Thousands of miles of ice sealing talismans, divine runes, at the moment Zhang Guifang made a move, Nezha had already noticed that something was wrong, and Nezha, who was a saint boy, was certainly not a hillbilly.

He still knew the power of the runes.

With his current cultivation in the early stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, if he did not have the protection of the spirit treasure, he would die nine times in the face of this rune.


Saying that, Nezha frantically retreated, and at the moment when Zhang Guifang's rune was cast, boundless cold qi struck from all directions.



"Hot Wheels!"

This is the Chinese grade innate spirit treasure, two rounds, one round has the fire of silence and rebirth, the fire of Nanming Separation Fire, and the other round has the fire of burning all things, the true fire of Samadhi.

These two fires are not returning fires, but different fires of heaven and earth.

Nezha felt the cold air coming from all directions, and he was about to freeze the entire Xiqi City, and everyone watching the battle in the city, including Jiang Ziya, was shocked, especially Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya's qualification is immortal, and he can achieve a heavenly immortal or rely on the innate aura of Kunlun Immortal Mountain, and sometimes eat some spirit fruits.

But as a disciple of the saint, there is still insight.

I was feeling this boundless and endless cold air rushing towards the entire Xiqi City, as if it was going to freeze the entire Xiqi City.

I immediately saw why.

"Divine runes, mixed accounts, how can Zhang Guifang have such a god rune that hurts the heavens and peace, he is not afraid of suffering immeasurable karma, and he will not be able to advance in his cultivation in the future, and will never cross the endless purgatory?"

At this moment, Jiang Ziya, who was standing on the city wall, could be described as extremely angry.

"Father Xiang, what kind of demon art is this, how is it so cold, are the people of Xiqi City going to die under such a demon art?"

Although the Martial King Ji Fa next to him practiced martial arts, he was a mortal man in the end.

I don't know why, but I obviously instinctively felt the crisis of life and death, and I couldn't help but show panic in my heart, and I was even more worried about the millions of people in Xiqi City.

"The king doesn't need to worry, the minister will definitely be able to break this demon art!"

Jiang Ziya, summoning the innate yellow flag in the Divine Sea, is the supreme defense of the ultimate innate spirit treasure, and in terms of defense ability alone, it ranks first among the innate five square flags.

It is also under the four lotus platforms and those defensive supreme treasures.

This kind of magic weapon is enough for the saint to use.

Moreover, the most important thing is that although it is not a congenital supreme treasure, it can belong to the Chaos Creation Green Lotus, and it also has the function of suppressing qi luck, of course, the effect is not comparable to the innate supreme treasure, nor can it suppress the great sect.

However, it was still enough to suppress the luck of a top sect.

However, although this supreme treasure is unparalleled in defense, it also depends on the cultivation power of the person holding this treasure.

With Jiang Ziya Heavenly Immortal Cultivation, it is enough to protect one's body with this supreme treasure.

But now, this Guifang cast a divine rune, the endless cold qi of heaven and earth, it is about to destroy millions of people in the entire Xiqi, such a killing weapon that mutilates all living beings, the power is too great.

Jiang Ziya wants to protect the people of the entire Xiqi City with the yellow banner of pentaji apricot and yellow flag, it is difficult.


The yellow flag flew out, spinning wildly in the sky in Jiang Ziya's hands, growing in the wind, and soon turned into a giant flag that was several meters high.

The yellow flag flutters in the wind.

Seeing more and more cold air coming in, the area around Xiqi City had begun to freeze, and the moisture of the air quickly condensed.

Jiang Ziya was helpless, gritted his teeth fiercely, and the mana of his whole body was cast, and at the same time he launched the power of essence blood, the power of the essence soul, and all the power was cast.


The yellow flag of the penji apricot said one by one, from the flag, one after another yellow lotus platforms flew out, tens of thousands of lotus platforms flew around Xiqi City, sprinkling one after another divine light, forming a yellow light mask.

And Nezha under the city was shocked when he saw Jiang Ziya exerting such magical powers, and then looked at Jiang Ziya's face.

"Uncle Junior, you will die this way!"

With the cultivation of the Etheric Immortal, he can certainly see what Jiang Ziya is really doing, this is sacrificing his own origin power, so consuming his own origin, needless to say, the future immortal path is gone.

Not only is the Immortal Dao gone, but it will even die because the Origin is exhausted.

"Nezha, if you don't make a move yet, uncle, I won't be able to hold out for long."

"Hot Wheels, go!"

Hearing Jiang Ziya's words, Nezha did not hesitate at all, and found out the Zhongpin Innate Lingbao Hot Wheel, sigh, two wheels, and flew into the sky.


A phoenix cry spread throughout Xiqi City.

But I saw that the Hot Wheels flashed with a divine light and turned into two divine birds, which were exactly the appearance of phoenixes, and the two phoenixes were burning with raging fire.

Fire is not ordinary fire, Nanming Leaving Fire and Sanmei True Fire flew into the air under the urging of the two phoenix divine birds, and unexpectedly stopped the trend of the cold qi attacking.

Coupled with the power of the Yellow Flag, slowly, a huge ice cover enveloped the entire Xiqi City.


Seeing such a scene, Nezha immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

Fortunately, there is a yellow flag, otherwise this Xiqi is afraid that it will be over before it has begun to fell, and he has not done it yet.


Nezha looked up, the huge ice cover, too thick, thousands of meters thick, such a huge ice cover, and, the most important thing is that this ice is not ordinary ice.

How could the ice created by the runes be ordinary ice.

This is, the Infinity Xuan Ice is unbreakable without divine fire, and the Three Immortal True Fire of his Hot Wheel and the Nanming Separation Fire can melt this Infinity Xuan Ice.

But the time required is not usually long.

And at this time, an exclamation came, "Father! "

It was that Jiang Ziya who suddenly fainted, Ji Fa quickly ran over to catch Jiang Ziya, and when he saw Jiang Ziya, who was already unconscious, Ji Fa shouted loudly.

"Father Xiang, wake up quickly!"

Nezha, when he heard this, was also shocked, and quickly ran over.

"Nezha, what's wrong with Father Xiang?"

Ji Fa was very worried about Jiang Ziya, but Jiang Ziya said that he could become the co-master of the Terran race and win Tang Jiangshan, and Ji Fa, who had already regarded Jiang Ziya's words as a guideline, became deeply dependent on Jiang Ziya.

Now that Jiang Ziya is suddenly gone, he doesn't know what to do.

"Hiss..... Uncle Junior, the divine soul is greatly damaged, the spirit is seriously lost, now he must find Shi Bozu and ask for the Nine Turns Soul Pill to heal, if it is not in time, Uncle Junior is afraid that his life will be in danger. "

Nezha Divine Mind penetrated, and he was very clear about Jiang Ziya's current situation.

"Ah, please also ask Nezha to find a saint to save Xiang's father!"

Saying that, Ji Fa directly knelt down to this Nezha, and quickly helped him up with mana, "The king must not, I am the first official of the felling line, and now I am the minister of the great king, how can I make the king worship the truth of the courtier."

Don't hide from the king, if he can, Nezha also wants to directly seek the help of the master, but now...

With the Divine Rune Xuan Ice sealing the entire Xiqi City, I can't go out at all now."

This Xuan Bing is too powerful, and it is impossible to break it if it is not a Daluo Golden Immortal powerhouse! "

Nezha was also full of sadness, shook his head and said.

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