But now, his fifth senior uncle has such a means, but he can't help but use it.


"By the way, General Han said how many runes Uncle Junior Refined?"

The dragon skin of the Taiyi Golden Immortal at the beginning was originally the leftover material for the Shang King to make armor back then, and it has never been useful, and it is also eating dust when placed in the treasure house.

After hearing that Han Chen wanted to refine the talisman seal, he wanted to use it to win over Han Chen, and the king also approved of this matter, after all, the saint personally passed on the disciples, and he also wanted to win over him.

There were no big expectations.

After all, it was still because Han Chen's cultivation was too low, and only True Immortal cultivation was cultivated.

However, who would have thought that even this fifth senior uncle who only had a true immortal cultivation could actually make a rune that the Great Luo Golden Immortal could not make.

If so, let him, the fifth senior uncle, make more such runes.

Then the winning rate of Shang Ren is even greater.

It's just a pity that there are no more materials." ’

Thinking of this, Wen Zhong sighed helplessly in his heart, thinking that the material of the Taiyi Golden Immortal level dragon skin was not an ordinary precious, it was a dragon in the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Such a dragon is further developed, it is the Great God of Great Wandering, Da Luo Cultivator.

There are cultivators who have transcended the river of fate, and there are not many Da Luo Golden Immortals in the entire Truncated Sect.

"This.... Marshal Han didn't mention it, but I think it won't be less, do you want to ask? "

Ji Li looked at Wen Zhong hesitantly and said.

"There is no need for this, the runes of the fifth senior uncle are refined for themselves, even if they don't give me other runes, it is reasonable, I wait to ask the elders of the first division like this as a junior, what kind of system will they be."

Wen Zhong shook his head.

The most important thing is that the value of these three runes has exceeded the value of that dragon skin.

"What does Master mean?"

"For the master, I only want to know the success rate of my uncle refining the runes, let his heavenly materials and earth treasures as a reward, and let him help the imperial court refine some runes, but unfortunately, now the materials for refining runes are gone.

If only there were some material..."

"Master, the disciple remembers that the Great King also has a set of robes made of the fierce beast Chaos Skin, but I don't know if it can be satisfied..."

"Yes, if there is no mistake, then the Chaos Skin seems to be the fierce beast skin of a Da Luo Golden Immortal, which was killed by the Nine Heavens Xuan Nun back then..." Hearing the disciple's words, Wen Zhong's eyes lit up.

"But that's the robe of the great king.."

"You don't need to care at this time, prepare for it, and later the master will enter the palace and personally talk to the king!" As a imperial master, the teacher of King Shu, holding a golden whip, he can whip unconscious monarchs and traitors, and in the face of Wen Zhong, King Feng absolutely does not dare to resist in the slightest.

Otherwise, Wen Zhong really had the right to abolish the monarch and set up another one.

"Yes, disciple go and prepare!"


But said that in the Shuishui Pass, the General Military Mansion, Han Rong was entertaining a distinguished guest on this day.

This distinguished guest is none other than Zhang Guifang.

Zhang Guifang heard the order of Master Zhong, and immediately took 500,000 soldiers and passed through the north, passing through Tongguan, Jiepai Pass, and Piercing Cloud Pass, without daring to delay at all.

But when he passed through the Xianshui Pass, he heard that the saint's own disciple was here, and of course he wanted to come to visit.

He Zhang Guifang studied under the outer disciples of the Intercept Sect, and although the Master died in a battle for treasures, he never forgot his identity as a Sect Intercept disciple.

As a disciple of the outer sect of the Sect, when he saw the saint pass it on, this is his own master.

Yes, of course, I have to come to visit one or two.

But he didn't expect that this uncle actually closed again, as if he was making a talisman seal or something, so he could only give up and prepare to continue to Xiqi.

Come back when you come back.

"Unexpectedly, after only a few years, the cultivation of the virtuous brother has increased again, which really makes the brother envious."

Zhang Guifang is not an ordinary Qi refining practitioner, but also a martial artist.

Immortal Dao cultivation is a true golden immortal powerhouse, and martial arts cultivation has reached the unimaginable golden body realm, which is already comparable to a true immortal.

Immortal Dao qualifications are not to say, martial arts qualifications are also so against the sky, why not let him envy ah.

I don't know what opportunities the other party gets.

Han Rong didn't believe that he could become a golden immortal in a short time just by relying on his own qualifications, and the other party was just a top-grade immortal root, similar to his two sons.

His two sons are now only immortals.

Only a few decades apart, if there is no big opportunity, how can there be such a big gap?

"I just got some chance once, otherwise I'm afraid I will stay in the True Immortal now."

"By the way, is Brother Xian sure that he was ordered to conquer Xiqi this time?" Han Rong asked with a smile.

"There is still confidence, but who dares to guarantee the big war and killing, can only go all out."

Hearing this, Han Rong's eyes lit up.

"Brother Xian, I am willing to help my brother." Say it and take out a charm.

"Brother Xian, please see, this is a thousand miles of ice sealing talisman, it is a god-level talisman, it is very powerful, if Brother Xian can't do anything at that time, he can cast this talisman, or there is a turning point."

This talisman has been explained by Han Chen, and it hurts the heavens and heavens to deal with ordinary people with this talisman.

The karma is too heavy, if you want to get the divine position, this talisman must not be used indiscriminately, otherwise, it may damage the merit and Shinto will not be able to achieve it.

This is also Han Chen's conjecture.

Because Jiang Ziya used the power of the saint to exert magical powers, freezing countless merchant soldiers and creating countless karma, the saint's karma does not stick to the body, so of course this karma will be transferred to Jiang Ziya.

Han Chen guessed that Jiang Ziya might also be unable to seal the gods because of this matter.

Although Han Chen's words were only conjectures, Han Rong listened to them, what he asked for was just for a god position, of course, he would not lose the god position because of killing too much.

"Huh? Runes? This item is too valuable, but it is refined by the fifth master. "

"Don't hide from the virtuous brother, it was made by my second brother.

If the virtuous brother is interested, he can exchange the things on his body, my second brother is good at making talisman seals, and if there are such treasures, it is very good. "

Han Rong said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I really have something!" Saying that, he carefully took out an object from the space magic weapon.

A one-meter-square, boring skin, I don't know what kind of skin.

"This is?"

"This is the skin of the innate demon god of the level of a taiyi golden immortal, but unfortunately, the origin above has been absorbed by heaven and earth, and the younger brother also relies on absorbing some of the remaining origin on this object to cultivate to refine rapidly."

It is indeed the skin of the innate demon god, but now this skin has no trace of origin, just a good material.

He also wanted to return to Penglai Island after conquering Xiqi and ask Master Duobao to help him refine a magic weapon.

I don't ask for the Houtian Lingbao, but a superb fairy treasure is still possible.

The rune, the true Heavenly Spirit Treasure-level divine object, although it is only a one-time, but even there, the value is still enough, the most important thing is that he wants to befriend this fifth senior uncle.

This fifth master who can refine divine runes.

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