This thought made Jun Ti more and more sure that this Han Chen was destined to be a Dao Mixed Yuan Saint in the future.

"This son should be my three Western Sect Masters!"

Jun Ti secretly made up his mind to think, and at this moment, a cold breath came from Xiqi City, "Hiss, what's going on?" Zhun Ti was surprised, looked up, and directly saw a glacier in front of him that shrouded the entire Xiqi City.

"Teacher, Zhang Guifang came to visit Taichen Zhenjun when he passed through the Xianshui Pass before, but Taichen Zhenjun was in retreat at that time.

However, he got a rune from Han Rong's hand, this talisman, I think it was that rune, such a scene, it must be that Guifang cast this rune. "

As for what kind of talisman it was, Dharma Ring did not ask Han Rong, at that time the exchange between the two was just, he was not present, and he was still in retreat to understand and discuss with Han Chen about the Dao rune.

And now it seems that this talisman should be an ice talisman.

"Hiss, this kind of talisman seal is really too hurtful." The would-be shook his head.

Under the saint, all living beings are ants, not because he has any compassion and sympathizes with the people in Xiqi City, but because he is worried that King Wu's felling will be destroyed.

If Yin Shang is not destroyed, then it will be difficult for the Ji Sect that is supported and enshrined by Yin Shang to be destroyed, so this Yin Shang must be destroyed.

"I didn't want to intervene prematurely, but this time, if Poor Dao doesn't intervene, I'm afraid that my plan will fall short."

This Yuan Shi Dao brother is really unreliable, and he should have handed over the book and the whip to Taiqing Dao brother in the first place. "

Zhun Ti smiled bitterly in his heart, secretly scolding Yuan Shi Tianzun's unreliability.

Scolding and scolding, but can't help but make a move, now there are no masters in Xiqi City, if he doesn't make a move, isn't this divine calamity finished before it starts?

But I saw that Jun Ti stretched out his right hand, pointed his index finger at the glacier of Naxiqi City, and a golden light flew out from his index finger.


Towards the glacier.


But said that outside Xiqi City, Zhang Guifang used his soul-snatching power to fight against the boy who called himself Nezha.

But there was no movement, and his heart was in a hurry, he was so powerful, he fought against Huang Feihu before, but he was invincible, and he captured the martial king Huang Feihu and his next Zhou Ji.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the soul-snatching secret technique that he was proud of actually failed.

'Hateful! ’

In desperation, Zhang Guifang could only use the spear in his hand, soar into the air, exert martial arts power, immortal magic power, and strike at the same time, killing towards Nezha.

The Xianbao spear cut through the sky in his hand, causing a roar and dust.

Then Nezha also cast the fire spear in his hand, and at the same time a golden light flashed, and a gold brick suddenly flew towards Zhang Guifang, and Zhang Guifang was shocked when he saw the golden brick flying.

This boy is really powerful.

Zhang Guifang, who was already in the late stage of the Golden Immortal, suddenly felt Nezha's unfathomable cultivation, and the other Immortal Dao cultivation was definitely stronger than himself.

'How can this Xiqi have such a superior person? ’

The mind cursed secretly, but the long gun in his hand was not slow, turned around, and blocked the gold brick.


The magic weapons collided and emitted a burst of metallic sounds, and powerful sound waves spread around, causing the dragon blood xenomorph war horses under the crotches of the soldiers to panic.


The war horse roared and began to be restless, and the soldiers watching the battle on both sides did not dare to be careless, and quickly dragged the reins to stabilize the panicked war horse.

And after catching the golden brick with the fairy treasure spear, Zhang Guifang was suddenly shocked in his heart.

'This boy turned out to be a Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Hiss, I'm afraid this is not a second-generation disciple, right? Moreover, the shot is an innate spirit treasure, if it is not for the second generation of disciples, how can there be so many innate spirit treasures? ......’

Feeling that the fairy treasure spear in his hand was still softly chirping, Zhang Guifang clearly felt that there was actually a crack in the upper grade fairy treasure level spear in his hand, and this fairy treasure had been scrapped.

Can't help but make Zhang Guifang's heart ache, he is only a third-generation disciple of the outer sect, he has no net worth, this top-grade immortal treasure is already the most precious magic weapon in his hands.

Looking up again, the two wheels with flames on their feet soared into the air, holding a spear in their hands, wearing a long red silk on their shoulders, and a golden steel ring around their necks, all of these treasures revealed the breath of the weather.

Plus the gold brick just now.

At this moment, Zhang Guifang really wanted to cry.

Nima, you yourself restrained my divine powers, not to mention, there are five innate spirit treasures, the cultivation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, how else to fight this?

"Zhang Guifang, don't tie up your hands yet!"

Nezha stood on the Hot Wheel, looked at Zhang Guifang below, and secretly said in his heart, 'This Zhang Guifang really has two brushes, not only the cultivation of immortal Dao, but also the good martial arts cultivation.

If the ordinary Golden Immortal cultivator took me, this Taiyi Golden Immortal One Golden Brick is afraid that he will be injured. ’

"Hmph, you are Fang Wai Gao Xiu, why did you help the Xiqi rebel thief to rebel against the imperial court, such a person without a monarch, An dares to let me surrender, if you want to fight, Hugh has to fight more tongues."

"Haha.... Since you want to find death, today I will send you to that god list and leave. "

After saying that, ten percent of mana was cast in his hand, and the fire-tipped spear was killed towards that Guifang.

Zhang Guifang, who had no slightest intention to fight, panicked to meet the enemy, but another divine light flew towards Zhang Guifang, it was the innate Lingbao Qiankun circle.

And Zhang Guifang took the long gun in his hand to receive Nezha's fire tip gun, where can he manage the Qiankun circle.




The sound of the handing over of spears and the sound of the Qiankun circle hitting the magic weapon sounded at the same time.

"Ugh!" With a scream, Zhang Guifang fell off the horse.

Suddenly, the revenant sprang up.

"Hahaha, Zhang Guifang is not dead at this time, but when is it!" Saying that the spear came to kill again, the fairy treasure spear in Zhang Guifang's hand was almost destroyed by the innate spirit treasure, where can he catch it at this moment.

Just as he wanted to escape with a blood shield, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Something came to mind.


The mana in his hand was entangled, and a talisman appeared in his hand, "Die!" "

The talisman seal in his hand was thrown in the direction of Nezha and Xiqi City...

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