Kyushu, the spiritual blessed land of Wutai Mountain, there is also a cave heaven here, ranking among the innate, and it is also a good place for holy realm cultivation in the entire flood wilderness.

In the cave sky, the saint educates all living beings, and there are many below, and the living beings listen to the way of the saint like a fascination.

Being able to hear the way of the saints can be regarded as a blessing for these creatures, after all, most of these creatures have not even achieved the immortal path.

"Meet the teacher!"

At this time, Yitoutuo flew into the cave sky and came to the saint, looked up, and found that under the saint's seat, there were also the inner disciple of the Sect, Chang'er Dingguangxian, and the disciple of the sect, Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun.

The point is that this saint is not someone else, but a Shammon Junti saint.

This strange combination, seriously, if outsiders see it, it is estimated that they can't believe it.

However, Toutuo was not surprised, after all, this is a saint's business, not that he, the Golden Immortal cultivator, can manage it, moreover, the other two are also Da Luo Golden Immortals.

"It's the Dharma Commandment!"

The sage opened his eyes and said indifferently.

"The disciple was summoned by the teacher's decree, and did not dare to come to Wutai Mountain without the slightest delay."

Toutuo is not someone else, it is Han Sheng and Han Change's master.

"Good, there is a task for you here, and if it is done, in the future, the Buddha gate will be established, and you will have a Da Luo Bodhisattva fruit position."

Jun Ti thought about it and said.

Da Luo Bodhisattva Fruit position, that is, the position comparable to Da Luo Dao Guo, Da Luo Golden Immortal, this is a great escape, beyond the river of fate of the supreme great power.

It is said that there are ants under the saint, but as long as you become a Da Luo Golden Immortal, even if you are still an ant, you also have your own choice and the capital to become a chess player.

After all, Da Luo beheaded the three corpses after that, and the preaching was mixed.

This thing is no longer very important to the qualification and whatnot, basically as long as the achievement of Da Luo, the flower blooms more than seven products, there is hope of preaching mixed elements.

The cultivation behind Da Luo is the practice of luck and merit.

And he, a Western head, entered the path of cultivation because he could listen to the sermons of two Western saints, but his own qualifications were not very high.

With years of practice, he became an immortal golden immortal.

At the same time, the disciples of the sect and the inner disciples of the sect have basically become Daluo Golden Immortals, which is the difference between heels and qualifications.

Therefore, if there were no other opportunities in the future, he estimated that he would never stop at the Immortal Golden Immortal in the future.

At the beginning, after getting the task of the saint sect leader, he rushed to the east and was involved in the calamity, in order to spread some Western cultivation methods and secretly carry some Western private goods.

Change the attitude of the disciples of the Jiejiao sect towards the Western Shimon.

Needless to say, over the years, he has done quite well, so that many disciples of the Jiao Sect have greatly improved their views of Western Shimen, and even the people of Duo Bao Dao have begun to study the cultivation path of Shimen.

It can be said that his merit is great, but even so, the two saint sect masters only promised to give him a Luohan fruit position.

It was really because his qualifications were so poor, and now he actually promised to give himself a bodhisattva fruit position, which was quite destined for him to become a great Luo in the future.

Hearing this, how not excited is the Dharma Commandment.

"Teacher, the disciple is willing, and ask the teacher to come, the disciple will definitely complete the teacher's task at all costs."

At this moment, Fa Ji looked serious and replied solemnly.

"I don't need you to be desperate or anything, this task is still very simple for your current Golden Immortal cultivation..." So Jun Ti explained the task to the Dharma Ring.

And hearing Jun Ti's words, Fa Ji was dumbfounded.

"Teacher, that Taichen is now in Xianshuiguan, if the teacher values this person so much, why don't you personally come to the door to show the importance of the saint?"

Yes, the task of Zhun Tian Dai was to let him fool his two disciples and let the disciples persuade Han Chen to join the Western Shimen, moreover, the position of Zhun Ti was also very high.

It is promised that in the future, the Buddha will fight to defeat the throne of the king Buddha.

The Lord of the Buddha is the future protector of the Buddha Gate and the God of War, and the disciples of the Buddha Sect can be cut first and then played for the three realms of calamity....

All kinds of conditions, the conditions are enough to show that Zhun Ti really values Taichen as a person, mainly because he likes the Heavenly Dao Divine Mediation Creation that Taichen's identity controls so much.

Thinking about his Zhangliu Golden Body Divine Power, it is just a supreme divine power.

And this Han Chen actually controlled the Heavenly Dao Divine Power, mediated creation, and obtained the position of Creation True Monarch, and this karma is destined to be the existence of harvesting the merits of heaven and earth in the future.

Moreover, as a god of the Pangu clan, he was born to carry Pangu atmospheric luck.

With his joining, even if he does nothing, the luck of Buddha Gate will automatically rise.

At this moment, when the Fa Ji heard this, he was really envious in his heart, thinking that Na Taichen was now just a true immortal who had completed his cultivation, and he was actually valued so much by the saint teacher, why was it.

Well, the Law Ring still doesn't know about Han Chen's status as a god of the Pangu Clan, and he doesn't even know about his attainment of the True Monarch karma.

What kind of person is Zhunti, how can I not understand, the mind of the Dharma Commandment.

"You don't need to be jealous of him, each has its own fate.

This son has a different identity and a noble status, he is the divine of the Pangu clan, and he is also the true monarch of the creation of heaven and earth, and he holds the mediation of the creation of the heavenly Dao divine power, and his future potential is limitless......."

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