Dingguangxian's jealousy towards Han Chen at this moment was even greater, first he was favored by his teacher Tongtian Saint, and now he was allowed to be favored, and he actually defeated Wang Buddha with Yidou in such a heavy position.

And he was only promised to rejoice in the Buddha with fixed light.

Doesn't it mean that even if he turns to the Western Sect in the future, he will be one head lower?

It was definitely not what he wanted.

I secretly said in my heart, 'Hmph, even if you have the hope of preaching the mixed element, it depends on whether I agree or not.' ’

Dingguang Immortal didn't believe that with his cultivation in the middle of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, he still couldn't die this little true immortal, anyway, now he is now a god and a calamity, and the three corpses that have not been beheaded are all in the calamity.

At that time, even if he dies in the Sealing God Tribulation, it is the will of heaven, and he can't blame himself.

Dingguang Immortal thought secretly in his heart, but his face did not show the slightest, after all, the Quasi Ti Saint took a fancy to this person, if he said it himself, I was afraid that the calculation would fail.

And although the Wen Shu Daoist was also jealous in his heart, he had no idea of killing Han Chen.

After all, there is no entanglement of interests between the two, and they are the ones who are favored by the saints, so why should they hate the saints because of one person.

"Little friend of Wenshu, this Wutai Mountain can also be regarded as a good blessed place, and it is useless with the poor road, so it will be given to you."

Hearing this, Wen Shu's face was overjoyed.

Wutai Mountain This is a congenital cave blessed land, not under his original cave mansion Wulong Mountain Yunxiao Cave, obtaining this cave mansion can increase his luck in the vein of Manjushri.

It helps him to practice the path of Da Luo, so how can he be unhappy.

And the Dingguangxian next to him did not envy, after all, Manjushri only got a bodhisattva position, and he won the Buddha fruit position, and his right to speak in the Buddha gate in the future will be different.

"Thank you teacher." Lian Saku thanked him.


Chao Ge, Wen Zhong originally heard that after the two Chao Lei Chaotian brothers returned to Shunxiqi, he was furious and directly ordered Qinglongguang Zhang Guifang to be the commander to conquer Xiqi.

The anger was not calmed, but he heard that the disciple Ji Li sent the news of Xianshuiguan, and it was still about his new fifth senior uncle.

But I saw that Ji Li walked in and opened the jade box, and inside were three non-gold and non-jade things, this object, three inches long and about an inch wide, with golden mysteries on it, words that ordinary people could not understand.

It was exactly the three talisman seals.

Wen Zhong Golden Immortal cultivated, the divine thought probed, the position of the mind for a while, one of the talismans and a destructive breath made Wen Zhong's heart hit without paying attention, and his face suddenly turned as pale as paper.

"Master, what's wrong with you..."

"Hiss..... This charm..... What did General Han say? "

Feeling the power of the rune seal, Wen Zhong's face was full of incredulity, as a disciple of the sect, of course, he knew, but at most, he had only seen the immortal rune.

Among the sect members, except for his master Peter Duobao, who had studied the way of refining tools, the rest were all good at the art of formation.

And Dan Dao, it seems that Lu Yueshi and Li Ping and the others also have a certain foundation in the study of Dan Dao.

But only this talisman seal, not many people studied the entire Intercept Sect.

Therefore, the runes did not appear in the Truncated Sect at all.

Therefore, Wen Zhong had never seen the runes, so he recklessly probed the runes with his divine thoughts and suffered a spiritual backlash.

"Master, this was sent by Marshal Han, and I heard that it was refined by the Talisman Seal of the Uncle Taichen Zhenjun, ranking at the rune level.

One of these three talismans is the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Talisman, which can be used to urge the Divine Mind and summon the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder to attack the other party.

The second is a thousand miles of ice sealing talismans, under the talisman seal, heaven and earth are zero, and everything is silent, all are frozen.

The third is a spatial teleportation talisman, if it is a quasi-saint and a supreme treasure to suppress the void, this talisman can be cast thousands of miles away. "


Listening to the introduction of disciple Ji Li, Wen Zhong was shocked in his heart, "Is this really refined by my uncle Taichen?" Junior Uncle Taichen seems to be just a true immortal cultivator, right? "


The disciples of the Truncated Sect were not very good at Fu Dao, and now, Fu Dao was also represented.

Think about it, this fifth senior uncle was still able to enter the Penglai Immortal Dao to learn the immortal Tao with the help of himself.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, his status changed so much, and he became his own uncle.

"Marshal Han's letter was indeed written like this, and Marshal Han's family general also personally told his disciples to say this, I think it should be true at this time."

Ji Li thought about it and said in confirmation.

"Good, good, with the help of the rune of Uncle Master, how rampant Naxiqi is just killing himself.

By the way, where is General Qinglong Guan Zhang now? "

"Master, the writ has been issued, I think it won't be long before I reach Xiqi, with General Zhang's soul-grabbing power, I think I will be able to easily defeat Xiqi and punish the rebels."

"I hope so!"

In fact, Wen Zhong was not very sure.

As a disciple of the Sect, how can I not know about the consecration of gods, if it is a separate Terran civil war, with the national strength of Yin Shang, no matter how rampant Xiqi is, it is only a grasshopper after the autumn, and it can't jump for long.

However, on the other hand, this is mixed with the Feng Shen Quantitation.

This is no longer a Terran civil war, but a game of immortals, standing behind Xiqi there are masters of many forces such as the Interpretation Sect, and Yin Shang only has the disciples of the Sect to make a move....

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