Not to mention the Kyushu calamity.

But it is said that on Mount Meru, next to the merit pool, two white-clothed Taoists sit quietly on the lotus platform, 12 pins of meritorious golden lotus, 12 pints of the black lotus of extinction, and the old Taoist very respectfully saluted the young Taoist.

Quietly listen to the young Taoist teach the Supreme Mixed Yuan Dao.

At that time, the young Daoist suddenly stopped the sound of the mixed yuan avenue, and after the old Daoist stopped, he also opened his eyes and looked at the young Daoist in surprise.

"Teacher, this is..."

For Luo Xiao Demon Ancestor's Seven Emotions and Six Desires, the Daoist thought that it was broad and profound, not under the Huangting Avenue of Hongjun Dao Ancestor, and even surpassed it.

I listened to it very well, but I don't know why, Teacher Luo Xiao suddenly stopped talking.

Yes, these two are not others, it is the Demon Zuluo and the saint who have been introduced.

As for the fact that the Demon Ancestor Luo Ji has been destroyed by Hongjun, that is, fooling some minor cultivators who do not understand, becoming a quasi-saint powerhouse, who will believe ~ this kind of nonsense.

No, isn't Luo Xiao sitting here alive-?

But the corners of his mouth smiled.

"Aren't you trying to win over that Pangu Clan Taichen Daoist? Now there's a good chance -- yes. "

"Oh? What is always said? "

Jun Ti had probed the fate of Taichen, and of course the two Daoists and Luo Xiao had also probed, and it was undeniable that Pangu was selfish in the end, and his own bloodline heirs preached so simply.

Compared to others, the difficulty is not at the same level at all.

Although this Taichen did not open the heavens and merit to help, the other party preached with strength.

Preaching with force in the chaos, even Luo Jun can't do it, blocking Luo Jun and Hongjun from arguing, that is, if he preaches sanctified, he will not be driven out of the Flood Barren World by Hongjun.

It was in the chaos that he finally found the legacy he left in the chaos that he successfully preached sanctification.

Yes, Luo Xiao also thinks that this Taichen is preaching with force.

"This son has a lot of bad fortunes, first provoking the daughter of the boy of Hongjun Laoer, and then getting involved with his senior sister Yunxiao, and the little fairy named Yang Chan also does not look forward to it every year.

I said, do you use the wrong method.

How much weight does the cause and effect of a "Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Recipe" have, it is better to stuff him with a beautiful fairy and let him transfer to the path of bliss created by Zhun Ti.

Or maybe the way of lust in this seat is also quite suitable for him. "

Pangu Great God is the enemy of all Chaos Demon Gods, and Luo Xiao is the innate demon god who was reincarnated from the Flood Desolation Origin of the Destruction Demon God, although he has become the Flood Desolation Innate God,

However, he is very concerned about everything about Pangu God.

Especially the newly bred Pangu Clan's deity, Luo Xiao has observed this son in many ways, and his understanding of it can be compared with these saints.


Hearing Luo Xiao's words, he was speechless, he really couldn't imagine that this teacher of himself was also a cultivator of Wuji Saint.

And how can the rumored demeanor of the Demon Ancestor be completely absent.

It's like an old urchin.

How could the path of bliss created by his junior disciple be comparable to the powerful preaching of the Pangu Great God, and the preaching of the Dao by force was expected to become a Dao Saint.

And the path of bliss created by Zhun Ti is just a branch of the path of yin and yang.

Being able to become a quasi-holy path is already the limit, as for the mixed element Dao fruit?

Don't even think about it.

However, Luo Qi's path of lust can go a little further, but the seven emotions and six desires practiced by Luo Xiao are the complete Infinite Way, a single way of lust, can not preach mixed elements.

Otherwise, you won't sit down without a Mixed Yuan Realm Heavenly Demon.

"The teacher said and laughed, how can the disciple's way of bliss compare to the powerful preaching of the Pangu Great God, and, teacher, you say, Haotian's daughter is also involved with him?"

At this moment, the usher was surprised.

The idea of calculating Haotian Heavenly Court was basically thought up by Zhun Ti, and he also helped out, but he really didn't pay much attention to this matter.

If I am not mistaken, and his junior brother Junti meant to let Haotian's daughter Long Ji have a relationship with a koi from Yaochi.

It's like making the daughter of the emperor's family fall in love with a pet dog in the family. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Such a way of insulting people, only Zhun Ti can come up with it, who let Zhun Ti take revenge and be unreasonable, who let Haotian not be a saint, the saint calculates you, you have to endure.

Calculate that your sister let his own disciple Maitreya personally end, you still don't want to, your sister is very noble?

Since that's the case, then I'll let your pet get together with your daughter to see if your Haotian family is still noble.

That's what Jun Ti had in mind.

There is no one left to mention this by the saints.

"However, this kid was also unlucky, forcibly killed by Haotian's daughter, and almost lost half of his life, but at that time, this kid was not a god of the Pangu clan, and since then, this kid seems to have been lucky."

0 ask for flowers

All kinds of experiences are not even understood by me, an infinite saint. "

As an Infinity Saint, even if he is now measuring the calamity and the heavenly machine is chaotic, it can still be done back in the past, and if the other party does not suppress himself with the supreme treasure, it is still easy to see the other party's past.


Receiving the right hand on the forehead, there is already a sense of picture, and the heart silently recited the sin.

In this way, it is impossible to let the junior brother mess with that Haotian.

The usher thought to himself.

Luo Xiao also saw clearly the mind of the usher, smiled and said, "It's not me saying that you, Zhun Tian this kid is not a saint's strength at all, then you calculate Haotian's kid, and you don't allow others to resist?"

Others resisted, you are doubly retaliated, where is the master of heaven and earth, the appearance of a saint of heaven and earth.

That is, you have a good eye and fancy this kid Taichen.

As a Pangu bloodline, he is destined to be sanctified, and his weight in heaven and earth in the future is not low, and the Buddha Gate and the Demon Gate want to completely suppress the Xuanmen to occupy the general trend of the flood world.

It is necessary to win a Pangu lineage, after all, this is the supreme world opened up by Pangu.

If you have the support of this kid, even if you can't quickly repay the Heavenly Dao cause and effect, it will be a lot less difficult.

Moreover, Houtu is also optimistic about this guy.

You also know that this seat also went to win over the back soil, but it's a pity that others can't look at us! If we can pull this kid into our chariot, maybe Houtu can also be on our side.

At that time, even if he Hongjun controlled the Heavenly Dao Wucheng authority, it would be useless.

So don't do the matter of Long Ji and Hong Jin, otherwise I am afraid that this kid will remember hatred in the future. "

Hearing Luo Xiao's words, it was also a little embarrassing to receive the introduction, but his junior brother did not have the belly of the master of heaven and earth, but because of nature, he couldn't change it back.

Finally, after thinking about it, I nodded with deep understanding.

"That's what the teacher said! The disciples will explain this.

By the way, what is the opportunity that the teacher just mentioned? "

"Speaking of this matter, I have to say that the wisdom of that kid, the ability to fool people is beyond the poor road, if I had such skills to fool people back then, where is there anything in Hongjun Xuanmen now."

My demon gate has been dominating the flood and desolation for a long time. "。

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