In the Jade Void Palace.

Taiyi Zhenren led Nezha to meet Yuan Shi Tianzun, and Nezha told the reason.

"What? Nezha, are you saying that Ziya died because of the runes refined by Taichen Zhenjun? "

That's what the Taoist said.

He also said that Nataichen Zhenjun was a god of the Pangu clan, and now he worshipped under the Tongtian Master Uncle Ancestor, and became the fifth personal disciple of the Master Uncle Ancestor, and obtained the true transmission of the saint, and the divine power is mysterious, which is not blocked by ordinary people..."

Nezha also said the reason for this through a stream of brains.

And Yuan Shi, who heard this, was shocked in his heart.

Although he had feelings for Na Taichen before, he was more interested in the newly born Pangu clan god, so he asked Guangchengzi to inquire, and if he found this person, he would accept him as a disciple and include him under the sect.

But don't care too much.

Unexpectedly, this Taichen Zhenjun and the newly born Pangu Clan god were actually the same person.

After knowing the specific information of this person, Yuan Shi was surprised.

It was completely unreasonable for a true immortal cultivator to be able to refine divine runes.

'Could it be that he has also inherited a talisman of the Father's supreme powers? ’

As a Pangu clan deity who achieved the three points of the Yuan God, it is impossible for ordinary people to imagine that he has received many inheritances, and what he inherits is a magical ability about refining treasures.

It's called Divine Machine Hundred Refinement!

With this divine power to refine the magic weapon, it is invincible, and even cultivate with his saint.

As long as the materials are enough, the acquired treasure can be mass-produced, but the materials that can refine the acquired treasure are not ordinary materials.

It is precisely because of this that over the years, he has refined a Heavenly Seal Acquired Treasure.

When I think about it, my eldest brother and Tongtian have inherited the corresponding magical information.

I looked at each other in my heart, 'I think I was able to learn the inheritance of divine powers in a short period of time, I think it is because of the grace of the Father's God.'

What a lucky man. ’

Mastering the supreme rune divine power and the heavenly Dao divine power mediation, it is no wonder that the quasi-Dao friends say that ordinary people can resist it.

Yuan Shi didn't need to think about it, he knew that the person Nezha said was Zhun Ti, and Zhun Ti had been staying in the east to do things, which he knew, but he needed his help, and Yuan Shi also turned a blind eye.

And for Taichen, who has the ability to make talismans, Yuan Shi has a little headache at the moment.

If this son does not do anything else, the fact that he has been looking for materials to make talisman seals is enough for the Xiqi camp to feel good for a while, even if the materials for making runes are precious, but the Intercept Sect is a great sect after all.

Some materials for refining talismans can still be provided.

"There is no need to worry about this, Na Taichen is good at spell making.

But the Heaven and Earth Ancestral Talisman Mixed Yuan One Flame Talisman is in the hands of your master uncle, wait here for a while, and go to the same heaven and outer heaven for the master..."

The Mixed Yuan Yiqi Talisman, also known as the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman, is the ultimate innate spiritual treasure, the innate ancestral talisman bred by heaven and earth, and when you hold this talisman, you should be in charge of the rune luck.

At that time, Taiqing also accidentally obtained this treasure while walking in the flood and famine.

And Taiqing didn't like to study the talisman seal very much, so that this spirit treasure had been eating dust in his hand.

Yuan Shi said nothing, stepped into the void and disappeared into the Jade Void Palace of Kunlun Mountain.


The Great Red Sky is too clear.

Hakkei Palace.

"Junior brother is here, but what happened to Jiang Ziya and the others?"

"Exactly, don't hide Senior Brother, Ziya is dead, and it needs Senior Brother's Nine-Turn Divine Pill to save it, Junior Brother is here to ask for Dan, of course, there is another thing to ask for."

"Ziya is the son of the calamity, with such a cultivation as the son of the calamity, the death is his calamity, it is not surprising, the elixir has long been prepared, but what else did the junior brother say?"

Taiqing was a little curious.

Yuan Shi did not hide the things in it, and Taiqing sighed when he heard it.

"I didn't expect such lucky people."

When this son was born, his brother still wanted to include it under his door, who knew that after Xuandu went down the mountain, after looking for no clues, he stayed in the Shouyang Mountain Dojo, just instructed some Terran disciples to look for it.

But he didn't expect that this son actually entered the door of Junior Brother Tongtian.

The law is such that it cannot be forced.

Listening to what the junior brother said, I think that this son should have inherited the talisman power of the father, that is, this son was born too late, otherwise, this mixed yuan and a flame talisman is afraid that he will have no chance with his brother. "

Taiqing couldn't help but laugh.

The Mixed Yuan One Flame Talisman is the supreme treasure of the Fu Dao, holding this thing, quite in charge of the Fu Dao Sancheng Qi Luck, in the future, the Divine Dao will be prosperous, and it will also be the Fu Dao Dao Daoxing, and when the time comes, the Fu Dao Qi Luck will definitely rise greatly.

Even if Taiqing knew that now the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Fu and Taichen were more related, he would not want to let it.

'No, if the treasure is in my hands, I am afraid that this son will never have a chance, but if this treasure is not in my hands....'

Thinking of this, the profound cultivation of the Ether Qing Daoist already had a conjecture in his heart about his understanding of the Destiny Qi Counting Method.

"Is this the return of the fortune method of rune luck?

Well, if you really have this ability, the poor road will be recognized! "

Tai Qing secretly thought in his heart that the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Talisman had been completely refined by him, and if someone wanted to take this talisman seal, they must first erase the imprint they had left in the talisman seal.

The imprint of his late Mixed Yuan cultivation was not something that a small true immortal could touch.


A chaotic colored talisman appeared in Taiqing's hand, handed it to Yuan Shi, and explained.

"Junior Brother, this talisman has a relationship with that Taichen, but let Ziya keep it safe, don't let Taichen take it."

"This.... Senior Brother, haven't you already refined this treasure, and are you still worried that an unproven Daluo person will seize the magic weapon from me and other saints? "

Taiqing's worries made Yuan Shi unable to understand.

It shouldn't be.

Yuan Shi Tianzun thought secretly.

"Junior Brother, this kind of thing is elusive even for a brother, but it is undeniable that it has a powerful and mysterious power, although this power is not directly displayed, but it is not denied that it really exists."

Yuan Shi Tianzun also nodded when he heard this, this thing is indeed magical.

This kind of power seems to be in heaven and earth at all times, and the power seems to come from the whole world, constantly changing with the operation of the world, even if he is a saint, he cannot be forcibly cut off.

Thought about it.

"Senior brother rest assured, I will tell Yang Jian to take charge of this talisman, with Yang Jian's cultivation, I don't think he will be allowed to take advantage of it."

Yuan Shi is also a guarantee.

Hearing that it was handed over to Yang Jian, Taiqing also nodded, Yang Jian's Xuangong cultivation was already in the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he had already cultivated into the body of the Chaotic Xuanyu God and Demon.

Even if he faced Da Luo, he was not half a point weaker.

In his hands, Taiqing was still relieved.

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