"As for why this seat didn't go in person....

It's true that the time has not come, you don't care about this matter, but try to win over Taichen Xiaoyou, publicize more about my Western Shimen Avenue, and let them know the magic of my Shimen Avenue.

Even if Taichen Xiaoyou didn't agree, it wouldn't hurt, but his two nephews couldn't let them fall. "

Jun Ti ordered.

Of course, Jun Ti knew that at this stage, it was impossible for him to let Han Chen switch to his west, not to mention that now Han Chen had been appointed by Daozu as the protector of Xuanmen.

The identity of the Xuanmen Protector, coupled with the status of the Pangu Clan, in the future, no matter what, it will be able to eat in the entire three realms, and such an identity, even mixing a Tianzun position is not impossible.

However, as long as the Intercept Sect is destroyed and Qi Luck is divided among several of them, it is impossible for the disciples of the Intercept Sect to stay in the Intercept Sect, after all, without the support of Qi Luck, the Intercept Sect disciples are destined to go far.

Even, Tongtian may acquiesce, after all, as a saint, he doesn't want to delay the future of his apprentice.

This Taichen has Pangu Qi Luck and Karmic Qi Luck, Da Luo and even Quasi-Saint don't need to worry, but if you want to preach the Dao Mixed Yuan, it is far from enough.

The Intercept Sect was destroyed, and without the support of the Intercept Sect's Qi Luck, the entire Flood Desolate Qi Luck had long been divided, and without the support of the Qi Operation, then Taichen, the only Pangu Clan deity who had not preached the Dao Mixed Yuan, was really cut off from the holy path.

Only by joining them in the West, or turning their heads to teach and expound, can there be a way out.

This is also why Jun Ti is willing to give him such an important position, to fight against the king Buddha, and to be the Lord of the Buddha, you must know that there is no such karma.

To set up this position, you have to consume a lot of Western luck.

And consuming a lot of Western qi luck means that other Buddha fruit positions and bodhisattva fruit positions will be reduced a lot, but the two people of Zhun Ti and Zhu Yi still choose this way.

Because in the eyes of the two, the value of one Pangu Taichen is much higher than that of several Buddhas or Bodhisattva Fruits.

I believe that as long as this Taichen still has the expectation of preaching mixed elements, he will definitely agree.

Only the moment when the sect flies and his luck dissipates, it is time for him to reap the fruits in the West.

In fact, that is, Taichen appeared too late, and now his cultivation is too low, if his cultivation is only in the early realm of Daluo, Zhun Ti and Zhu Yi are ready to give him the position of Buddha Lord.

'Tongtian Daoist, it's not the poor way calculating you, it's really your two brothers who invited you, and the poor road can only follow the trend. ’

Thinking of this, Jun Ti couldn't help but sigh in his heart, there is only discord in the East, and they have a chance to prosper in the West.

"Ah! But, teacher, the two disciples were sought by the disciples to block the calamity, and if they do not fall, then the disciples..."

Yes, Han Sheng and Han Chang are what they use to block the robbery.

When he came to Penglai Immortal Mountain from the west and entered the Sect Scattered Immortals, it meant that he might enter this Divine Red Dust Tribulation.

And after he entered Shang Ren Kyushu, on behalf of him, he has truly become a robber.

Stained with red dust, if he did not find one or two people to block the disaster, he would surely die, which was already ordered by the usher when he entered the East.

And the person who blocks the robbery is not everyone, first of all, atmospheric luck is needed, and besides, the qualification cannot be too bad.

Han Sheng and Han Chang are the sons of the general soldiers, and the luck is not far behind, plus the luck of the two is combined, and it is still barely possible to block the calamity of this golden immortal with two people.

The two saints also agreed, after all, even if he had average qualifications, he was a Western person no matter how he could say it, and he would do things for him.

The two saints who are the leaders of the Western Sect must not be too cold-blooded and chill the hearts of the disciples, otherwise it will be difficult to bring the team in the future, and if a team is not regular, let alone talk about the prosperity of the West.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, this seat will make a move, and it will not put you in danger."

"You should take this treasure well, and use this object as a medium to spread the unexpected benefits of my Western method, and you must not lose this thing."

As Jun Ti spoke, a golden lotus seed flew out of Jun Ti's hand, turned into a golden light, and went straight into the depths of the spiritual fetus in the body of the Dharma Ring, this lotus seed is not a mortal thing.

It is an innate lotus seed cultivated by the 12th Meritorious Golden Lotus with meritorious divine water.

It can be said that the innate origin is not lost, this lotus seed cultivated, it is also a seven-grade golden lotus innate spiritual root, a little refining, is a congenital spiritual treasure, can be described as extremely precious.

And the meritorious golden lotus, as the supreme treasure of suppressing the luck of Western religion, is born with mysterious functions.

Using this treasure as a medium to preach others will make people involuntarily have a strong interest in the Western Avenue and have a good impression of the Western religion.

It can be said that for the sake of Taichen's talent, Zhun Ti is really well-intentioned.

"Well, go, your credit to the West, this seat will not forget."

The quasi-mentioner smiled and waved his hand casually, but he saw a fresh breeze blowing around the Dharma Ring, and when the Dharma Ring opened his eyes again, he found that it was already the boundary of the Shuishui Pass.

"Hiss..... The saint's divine power is really powerful! "

Returning to Xianshuiguan from Wutai Mountain in the blink of an eye, this really shocked him inexplicably, and at this moment, a golden light shot out from the Xianshuiguan General Military Mansion, making him shocked inexplicably.

"This is? ...... A fetish appeared in Xianshuiguan? The poor road has to take a look..." Saying that, the law precept walked several miles away, shrinking into inches and thinking about the direction of the General Military Mansion.


Five Pagoda Mountain, the departure of the Dharma Commandment did not cause much impact, but the Tao of Zhun Ti was not talked about anymore.

A Zen monastery in Dongtian.

Jun Ti sat on the nine-pin lotus platform, and below the long-eared Dingguang Immortal and Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun sat quietly on the futon.

"Teacher, then Taichen really has the resources of a Mixed Yuan Saint?"

In the end, Wen Shu couldn't help but ask......

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