily roared to the sky, and suddenly, the whole world was filled with the roar and roar of the fierce beast.

For the reaction of the creatures of the world, Han Chen did not care, and continued to manipulate the Heavenly Dao Qinglian.

The Five Spirits World Wall Crystal, countless tentacle-like rhizomes, grew from the wall crystals, and these rhizomes were crystal transparent, each four or five meters thick and hundreds of meters long.

Compared to the huge high-level Middle Thousand World, these tentacles are really very inconspicuous.

But tentacles like this cover the whole world.

These root whiskers are like becoming the body hair of the world, constantly absorbing the qi of chaos, and after being directly absorbed by the rhizome, they enter the world of five spirits through the crystal transparent root whiskers.


There were countless intricate golden pipes in the World Wall Crystal, like the blood vessels of the living body, and these blood vessels led in the same direction, which was the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus at the center of the World Origin.

It can be said that this Heavenly Dao Qinglian is like the heart of the entire world.

And Han Chen's "Hongmeng Shinto" is to install a set of hearts for the world, so that the world becomes like a living body, able to grow itself, and at the same time able to give back creation to itself.

'If you do this, will you create a world lifeform?' ’

Han Chen couldn't help but think that thinking of this would also startle himself, if he really made a world life form, it was really not good or bad.

'Probably not! ’

Thinking of himself holding the authority of the world, the whole world is in the hands of his own three incarnations of heaven and earth.

The world should not be out of your control.


Junior brother, such a world really opened my eyes to Junior Sister, no wonder this world can grow on its own, and now the world is close to becoming a real creature without an independent personality.

And the personality of this world was replaced by the three personalities of junior disciple heaven and earth.

In this way, the junior brother is the world, the progress of the world is the progress of the junior brother, and the destruction of the world and the disaster can be transferred to the three incarnations of heaven and earth.

Junior brothers do not need to bear, the world is not a junior brother.

Wonderful, wonderful.

Senior sister, I can't wait to practice. "

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