The eldest sister is reluctant to say, thinking about it, this opportunity is not simple, and it will definitely not be so easy to get.

Thinking of this, Qiong Xiao and the two couldn't help but feel better about Han Chen, the fifth senior brother, at this moment, after all, their three sisters were lucky.

The reason why the two did not make a breakthrough before, in addition to not working hard and not being as good as their eldest sister, was actually mainly to let Yunxiao, the eldest sister, break through the quasi-saint first.

Therefore, even if the three of them are connected by luck, they still do not divide too much luck, and Yunxiao's luck in the middle thousand worlds is enjoyed by Yunxiao alone.

As long as Yunxiao breaks through the quasi-saint, the three people's luck is connected, and their luck will definitely rise, and it will be much simpler for the two to break through Da Luo.

In the future, even quasi-saints are hopeful.

And now, this fifth senior brother was able to give the quasi-saint opportunity to their eldest sister, which meant that the opportunity was indirectly given to the two of them, so how could they not let the two have a good impression of Han Chen.

For what the two younger sisters thought in their hearts, Yunxiao did not explain much.

After all, it's all gone.

It's just thinking about it secretly in my heart.

'Wait for this achievement of quasi-sainthood, after the canonization of the gods, there is time to find more worlds in the chaos. ’

"Hongmeng Shinto".

Although it was possible to use the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus to transform the Chaotic Qi to promote the world, if you relied on this aspect alone and ignored the belief in the Incense and Fire Shinto, it would be tantamount to greatly increasing the difficulty.

And if you can develop the incense and fire divine way in a big way, especially if you can increase the lower realm of thousands of small worlds in your Yunxiao world, it is estimated that your Yunxiao world can be more easily promoted to the big world.

Maybe I can still preach the mixed element before my junior brother." ’

Yunxiao thought so, his heart is still uncertain, it is really his junior brother who is too against the sky, can not be calculated according to common sense, don't see that it is still only a golden immortal, there is only a high-level middle thousand world and a high-level small thousand world.

But who knows what the future holds.

"Well, don't think blindly about the two of you, don't run around during my retreat, it's the time of the catastrophe outside, and your cultivation is too low, and it's easy to have accidents."

Yunxiao explained repeatedly.

"Big sister, you can rest assured, we will definitely obey." The two assured repeatedly.


Xianshui Pass, General Military Mansion.

Outside, Han Rong's father and son were anxiously waiting for something outside the door, and at this moment, inside the retreat, a golden light flashed, and the father and son looked at each other and were overjoyed.

Not long after, the door opened, and a person walked out from inside, it was Han Chen's peach incarnation.

"Second brother, how is it? Was it successful? "

Han Chen nodded with a smile.

"It's thanks to my brother for sending the Taiyi Golden Immortal level dragon skin, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to make this rune."

Fortunately, this time, a total of three Purple Sky God Thunder Talismans, three Thousand Miles Ice Sealing Talismans, and four Space Teleportation Talismans were made.

It's a pity that the first time I made the talisman seal, I didn't grasp it well, and I only got ten lower grade runes, which wasted a lot of materials.

I will keep one each of this Purple Sky God Thunder Talisman and the Space Teleportation Talisman, and the rest, big brother, you can use it. "

said with a sigh!

It was indeed a waste of materials, and if he could be proficient, Han Chen was sure that he would be able to make twenty pieces.

Yes, at the moment when Han Chen cultivated the Heavenly Seal, the information sharing avatar also learned this magical ability in an instant, and even, the Peach avatar could even mediate and create this magical ability.

The moment he learned the Tongtian Seal, Han Chen thought of making a talisman seal.

After all, what he wants to engage in is a burning lamp, even if he mediates and creates, the burning lamp can't be seen, but how can the other party say that he is also a Da Luo Golden Immortal Perfection Strong.

Therefore, in order to be 100% successful, it is better to prepare more.

And making talismans is obviously the best means.

So he told Han Rong about his idea of making a talisman seal, but he didn't expect that his eldest brother really valued his ideas.

Play the song directly.

Not long after, Chao Ge sent a piece of Taiyi Golden Immortal Late Sinjiao skin.

Well, Chao Ge is actually looking at the face of the saint, after all, Han Chen worshiped under the door of the Tongtian Saint and became a disciple of the saint, this kind of figure is not wooed now, and he still waits for when.

The main thing is that this guy is still the old lady's uncle.

Wen Zhong, the old lady who had just returned to Chaoge, was also surprised when he heard that Han Chen had become his uncle, but the number of important gifts that should be given would not be lacking.

Yes, he directly took a piece of Taiyi Jinxian's dragon skin from the Great Shang State Treasury.

This thing has never been used.

It was also put away, so it was directly given to Han Chen, which did not allow Han Chen to successfully make a rune.

Being able to make runes is still because the cultivation of the Buddha-figure has been promoted.

The incarnation is limited by the peach, and the cultivation cannot break through, but the realm is really complete with the golden immortal, so it is so easy to make the rune.

Han Chen said that the cloud was light and breezy, and Han Rong and Han Sheng were shocked in their hearts when they heard it.

They are not country corns.

Of course, I know the hardship of the rune.

General talismans are divided into spirit runes, immortal runes, and divine runes, and none of the levels has four levels of upper, middle, and lower grades, and god-level talismans, which are not something that ordinary people can make.

Basically, every rune master who made a rune was a rune master.

Because every god-level talisman seal can at least trigger the power of the Daluo Golden Immortal level.

But now, his second brother actually made ten chapters of god-level talismans in one go.

And listen, what kind of tiger and wolf words did my second brother say, and what did he say because he was not skilled, he made ten lower grade runes.

The implication is that if you are proficient, wouldn't you be able to make more middle-grade runes.

Thinking of this, Han Rong's heart trembled.

Against the sky!

This second brother of his own is against the sky, no wonder he can be favored by the saints, not to mention anything else, just this hand rune means, their old Han family will be enough to stand in the three realms in the future.

"Second brother, enough, enough!

With this second brother's spell-making means, our old Han family is going to be developed."

By the way, second brother, you have to hurry up and find a Taoist to pass on incense for our old Han family, the task of the old Han family cannot be handed over to the brother alone. "

Han Rong immediately stepped forward, held Han Chen's hands tightly, and said with excitement and trembling.

And Han Sheng and Han Cheng next to them looked at each other, and they were also surprised and inexplicable, they did not expect that their second uncle could have such a means in addition to being able to refine magical avatars.

The incarnation aside, it has not been verified, but this means of making talismans is estimated to be a must in the three realms, after all, his second uncle's incarnation is only true immortal cultivation.

The runes that Da Luo Golden Immortal couldn't make, his second uncle did it.

At this moment, two words flashed in the hearts of the two!

Against the sky!

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