"Did Zhun Ti fool the disciples of Yuan Shi's family?"

Hearing Luo Xiao's words, he nodded.

It was true that a few of his own disciples were fooled, including the deputy sect leader of Burning Lamp, as well as the four people of Fear Liusun, Cihang, Wen Shu, and Puxian.

Needless to say, although he was treated with courtesy by Yuan Shi and named the deputy leader of the Interpretation Sect, he never accepted him as a personal disciple, but was called a Taoist friend.

In this way, the position of the lantern in the interpretation of the church is very embarrassing, although he is named the deputy head of the interpretation teaching.

But Guang Chengzi and the others couldn't look at him and didn't listen to him at all.

However, there were many people who stood on Guang Chengzi's side, of course, the lantern also attracted a few obedient disciples, that is, the four of Cihang.

These four people are not taken seriously in the teachings.

It is estimated that among the original twelve family traditions, except for Huanglong Zhenren, the four of them are the least valued.

Think about it, all the merits of the "seven seven zero" emperors have been given to Guangchengzi, and Taiyi has also become the meritorious status of the prefecture to save suffering Tianzun.

So many people have the merit of the emperor, even if they are waste, they can behead the corpse and become a quasi-saint, and that Guangchengzi is still the Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection Realm, wasting resources.

Taiyi Zhenren is similar, it is a waste of resources.

This is the real thought in the hearts of the four people.

The lantern, on the other hand, often instructed the four people to practice, so, slowly, the five became a camp of interpretation.

It just so happened that the spiritual lamp and the method of silence that saw the burning lamp were in line with Western teachings, so he constantly showed favor to several people.

He also gave various promises, which made several people yearn for Western religions.

Moreover, Zhun Ti also assured that even if they joined the Western Sect, their master Yuan Shi Tianzun would not hold them accountable, and if this was said by ordinary people, they still would not believe it.

But from the saint, even if the saint is not of good character.

However, it still made the four of Cihang a little moved.

But they couldn't bear this Jade Qing Immortal Method with deep roots and pure mana.

If he transferred to the method of releasing the gate, it would be difficult to lay the same foundation as the Yuqing Immortal Method, because although he intended to move, he still hesitated, even though the four of them had already called Zhun Ti a teacher in private.

"That's exactly the case, teacher, does it have anything to do with these people?"

I don't understand the introduction.

"Of course it matters!"

Luo Xiao smiled, only to see that a little on his right hand, a small round light mirror appeared in front of the two, and in the round light mirror technique was a faint immortal island, which was shrouded by an innate force.

You can't see inside, don't think, this is a congenital island.

"This is, a blessed land? Above the South China Sea, there is such a blessed land that has not been discovered, but it is a creation. "

The usher couldn't help but sigh when he saw this innate blessing.

Since the opening of heaven and earth, the flood world has experienced many calamities, the innate spiritual vein has almost been destroyed, and every innate blessed place that is still preserved, the innate cave is a miracle.

But what does this have to do with Taichen Xiaoyou?

The introduction was puzzled, but when the picture in the round light mirror turned, it was a young man breaking the formation, and at the other end of the island, there was also a fair fairy in a plain robe who was also seriously breaking the formation.

Who these two are, of course, I know.

Isn't this the only female apprentice of Yuan Shi Tianzun, Cihang Daoist, and who is that young man, isn't it the Taichen Zhenjun that he has in mind?


Suddenly, the usher seemed to have thought of something, and combined with what he said before, he was more certain, and turned his mind to look at Luo Xiaodao.

"Teacher, do you want to..."

Luo Xiao did not speak, waved his right hand, and a black vortex appeared in front of the two people, from which came a woman who seduced all living beings, and when this woman saw Luo Xiao, she immediately stepped forward to salute.

"When a disciple meets the teacher, what is the teacher's order when he recruits a disciple?"

Seeing the woman in front of him, the usher frowned, preaching the mixed yuan, although he had already seen through all living beings, he still couldn't see the clothes of the lust demon in front of him.

But, for the sake of the prosperity of the West, endure it!

.... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the South China Sea, a blessed land of an immortal mountain, Han Chen is seriously attacking the innate divine array on this immortal mountain.

"Hiss..... If it weren't for the help of the three incarnations of heaven and earth, with my current Golden Immortal cultivation, I'm afraid I wouldn't want to break this innate divine array for the rest of my life. "

Han Chen was a little depressed, although he guessed that Mount Luojia was a congenital blessed land, but who would have thought that there was such a powerful innate divine array above this innate blessed land.

But think about it, if there was no innate divine array, I am afraid that others would have discovered this innate blessed island.

The most important thing is that there is an innate divine array on the island, which is enough to show that there are innate treasures on this island.

It is either an innate spirit root or an innate spirit treasure.

Thinking of this, Han Chen was even more excited in his heart, but he didn't expect that his luck was really good, as soon as he came out to look for it, he found it, so that he not only got a congenital blessed land, but also got an innate treasure... 0

This should be because of luck!

Think about yourself now, not only the god of the Pangu clan, who is in Pangu Qi Luck, but also the true monarch of heaven and earth, occupying the true monarch Qi luck, and there is a middle thousand world, plus the identity of the personal disciple of the Sect.

Such luck, although it cannot reach the point where the dream can be achieved, as long as the dream is not against the sky, it can still be realized.

Like, Han Chen was bent on finding a congenital blessed land, and it didn't take long to find it when he arrived in the South China Sea.

Unfortunately, the innate formation on this island is too powerful.

It was too deep, and it was not the Great Luo Golden Immortal that could not be broken, that is, Han Chen relied on the ability to connect the three grid incarnations and the power of the Thousand Worlds to analyze the innate formation of this island so quickly.

And it hasn't been fully parsed yet.

Because the formations on the island were not separate formations, but three formations fused together, regardless of each other, Han Chen had to analyze all three formations to fully control the island.

Three formations, maybe there are three innate treasures.

In this way, this immortal island should be the innate dojo of the Cihang Daoist in the South China Sea!

Hmph, now this dojo has changed its surname to Han!

Thinking of this, Han Chen asked the three grid doppelgangers to speed up the analysis of the formation.

The three grid doppelgangers are quasi-saint late stage cultivation strength, and they can merge with the five spirit worlds, and they can also invoke the world power of the five spirit worlds, and it is still very simple to analyze an innate divine array.

When it is not more than 5.2, there is a tremor.

There were thousands of changes in front of him, and after the illusion dissipated, what appeared in front of Han Chen was a white nine-pin lotus platform.


Feeling its rich innate breath, it is immediately certain that this is a top-grade innate spirit root, and if it is slightly refined, it is a top-grade innate spirit treasure.

"Is this? Pure White Lotus? But why are there only nine products? "

The descendant of the Chaos Creation Green Lotus, Hong Wilderness, as long as some cultivators of the innate inheritance know.

It is for the creation of the green lotus, the innate treasure level.

The other four are the Merit Golden Lotus, the Karmic Fire Red Lotus, the Black Lotus of Extinction, and the White Lotus of the Pure World, but the Golden Lotus, Black Lotus, and Red Lotus are all twelve grades, ranking among the top ranks of the ultimate innate spirit treasures.

But why this white lotus...

Han Chen didn't understand.

"Let's talk about it after refining, let's see if it's the legendary White Lotus of the Pure World..."

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