Han Chen, who walked into the large array, did not break this formation, but completely controlled this formation, this formation was called the One Yuan Kwai Water Array, and this formation was a seventh-order divine array.

It can block the attack of the Da Luo Consummation powerhouse, and it can even mobilize the power of Da Luo Consummation.

As a disciple of the Sect Intercept, he certainly had some understanding of Han Chen, and the entire Flood Barren Formation Dao was divided into ten levels.

The eighth-order and ninth-order can trigger the power of the quasi-saint level, while the tenth-order formation is pitiful in the entire flood waste, which is enough to exert the power of a saint.

It is like the Demon Race Zhou Tian Star Dou Array in ancient times and the Twelve Heavenly God Array of the Wu Race.

There is also the Immortal Sword Array in the hands of the Tongtian Saint, which is also a tenth-order divine array.

As for the Ten Thousand Immortals Array created by the Prince of Nadong, which was known as the Ten Thousand Immortals Unbreakable, it was actually the ninth-order Great Array, and it was precisely because of this that it was easily defeated by the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array of the Demon Race Heavenly Court in the first place.

Ended up dead.


A creation divine light flew out from Han Chen's hand, wrapping the nine-pin white lotus for 30 years, and in an instant, it was pulled into the Five Spirits World through the World Gate.

Let the three grid avatars help them refine.

After all, he only has Golden Immortal cultivation, and the three incarnations are all quasi-saints, even if they can't be separated from the Five Spirits World and enter the Flood Barren World, they can help themselves refine magic weapons or make runes in the Five Spirits World.

Moreover, the three grid avatars can also help themselves refine with the help of the world power of the five spirit worlds, and the speed of this refining is not comparable to that of ordinary Da Luo Golden Immortals.

At the moment when the Ninth Rank White Lotus entered the Five Spirits World, the three incarnations looked at each other.

Start refining with all your strength.


And Han Chen on Immortal Island took a peach and meditated to restore his mana.

Not long after, a white light flew out from the door of the world, Han Chen's mind moved, and the white lotus fell under Han Chen, and information about the white lotus also appeared in his mind.

"I didn't expect it to be like this.......

It's a pity, it's a pity! "

At this moment, Han Chen was both happy and disappointed, happy that this white lotus was really the same as the other four lotus platforms, it was a pure white lotus transformed by the Chaos Creation Green Lotus Lotus Seed.

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the opening of the sky, he was injured by the power of chaos and fell into an immortal island transformed by chaotic fragments in the South China Sea, and grew into a white lotus of the ninth-grade pure world.

Although there are only nine grades left, it can still be regarded as the ranks of the ultimate innate spirit treasures.

Among the ultimate innate spirit treasures, he can be regarded as the bottom existence, but as a descendant of the Chaos Creation Green Lotus, even if he is not a supreme treasure, he also has the ability to suppress qi luck.

This nine-pin white lotus should be quite the nine-pin meritorious golden lotus that was eaten by the mosquito Dao people after sealing the gods.

Han Chen couldn't help but think secretly in his heart.

Thinking that according to the original world trajectory, this immortal island was occupied by the Cihang Daoists, and you can think of why this Guanyin also has a nine-pin lotus platform, and the status of the bodhisattva fruit in the Buddha gate is not under those Buddhas at all.

It turns out that the root is here.

Originally, the merit golden lotus was deficient, and the suppression of qi luck was insufficient, but now it is supplemented by the nine-pin white lotus, even if it is not comparable to the complete merit golden lotus, it is better than nothing.

"With this innate divine array, there is no need to worry about others taking the island."

Completely controlling the ninth-rank white lotus and knowing this divine array well, Han Chen was very satisfied, after all, with his cultivation, it was simply impossible to rearrange an innate seventh-order divine array.

Unless you let his Yunxiao senior sister help.

Han Chen didn't want to trouble Senior Sister Yunxiao, and he didn't know if Senior Sister Yunxiao had successfully promoted to the Quasi-Saint Dao now!

Shaking his head, Han Chen stopped his thoughts, because there were still two divine arrays.

However, the level power of the remaining two divine arrays was much smaller, but Han Chen did not pay attention to it, and directly prepared to conquer one of the divine arrays, with the nine-rank white lotus and the Tai Void God Armor protection, these sixth-order formations, Han Chen was not worried.

Step right into it! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Record the nodes of this formation according to the original routine, and let the three incarnations of the Five Spirits World help them analyze.

Time passes little by little.


With a light sound, the sixth-order formation could not be compared to the seventh-order formation, and under the analysis of the quasi-saint cultivation, it didn't take long to break.

What appeared in front of Han Chen's eyes was an endless bamboo forest.

The purple spirit bamboo showed that these purple bamboos were not mortal things, but heavenly materials and earth treasures, and Han Chen walked towards the depths of the bamboo forest step by step, a giant purple bamboo about three kilometers tall.

The purple bamboo faintly exudes innate Dao rhyme.

"This should be the Purple Bamboo Forest!

But I didn't expect that this purple bamboo forest is actually a congenital spirit root, according to this kind of spiritual rhyme, this should be a middle-grade innate spirit root, maybe it may also be a top-grade innate spirit root. "

Han Chen was overjoyed in his heart, and secretly said that he had chosen the right one.

Not only did he succeed in cutting off his beard, not to mention having his own innate blessings, but also obtained two innate spiritual roots.

Now I am finally not a poor person, and I no longer lose the face of a crosser.

"Well, in this case, there is only the last innate formation left, continue to work hard, and strive to quickly control the entire innate island!"

After all, he has not fully controlled this innate island now, so he has not completely cut off Hu Cihang, the second and fifth boys.

I am a little curious about whether this Cihang Daoist is male or female, and it is rumored that the Cihang Daoist is a man, and later when he was reincarnated, he was born by mistake and became a woman, and I don't know if it's really fake.

Over the years, Han Chen has been intercepting the teaching, and he is not very concerned about the things of expounding the teaching, thinking that those cultivators above the Golden Immortal have been retreating for hundreds of years at will.

Therefore, Han Chen really didn't know whether this Cihang Daoist of the Twelve Golden Immortals was male or female, only knew that this guy was a two-five-year-old man, and later betrayed the Xuanmen and entered the Buddha Gate, becoming one of the four great bodhisattvas of the Buddha Gate.

It doesn't matter if he is male or female, now this Loka Mountain is my dojo, and no one can take it away!" Even if you are a Guanyin Bodhisattva who rescues suffering and rescues suffering, the monkey is afraid of you, and I Han Chen is not afraid of you.

For Guanyin, who had not yet become a quasi-saint until Journey to the West after being consecrated as a god, Han Chen did not think very much.

After all, after such a long time, it is still a Da Luo Golden Immortal Bodhisattva Fruit Position, and I think that the scum of the Sect, Long-eared Dingguang Immortal and Bilu Immortal, can cut off three corpses to achieve quasi-sainthood and obtain the Buddha fruit position.

And this Cihang betrayed Xuanmen and is still a Da Luo Golden Immortal, isn't this blind!

At the moment when Han Chen stepped into the last Innate God Array.


With a crisp sound, Han Chen was shocked, and he retreated one after another, and after the crisp sound, the formation in front of him disappeared, a golden light flashed, and what floated in the air was a small purple-gold bell.

In addition to the purple-gold bell, there is also a slightly plump female fairy, a plain robe still unable to cover her delicate body, and the cold cold light is displayed under the absolutely beautiful face.

That female fairy, holding the jade bottle in her left hand, looked at Han Chen with a stern eyebrow, and the murderous intention suddenly appeared.

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