Outside Xiqi Castle, on a mountain.

Ichitoto saluted a person.

"The disciple meets the teacher, and the disciple has already passed on the Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Technique to Taichen Zhenjun."

"Well, Dharma Ring, you have completed this task, but you are credited to my Western Sect, you must not be rewarded, you can take that golden lotus."

This golden lotus, you are born with meritorious incense to cultivate, and based on this, it is enough for you to shape your golden body and become a bodhisattva fruit. "

That head tuo is not someone else, it is Han Sheng Han's master vow, and this person is also a quasi-Daoist.

He was paying attention to the entire Feng Shen Tribulation, never leaving the East, changing into all kinds of ordinary people, walking the world, especially in this period of Tribulation.

If he was not at the scene, even the saint would not have discovered his true body.

When Fa Ji heard this, his face was overjoyed, and he quickly knelt down and thanked him.

"The disciple thanks the teacher for giving this kind of karma.

By the way, teacher, what if that Taichen Zhenjun doesn't practice the "Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Recipe"? After all, he was a saint disciple, and the teacher even said that he was the protector of the Xuanmen.

I think there will be no shortage of the secret method of the saint Xuangong. "

"Hahaha, with the supreme trick that my senior brother and I jointly deduced, this trick not only has the rhyme of my Western Bodhi Way, but also combines the Jindan Dao of Taiqing Daoist friends and the mystery of the "Eight Nine Xuangong" that is said to be able to preach the Dao.

You can preach by beheading the corpse, and you can preach by force.

Such a wonderful trick, Poor Dao didn't want him to be a true immortal who could endure not to practice, not to mention, even if he didn't practice, what could he do, the defeat of the sect was doomed.

After the calamity, the interception sect is in ashes, even if he thinks about his own future, he should enter the Western Bliss Realm.

So, you don't need to worry about the precepts at this time. "

Jun Ti said confidently.

The Dharma Ring also nodded along, and he also thought so, thinking that it was impossible for a true immortal to resist the temptation not to practice the Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Technique.

"By the way, teacher, about Taichen Zhenjun, the disciple still has something to report."

"Oh, Taichen Xiaoyou's?"

Zhun Ti was surprised, he thought that he knew enough about that Taichen, if not one hundred percent, but not much worse, could it be that this son had other secrets?

Fa Jiao nodded.

"Exactly, teacher, look!"

Saying that, he took out four runes from the magic weapon, all of which were medium-grade runes.

"Hey, runes, I didn't expect you to have such a good thing."

Jun Ti was surprised.

He can make this thing of runes, but for him, it is not necessary, this thing is mainly with the help of the power of heaven and earth, and this kind of thing is greatly limited.

For example, if the other party is a person of merit, then your rune will be nullified.

After all, it is the power of heaven and earth, and it is impossible for heaven and earth to attack their beloved ones with their own strength.

Not only meritorious people, but even, the other party has a righteous position in heaven and earth, like a true monarch with the title of heaven and earth, a true god with a civil servant of heaven and earth, and so on.

None of these charms will work.

After all, the power of this talisman comes from heaven and earth.

And refining such talismans, but also consume divine materials, for the saint, this kind of thing is a bit chicken, it is better to directly attack with divine powers.

At least the power comes from himself, and he can shoot as he wants.

Well, in fact, even if you use magical powers to strike at meritorious people, even if they do not fail, they will increase karma, and when there is more karma to a certain extent, it is estimated that it is time for heaven and earth to destroy you.

However, although the saint can't look at the talisman seal, it doesn't mean that this thing is not useful.

Especially defensive talismans are still very useful.

Divine runes, not everyone can make them, Hong Huang can make runes, at least it must be a Da Luo Golden Immortal who has studied for many years in the rune seal.

And the Dharma Ring, just a golden immortal, obviously not made by him.

"You mean this rune has something to do with that Taichen little friend?"

Quasi asked.

"It is precisely because of this talisman that it was made from the bitter bamboo leaves given by the teacher when the disciples traveled east."

"What? Isn't he a true immortal? How can I craft runes? "

Hearing the words of the Dharma Ring, Zhun Ti was surprised, using true immortal cultivation as a way to make a rune, this is simply impossible, this is a rune, a rune that can borrow the power of the origin of heaven and earth.

Such a talisman, even if it is a middle grade, can borrow at least the power of the middle and late stages of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Taking one of the talismans, Zhun Ti felt it a little, this Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Rune can definitely attract a purple Xiao Divine Thunder that is comparable to the power of the late stage of Da Luo.

This thunder fell, I am afraid that if the Great Luo Golden Immortal does not have a defensive spirit treasure above the top grade, it is estimated that even if he does not die directly, he will have to be reincarnated and rebuilt.

"This, the disciple does not know, the disciple has asked him for the knowledge of the Fu Seal, and in the disciple's feeling, it is simply broad and profound, and it is simply omniscient.

Even in that short day, the disciple gained a lot, and now the disciple was able to refine the Shangpin Immortal Talisman. "

"It should be the inheritance of Pangu God.

Taiqing inheritance Dan Dao, Yuqing inheritance instrument Dao, Shangqing inheritance array Dao, and this Taichen Xiaoyou actually inherited the rune path.

Sure enough, if this Taichen Daoist friend had been born some time earlier, I am afraid that he would have already preached the Dao Mixed Yuan. "

Jun Ti muttered to himself, thinking of seeing the fragment of that Han Chen sitting quietly in the chaos in the long river of fate, and his heart was full of taste, envy, and jealousy...

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