Outside the city, Zhang Guifang was overjoyed when she saw such a scene.

"Hahaha, Master Taichen's rune is really powerful, he actually eliminated the entire Xiqi rebellion in one fell swoop, I thought it was a vicious battle, but I didn't expect it to be solved so simply.


Zhang Guifang laughed, this is a heartfelt joy, a madness to escape death.

"Congratulations to the great marshal, I will definitely get a great reward when I have this merit, and when the time comes, I will be promoted to a knight, and share the luck of great business, maybe it won't be long before the great marshal can break through the Golden Immortal and become the realm of Taiyi."

Seeing this, Adjutant Feng Lin was also very happy, and quickly came to Zhang Guifang to congratulate him.

Yes, the disciples of the Jiao Sect mixed with the affairs of the great business, and even many became officials in the big business, not for other reasons, but also because they wanted to enjoy the luck of the big businessman.

You usually enjoy the luck of the great merchant to cultivate, and when the great merchant is about to perish, you can't help but make a move.

If you don't make a move, it's cause and effect, cause and effect will not disappear, and the road will be difficult to end in the future.

And if you make a move, you still can't prevent the demise of the big business, it will be the number of days, and you can't be blamed, cause and effect are self-eliminating.

"Haha, rejoice together!"

He has made great achievements, and Feng Lin, who is an adjutant, has certainly made great achievements.

And just as the two laughed, a golden light fell from the sky and flew towards the huge glacier in Xiqi City.

But I saw that the golden light touched the glacier instantly, as if it had touched a nemesis, quickly dissolved, disappeared directly, and vaporized.

In just one breath, the entire Thousand Miles Ice City recovered as before.

Zhang Guifang looked at Naxiqi City, there were no casualties, except for his face that was a little purple from the cold, they were all intact, and they were suddenly shocked.

'How is that possible? This thousand-mile ice sealing talisman is a divine talisman, this Xiqi City can actually prevent it?

Moreover, who was the owner of that golden light that Shi just now?

It's too bad, there are masters in Xiqi City, you have to retreat! ’

Zhang Guifang was shocked in his heart, he came to conquer Xiqi, not to send him to death, how could he not know when he saw such a scene, his conquest of Xiqi was afraid that he was going to fail.

Yes, when the opportunity came, he shouted loudly.

"Quickly retreat!"

Feng Lin is not a fool, the marshal is seriously injured, even the marshal is not an opponent, he is even more, helpless, and also followed by a shout "Withdraw!" "

Immediately, the army retreated, returned to the barracks, and let the soldiers quickly hang up the no-battle card...

In the barracks, Zhang Guifang was in unbearable pain.

There was a military doctor next to him to clean up the pain on his body, cut open his robe, and put on a middle-grade fairy treasure inner armor, and it was this inner armor that protected him, otherwise he was hit by the Nezha innate spirit treasure Qiankun circle, and now I am afraid that his soul has returned to God.


The military doctor touched the wound, and Zhang Guifang, who was in pain, gritted her teeth.

The wind forest next to him was also injured, got up with difficulty, and said, "Marshal, that Xiqi master is too powerful, especially that young man, it is too weird, and he actually holds five innate spirit treasures.

We are not rivals at all..."

"I can only write to the Imperial Master."

Zhang Guifang also nodded, he knew the weight, that young man was obviously a sect master, and there were so many treasures in hand, how could he be an opponent of this outer disciple.

I can only let Senior Brother Wen Zhong think of a way.


Not to mention the situation of Zhang Guifang's military camp, he said that at this moment, an old man in a white robe came to Xiqi City.

"I've seen King Wu!" The Taoist greeted the first ceremony.

"I have seen Immortal Chang, thank you Immortal Chang for saving me!"

Seeing the old man, who was wearing an immortal wind Dao bone, he was obviously a person with a profound cultivation, otherwise, the golden light just now would not easily break the unbreakable Xuan Ice that was not the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

After the golden light, the old immortal appeared, Ji Fa was not a fool, of course he knew that it was this master who made a move.

It is to quickly worship.

And when Nezha saw this, he also came forward to see him.

"Teaching, Taiyi Zhenren disciple Nezha visited the senior, I don't know what the senior's Dao number is, practicing in that Fang Immortal Mountain?"

Feeling the other party's unfathomable cultivation, Nezha knew at the first time that the other party was at least a Daluo Golden Immortal, or even a quasi-saint powerhouse, and the Flood Barren World was so big, even if he was a saint boy and a disciple of the Interpretation, it was impossible to understand it all.

Yes, I can only ask bluntly.

Dao Ming himself came from the Saint Sect, but also to put pressure on the other party not to mess around, what is the purpose of saying bluntly.

"The poor road is the cultivation of idle clouds and wild cranes, and it is not enough to be the way.

This time, I happened to pass through this place, but I couldn't see such a thing of life happening in front of the eyes of the poor road, so I made a move. "

The old man Taoist didn't care, and no matter what Nezha said, the saint sect explained, of course, he didn't want to report his family.

Seeing this, Nezha was also helpless, and the other party's cultivation was not something he could offend.

As for the other party's statement that it happened to pass, Nezha would not believe this to death.

"Senior, you can know who made that Guifang cast the rune, and it was so powerful..."

"Nezha, let's let Shangxian take a look at Xiang's father first.

Shangxian, Xiang's father is dying, and ask Shangxian to rescue one or two...." "Such a profound cultivation, I think I will be able to save Xiang's father, Ji Fa is very anxious at the moment, for fear that Jiang Ziya has a three long and two short.

"Good, wait for the poor to take a look."

Everyone came to the inner room.

'Hiss... This Jiang Ziya really dares to mess around, even if you are the son of luck in this God Sealing Tribulation, but if you die like this, even if your life is hard, you can't withstand the toss! ’

Jun Ti opened the saint's eye slightly, and he was immediately clear about Jiang Ziya's state, and his heart was even more speechless.

'What a little master!' ’

"The poor road can delay one or two, if you want to save it, you can only be the Nine Transformations Divine Pill of Taiqing Tianzun, however, this pill is too precious, I am afraid it is difficult to find..."

Whether it can be saved or not, of course, the cultivation of the saint, a little exertion can save it.

It's just that Jun Ti doesn't want to mix, this is the calamity of the East, in case because of his own mixing, in the future, this Jiang Ziya will create boundless karma, cause and effect entanglement, let this karma transfer to his own door, it will be tragic.

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