Cutting three corpses is too difficult, in addition to the scarcity of innate spiritual treasures, there is also the need to understand the self of good and evil.

Good corpses can take shortcuts to cut out with merit, but the premise is that you need to have merit, and evil corpses, this thing, are difficult, and they are said to be self-corpses.

Self-corpse, among the six saints, it seems that only Tai Qingsheng has been cut out with the help of great merit after preaching merit, and the other five saints do not seem to have cut out their own corpse.

What even the saints did not do, they don't have to look forward to.

As a Manjushri Daoist who taught his own disciples, he still had an innate spirit treasure in his hand.

The dragon pile is a middle-grade innate spirit treasure, but Wen Shu does not see the slightest hope of cutting off the three corpses.

Well, now his cultivation is only in the early stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and he is still a little far from beheading the corpse.

However, after receiving the Golden Body Method handed down by the Quasi-Heavenly Daoist, he truly saw the hope of achieving the Quasi-Saint.

The Law of the Golden Body.

This is the joint deducing of the two people who are connected to Zhun Ti, even if there is no innate spirit treasure, they can use the golden body to behead the corpse, and it is far easier to behead the corpse than the innate spirit treasure.

And the golden body is also a mysterious thing cultivated with incense and merit.

Beheading three corpses with a golden body can also achieve a quasi-saint, but in terms of cultivation powers, it is indeed not comparable to a quasi-saint who beheads a corpse with an innate spirit treasure.

However, this golden body method does not need innate spirit treasures.

Innate Spirit Treasure, even if he is a disciple of the Interpretation Sect, he is not taken seriously, there is only one Innate Spirit Treasure in his hand, how difficult it is to get together the other two Innate Spirit Treasures.

In heaven and earth, there are so many innate spiritual treasures, and now, most of them are things that have masters.

The most important thing is that in the future, the Buddhist sect will definitely prosper the world because of this golden body method that does not require innate treasures to behead corpses, even if Manjushri has not switched to the West now, but he has some intentions in his heart.

Coupled with the fact that he had secretly understood the method of beheading the corpse of the golden body, Manjushri had already respected him as a teacher.

Jun Ti nodded.

"This son is of the Pangu clan, loved by heaven and earth, and as long as he does not do anything contrary to the general trend of heaven and earth, his practice will definitely go smoothly.

Coupled with the mediation of the Heavenly Dao Divine Protector, these two are enough to make it stand out among the many seekers of the Dao in the flood wilderness, and it is indeed possible to become holy with the exploration of the future with the poor Dao.

However, it is only possible, not everyone can grasp it...

Hey? How could it be..."

This is the strength of the saint, who can observe the future, and the flood has Pangu suppressing the long river of fate, as long as it is not proved that Da Luo is in the long river of fate.

There are countless branches of the future of each human being, which the saints can observe.

Yes, Jun Ti secretly observed this long river of fate while speaking, especially Han Chen's long river of fate, and suddenly his heart was shocked.

'How is it possible, this son can really be mixed in preaching, and the possibility is not small. ’

There are countless branches of everyone's destiny, and the more important and powerful the figure, the greater the variables in the future, and the thicker the branch of fate with the greatest possibility.

However, in front of him, what Jun Ti saw was that Han Chen had become a Chaotic Saint in the midst of chaos.

This branch accounted for one-third of Han Chen's long fate.

The remaining two-thirds are turned into billions of small branches, although two-thirds, but divided into hundreds of millions of parts, which is equivalent to the possibility of each copy is very small.

On the contrary, the possibility of sanctification is greater.

Sanctification in the midst of chaos?

Could it be that Taichen is as groundbreaking as Pangu God, yes, this Taichen seems to be practicing "Eight Nine Xuan Gong", and this "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" is the supreme way of preaching with force.

In this way, I think it is in the midst of chaos that he finally preached sanctification.

Alas, alas, the river of fate can only observe the results, not the process, otherwise we will know how this Taichen preached sanctification.

It's all Pangu gods, you have nothing to suppress the long river of fate. ’

At this moment, Zhun Ti blamed Pangu God for rising.

He also didn't want to think that if the Pangu Great God did not suppress the long river of luck, wouldn't the entire flood famine be chaotic, think that as long as he preached the Daluo Golden Immortal, transcended the long river of fate, and then he could use his power to follow the river of fate upstream and influence the past world.

This is definitely not what Pangu Great God wants to see.

I finally opened up a world, you are engaged in seven and eight destruction in my world, where to put the face of my master.

Thinking about it this way, if there were no accidents in the future, he would definitely be able to preach the Mixed Yuan Saint.

In this way, it is necessary to win over my Western Sect, and having such a saint who will preach with strength in the future is always worthy of the position of the three leaders of my Western Sect.

Alas, Pangu God really is so unfair.

One by one, they have become saints, but it is difficult for others to preach the mixed elements! ’

Think of yourself and Senior Brother, who borrowed so much merit from the Heavenly Dao in order to preach the Dao Mixed Yuan, and owed so much cause and effect to the Heavenly Dao, if they couldn't help the world to upgrade the level.

The two brothers will always be migrant workers of the Heavenly Dao.

Yes, the so-called Western prosperity is actually to use the Western Avenue to help the world to become a higher level of the world, so that the West is prosperous, and the world is also promoted.

The two of them did not owe Heaven Dao cause and effect, and became free.

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