Hearing Yunxiao's words, Han Chen also secretly thought that if Senior Sister Yunxiao could break through Da Luo to become a quasi-saint, plus holding the Middle Thousand World, think about it, even if the saint wanted to calculate, it would not be so easy.

After all, becoming a quasi-saint, even if it is still impossible to defeat the saint, it is still possible to escape the saint's prohibition with the help of the door of the Middle Thousand World.

"In this way, the junior brother will congratulate the senior sister in advance for preaching the quasi-sainthood."

"If there is no chance for the junior brother, the senior sister probably does not know when she will be able to preach the quasi-sainthood." At this moment, Yunxiao had a lot of emotion in her heart, the opportunity to break through the quasi-saint, at least she did not feel it before.

Even, she would not feel it in this calamity.

When Han Chen heard this, he sighed in his heart, 'Alas, if there is no junior brother and me, senior sister, you can only stop at the Great Luo Golden Immortal in this life. ’

Without beheading three corpses, Sanxiao is destined to fall into the gods and become the gods of marriage and childbirth.

Of course, now that there are changes in Yunxiao's body, his own general trend has changed, and I don't know if he will fall, but I think the Taiqing saint will not be so shameless.

After all, Dao Zu said, in order to behead three corpses, they are all in the red dust calamity.

If Yunxiao beheaded the corpse into a quasi-saint, the Taiqing saint would have to forcibly make a move...

'I believe Senior Sister should be able to run away!' ’


At this time, with the return of the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus, in the space of the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus constantly transformed the Chaotic Qi, turning the Chaotic Qi into the five elements of Yin and Yang, wind and thunder, and other energy, matter, and even rules.

Yes, chaos is not just energy.

It is also a synthesis of matter, rules and energy.

In an uproar, it turned into a colorful divine light and sprayed towards the Five Spirits World, and when the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus spewed out various energy substance rules, the whole world trembled.

The world seemed to be suddenly excited, it had not been so comfortable for a long time, and the rules of the whole world began to manifest.

Such a chance against the sky, for the innate beings in the world, the innate gods are a supreme chance, and those fierce beasts that have no wisdom and only know how to devour, are ignorant, blankly watching the colorful rules manifest in the sky.

"Hahaha, this is the mercy of heaven, after this time, when my cultivation can rise greatly, I will not be afraid of those fierce beasts."

"Heaven have mercy, Daoist friend, I must seize this opportunity."

"What Brother Dao said is very true, you can't waste this opportunity!"


All the wise beings of the whole world are immersed in this gastronomic feast.

At this moment, with the fusion of the three personalities of heaven and earth, Han Chen's own cultivation is also growing.

True Immortal Middle Perfection, True Immortal Late Stage, True Immortal Grand Perfection...


An immortal aura emanated from Han Chen's body.

It was Han Chen who had broken through the Immortal Golden Immortal at this moment.

The golden immortal is immortal and lives with the sky, in theory, not only with the sky, but as the golden immortal of the world, there is no transcendence from the world, and is affected by the cause and effect of the world.

If the world is destroyed, the Golden Immortal will inevitably suffer.

However, if you want to have a world destruction, this probability is very small, after all, this is a flood and desolation supreme world, and always saints dare not mess around.

If nothing else, even Hongjun Daozu and Houtu Niangniang will not let you mess around.

There is also the Heavenly Dao in the back, and even, there is the legendary Pangu!

What the?

You say Pangu fell?

Hehe, how difficult it is for a strong person of this level to fall, it is Luo Xiao, a Destruction Demon God, who is not reincarnated in the Flood Barren World in the end as the innate Demon God of the Flood Barren World.

Who knows if Pangu is hiding in some corner to peep, or falling into a deep sleep?

In short, as long as you achieve the golden immortal, in the flood and wilderness, have merit to protect your body, do not mess with cause and effect, and dye karma, you can really live to the wasteland and grow old.

And after becoming a golden immortal, the breath on Han Chen's body did not mean to stop.

Early Golden Immortal Period, Middle Golden Immortal Period, Late Golden Immortal Period, until the Golden Immortal Grand Consummation.

The breath on Han Chen's body finally stopped.


Opening his eyes again, a divine light shot out of Han Chen's eyes.

The divine light is the origin of the world, but Han Chen can't absorb too much, it has already overflowed, heh


Divine light shot out from above the nine heavens, passing through the nine heavenly realms and reaching the earth.

In the world, a mountain range stretches for eight hundred miles, and the mountains are full of miasma.

The creatures did not dare to approach, but they became a paradise for ferocious beasts.

Many fierce beasts fought and devoured each other in these eight hundred miles of mountain range.

And at this moment, a divine light fell from the sky and fell on the mountain, and the powerful energy directly annihilated all the surrounding life forms, but after the divine light, these eight hundred miles of mountain range actually began to give birth to immortal veins.

A wisp of fairy spirit qi emerged from the mountain range, making these eight hundred li spirit mountain a blessed place for immortal mountains in the world.

Feeling the cultivation in the body, the Golden Immortal Perfection, Han Chen was very satisfied, being able to break through the Golden Immortal Perfection was already his current limit.

But it is not the limit of this world.

As a high-level mid-thousand world, the Five Spirits World can at least carry the power of the quasi-saint level, and it is not impossible for people to become quasi-saints later.

The main thing is that Han Chen's cultivation world is too short, the realm is not deep, and it cannot be completely absorbed, and the feedback of the world can only be absorbed slowly.

However, in the future, Han Chen only needs to absorb the feedback of the world, but there is no need to worry about the bottleneck problem.

Like other people, in order to break through Da Luo, they concentrate on finding luck, merit and so on.

Here in Han Chen, there is no existence at all.

This is the benefit of practicing with the Middle Thousand Worlds as a foundation.

Although Han Chen himself only had Golden Immortal cultivation, the incarnation of the three Venerables of Heaven and Earth and the Dao of the World was a solid quasi-Saint Later Stage cultivation.

It's a pity that these three avatars are bound to the world and can't be brought into the flood waste!" ’

If he could bring in the flood waste, Han Chen would really be fearless.

Fully master the Heavenly Dao Divine Power and a supreme Divine Power, unless the saint is present, otherwise, the entire Flood Barren Great World, anywhere can go.

"Hongmeng Tianshu, out!"

Han Chen looked at the void a little, and a virtual shadow appeared in the sky, which was the Hongmeng Heavenly Book transformed by the origin of the world.

Seeing the formation of the Hongmeng Heavenly Book, Han Chen was also relieved.

"Thank you Senior Sister for your help, if you don't have Senior Sister's help this time, I am afraid that this method will be difficult to get started."

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