Sanxian Island.

"Junior sister rest assured, with Junior Brother's current Golden Immortal Cultivation Accomplishment, plus the magic weapon given by Junior Venerable, nothing will happen."

After returning to Sanxian Island from the Five Spirits World, after being entertained by Senior Sister Yunxiao, Han Chen still offered his farewell, remembering that this time, the purpose of coming out was to go to the South China Sea to find the innate dojo.

For saints, what is innate is not very important, only need to have energy to absorb and transform into saint mana, the so-called innate aura is no longer very important for saints.

Of course, the saint will still transplant a few innate spiritual veins in his dojo.

After all, it is difficult for the Middle Thousand World to give birth to innate spiritual veins.

High-grade goods such as innate spiritual veins generally only appear in the Great Thousand World, and the middle thousand world is at most the acquired immortal vein, producing high-grade acquired immortal spiritual qi.

Saint, don't care, but Han Chen cares.

The innate aura was a divine object that was very important to a Golden Immortal cultivator like Han Chen.

Although in the future, cultivation can rely on the feedback of the Five Spirit World, in fact, the evolution of the Five Spirit World also needs Han Chen's help.

Han Chen sensed the Flood Barren Avenue and practiced the Flood Barren Law, which would also make the rules of the Five Spirits World more complete.

And the Five Spirits World is more complete, and further feedback to Han Chen, it can be said that Han Chen is not only a unilateral claim to the Five Spirits World, but complements the world.

Therefore, having a congenital cave mansion was very important for Han Chen.

"It's okay, in this way, Senior Sister won't keep you, be more careful on the road."

Yunxiao heard this, and after thinking about it, it was really so.

Not to mention his Golden Immortal's complete cultivation, holding two superb innate spirit treasures, he also mastered the mediation and creation of such heavenly Dao divine powers, and more importantly, the five spirit worlds.

If you really encounter danger, you can't fight no matter how you fight, as long as you are not a saint, you can run to the Five Spirits World.

The five spirit world is located in chaos, and the position is constantly moving, not to mention ordinary cultivators, even if the saint enters the chaos, don't want to know its location.

After all, in the chaos, the heavenly machine is chaotic, even the Dao Ancestor can do nothing.

"In this way, Junior Brother leaves!"

Saying that, Han Chen set up the cloud and flew towards the southwest.

Looking at Han Chen, who gradually disappeared, at this moment, Qiong Xiao and Bixiao finally couldn't bear it.

"Big sister, quickly tell me, what is this fifth senior brother looking for you."

"Yes, yes, big sister, let's talk about it."

Even though the two have become Taiyi Golden Immortals, they still can't escape the gossip of women.

It really shocked the two of them.

Yes, who is not shocked.

Think about it, two days ago, he was still a true immortal, and in a blink of an eye, he became a strong person with the great consummation of the Golden Immortal, and he almost became a Taiyi Golden Immortal.


I think that the two of them are only in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, although it is already a complete realm, but how difficult it is to break through Da Luo, at least in a short time, they did not feel the opportunity to break through.

And now, maybe it won't be long before this guy they once despised will surpass them.

Yes, the two are both curious and worried.

"Why, now that I know that I am in a hurry, I am afraid that I will be surpassed by your fifth senior brother?"

From the opening of spiritual wisdom to now, I don't know how many years, for the thoughts of his two sisters, where can Yunxiao not know.

I obviously feel a sense of crisis.

But these two younger sisters actually want to compare with Junior Brother Taichen, it's really ...


Seen by the eldest sister, Qiong Xiao and the two suddenly looked embarrassed.

"Well, let's not talk about the two of you, but what happened specifically, I can't tell you two at this time, this is related to my sister and my road."

So, you better not know.

Practice hard and strive to break through the Daluo Golden Immortal as soon as possible, otherwise, in the future, I am afraid that you will not even see the back of your junior brother. "

Yunxiao joked and said with a smile on the two younger sisters.

"How can the eldest sister say it is so serious, although the fifth senior brother has become the god of the Pangu clan, but in the end, it is only the middle innate demon god, how can we say that it is also the next innate demon god.

Even if there is a gap, even if he can surpass us in the future, I will never believe that I can reach the point where I can't even see my back.


Suddenly the two thought of something, looked at Yunxiao, and Yunxiao smiled and said nothing.

"Well, anyway, in the future, don't take your junior brother as your comparison, I'm afraid that you will be hit yourself.

By the way, I have one more thing for you.

Sister, I am ready to retreat, if my brother comes to Sanxian Island, you two will tell the truth. "

"Huh? Big sister, retreat? Are you big sister? "

Bixiao heard that her eldest sister was going to retreat at this moment, and she immediately thought of something.

Of course, Qiong Xiao also thought of it, and looked at Yunxiao with a face full of surprise.

But saw Yunxiao nodded.

"That's right, eldest sister, I'm going to break through the quasi-saint, and I'm 100% sure, this opportunity is still given by your fifth senior brother, you two know about this, but you can't say it."

"What? Fifth Senior Brother? "

The two were surprised again.

Unexpectedly, the fifth senior brother who the two of them looked down on before actually had such great energy.

This is a quasi-saintly opportunity.

In fact, if it is so easy to obtain, if it is really so easy to obtain, it will not be until now, the three religions only have one quasi-saint, and such opportunities cannot be influenced by saints.

And by such an opportunity, this fifth senior brother of theirs gave it away so casually?

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