"How unfair!"

Jun Ti said with a sigh.

Hearing this, the long-eared Dingguang Immortal and Manjushri Daoist below were full of confusion, and they didn't know what happened to the Zhun Ti Saint, and suddenly reacted like this.

"Teacher, what's so unfair?"

The long-eared Dingguangxian asked curiously.

What injustice?

Of course, Zhun Ti will not say that it is because he envies Han Chen to preach with strength, let alone say that Pangu God is unfair and nonsense, this is the world opened up by Pangu God, and say bad things about Pangu God.

You will definitely be disgusted by the great will of heaven and earth, especially if you are a saint-level power like you.

If you don't get it right, it won't be long before the sage killer appears, it's not impossible, for the great will of heaven and earth, anything is possible, and the saint is an ant in front of the great will of the flood world.

"Without him, but it is the magic of the Eight Nine Xuangong, this may be Taichen Xiaoyou's way of preaching."


Teacher, are you saying that Taichen relied on the "Eight Nine Xuangong" to preach with force? How is this possible? "

"Eight Nine Xuan Gong", as a disciple of Xuanmen, of course, he has also been in contact, but he has never practiced, it is really the consumption of the most resources, moreover, it is too difficult to practice.

Each level of ascent requires an exponential increase in energy, which is not something that a single cultivator can support.

Yang Jian relied on the teachings and the offerings of the Heavenly Court.

Although Yang Jian had a good relationship with Haotian before, now Yunhua is staying well in the Heavenly Court, and Haotian also sends Tianjiang to send peach to him from time to time.

Peach, especially the kind of nine-thousand-year-old peach, some Daluo Golden Immortals in the Three Realms who have no way out may not be able to eat it.

Yang Jian, on the other hand, can eat it from time to time.

That's the gap.

Moreover, although the Eight Nine Xuan Gong claims to be able to preach with strength, these Xuanmen disciples of the Chang'er Dingguang Immortal would not believe that if they could preach with strength so easily, why did Pangu Great God fail in the first place.

This "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" is also adapted from the "Nine Turns Xuan Gong" practiced by Pangu Great God.

"Yes, teacher, didn't you say that the Pangu Great God failed to preach with force?

And how can the "Eight Nine Xuangong" created with the fragment of "Nine Turns Xuan Gong" be able to preach mixed elements? Wen Shu also said in surprise.

When Zhun Ti heard the words of the two, Zhun Ti nodded and did not deny it.

"'Eight Nine Xuan Gong', you were deduced by me and other saints when they first created the 'Seventy-Two Divine Powers of Earth' when they were discussing the Tao in Kunlun Mountain.

Preaching with strength is really just an idea, and I am not sure whether it can really succeed or not.

However, for Taichen, it was different.

He is a Pangu clan taichen, with the Pangu bloodline deity, and "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" is created based on the fragments of "Nine Turns Xuan Gong", and others may not be able to rely on this Xuan Gong to preach the mixed element.

However, it is possible for Pangu Taichen to be sanctified by this law.

Moreover, who followed your Pangu Great God to prove the failure of the way of the Mixed Yuan Saint? "

Jun Ti pondered a little, but did not hide the two, after all, both of them are their own optimism, and they will be pulled into their Western teachings in the future, so there can be no gap because of this.

"Huh? Isn't it? "

These Dao Dingguangxian and Manjushri Daoists were dumbfounded, but their teacher said so at the beginning.

"Hehe, of course not, it's a little early to talk to you about this, but you two are curious, and it doesn't hurt to talk about it, but this is from my mouth and ends in my heart..."

Jun Ti solemnly explained.

"Teacher rest assured, the disciple will not say it."

Hearing such a solemn expression of the saint, the two of them were very curious in their hearts, and secretly rejoiced, they did not expect that they could still know some unknown secrets of heaven and earth today.

"Well, that's good." Jun Ti nodded, paused, and continued.

"Whether you and other masters know about this, I don't know.

But Pangu Great God was in the chaos, killing three thousand demon gods, gathering three thousand demon god origins, and providing for a supreme world, hoping that the Dao was not a chaotic saint.

It is the Dao Saint, the true Chaos Master, the eternal and immortal Dao Saint.

As for what the Great Dao Saint is, the poor road is not clear, after all, even the Pangu Great God has not succeeded.

But under the Great Dao Saint is the Infinity Saint, and below the Infinity Saint is the realm of today's Flood Desolation Saints.

So, now I know why Poor Dao said that Taichen may be mixed with the Dao with force, right? "

In fact, Zhun Ti didn't know before, he was fooled by Hongjun, saying that it was too difficult to preach with force, and even the Pangu Great God was unsuccessful, causing the gods of the flood and desolation to directly give up preaching with force.

All of them began to practice the method of beheading three corpses, or looking for meritorious preaching.

There are merits that are numerous, because the flood and wilderness basically all follow the path of three corpses, resulting in the prosperity of Xuanmen Huangting Avenue and the unification of the flood wilderness road.

Later, the two of them also received the help of Luo Xiao, so they got rid of the control of Hongmeng Purple Qi, and it was under Luo Xiao's notice that they learned the secrets of many preachings.



When the two of Dingguangxian heard this, they inhaled with a breath of cool air and quickly nodded.

But isn't it, Pangu is a saint of the Avenue of Force.

And the eight nine Xuan Gong is created according to the "Nine Turns Xuan Gong" practiced by Pangu, even if it is not comparable to the original "Nine Turns Xuan Gong", but it is enough to prove that a mixed element saint thinks.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two lit up, as if they had discovered a new mixed avenue.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Jun Ti shook his head slightly, "You two are not Pangu Yan bloodline, and if you want to preach mixed yuan with 'Eight Nine Xuangong', the possibility of success is minimal. "


It's the disciple who is delusional! "

A sentence that was mentioned by Zhun Ti returned to reality, and the two explained a frustrated voice, yes, they are not Pangu bloodline, at this moment, the two suddenly thought of why the Zhun Ti Saint just said unfairly.

Yes, it's so unfair, Pangu is so unfair!

The two can only complain in their hearts, but they dare not say it, Da Luo Jinxian, every word and deed has a record of the Dao of Heaven and the Dao, but they can't talk casually.

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