Repair is unfathomable!

Looking at the female fairy in front of him, this was the first feeling in Han Chen's heart, and if he had any killing intent, it also made Han Chen notice.

Yes, the chance of an innate blessed island, as well as the birth of innate treasures, is enough to cause a bloody storm.

Understanding this, Han Chen secretly launched the Qingping Sword Sacrifice Weapon, running the Tai Void God Armor, and the Ninth Grade White Lotus in the Purple Mansion was also secretly launched.

After this all-round defense, Han Chen had some confidence in his heart, as long as the other party was not a quasi-saint, he could not do much harm to himself.

Moreover, even if he could still run into the Five Spirits World.

Moreover, he still has three runes refined by the incarnation.

Han Chen's own Golden Immortal Perfection cultivation could not refine the Dao Rune, but the three incarnations were quasi-saint cultivators, that is, they were in harmony with the Five Spirits World Dao and could not enter the Flood Wilderness.

Otherwise, Han Chen would have been able to lie flat by now.

However, even if they can't enter the Flood Wilderness, Han Chen will all of them, including the Tongtian Seal, so Han Chen let the three make some runes.

It's not that he doesn't want him to make talismans.

It's that the materials for making Dao talismans are too precious, the Five Spirits World, this kind of Middle Thousand World, where are such materials, the most precious thing in the Five Spirits World is the innate spirit root.

That spirit root is still of great use, but it can't hurt the origin.

And, Han Chen himself, except for a few innate spirit treasures, has no other heritage, where is this kind of material, he can only rely on simple materials to refine some runes.

With the runes in hand, as long as the other party is not a quasi-saint, it is enough.

Therefore, Han Chen secretly sacrificed the innate spirit treasure at the same time, Shen Nian called the manipulator talisman seal, ready to attack at any time, and the female fairy obviously felt Han Chen's tense atmosphere.

Cihang frowned, her beautiful eyes looked directly at the golden immortal in front of her, as a mid-Da Luo golden immortal, she didn't know why, she intuitively felt the crisis.

How could this be, the other party is just a golden immortal, how can I feel the crisis of life?

It shouldn't be!

Of course, Cihang also knew that there were three innate divine arrays on the island, and now that this person had come out of the formation, it was obvious that the other party had broken the other divine arrays.

He only broke one divine array, but the other party broke two divine arrays.

In this way, it will be difficult for him to occupy this innate blessed land, unless the other party disappears and thinks of this innate blessed land, as well as the innate treasures bred in the blessed land.

Seriously, she was murderous.

When she worshipped under the Yuan Shi Venerable, her cultivation was not high, she was in the back, and then she was slow and slow, and even now, she was only a mid-Da Luo.

It is precisely because cultivation is ranked behind, so it does not have a high status in the interpretation.

Except, of course, Huanglong Zhenren.

When Master Yuan respected this treasure, most of the others had more than two innate spirit treasures, among which her master brother Guangchengzi was even worse, not only did they have the ultimate innate spirit treasure, but also the acquired supreme treasure whose power was not weaker than the innate supreme treasure.

And she, hehe, only got an auxiliary medium-grade innate Lingbao mutton fat jade clean bottle.

She has a lot of complaints about this.

This kind of middle-grade innate spirit treasure, but she is not willing to behead the corpse with this, even if Da Luo is completed in the future, she still wants to find other opportunities.

And the innate island in front of her is the only opportunity she has been looking for all these years.

However, I felt the crisis of life.

As a Da Luo Golden Immortal, his intuition is not dispensable, but real.

So now Cihang has been hesitating.

At the same time, the magic trick in her hand moved, and the purple gold bell floating in the air turned into a golden light and fell into her hand, feeling the concentration of the law of the purple gold bell.

There was a pang of disappointment in my heart.

Alas, I didn't expect that the hard work to break the formation was actually just a medium-grade innate spirit treasure!

This purple gold bell is indeed a middle-grade innate Lingbao, but it is also the top of the middle-grade Lingbao, which is a little worse than the upper-grade innate Lingbao, but the middle grade, that is, the middle grade, is not what he Cihang wants.

What Cihang wants is a top-grade innate lingbao.

It is used to behead the corpse and preach the Dao, rather than simply one more protective magic weapon, the protective way or something, the magic power can also be, there is no need to have a magic weapon.

That's it, it's better than. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Although Han Chen was vigilant at all times, at this moment, a clear drink came.

It was precisely that the female immortal on the opposite side launched an attack, and although Cihang, who was a mid-stage cultivator of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, did not know the reason, he felt the crisis in a Golden Immortal minor cultivator.

However, it still can't change his attachment to the avenue.

The road to the road lies in the struggle.

Either you die or I die, if she doesn't dare to make a move because she feels the crisis of her life, then what courage will she have to go to that mixed yuan road in the future, it is better to lie down directly.

Therefore, regardless of the outcome, Cihang resolutely launched an attack, and the jade bottle in his hand trembled.

The willow leaf of the innate willow in the jade jing bottle flew out, turning into a golden light, covering the sky, facing the wind, and in a short time, a golden willow leaf three thousand zhang long rolled towards Han Chen.

In the face of such an attack, Han Chen did not dare to underestimate it at all times.

After all, the other party's cultivation is much more profound than his own.

"Hmph, you little lady skin, actually sneak attack, it's too shameful!"

Saying that, the blue light in his hand suddenly appeared, and a three-foot manufacturer appeared in Han Chen's hand like a divine light descending from the sky.


This is? ..... Uncle Tongtian's Dao Magic Weapon Qingping Sword? "

Although she didn't know Han Chen, she still knew the Heavenly Saint's Dao Supreme Treasure Qingping Sword, and what did this Golden Immortal Xiaoxiu in front of her actually hold the Qingping Sword of the Saint Uncle?

Just think about it.

This is a saint's magic weapon, and it is of great significance.

Even if he was a protégé disciple of the Sect, the Duo Bao Dao people did not have this Qingping Sword.

It was as if his master Yuan Shi Tianzun's Dao Instrument Three Treasures Jade Ruyi, if anyone (Li Nuohao) could get the reward of this treasure, then his status in the interpretation of the teaching was absolutely beyond everyone, even if Teacher Burning Lamp, the deputy sect master, or her master brother Guangchengzi could not compare.

And Senior Uncle Tongtian gave this treasure to this person, which shows that this person's status in the heart of Senior Uncle Tongtian is definitely above Senior Brother Duobao.

"Oops, I'm going to get into trouble."

Although she is now a god and a calamity, as long as she does not behead the three corpses, she does not dare to casually find a disciple of the Intercept Sect to block the disaster, let alone the person that the saint fancy.

What's more, the person she blocked the disaster had already been found, it was Haotian's daughter, Princess Longji.

For this matter, she also specially accepted him as an apprentice, carefully passed down some cultivation methods, pointed out the various difficulties encountered in her practice, and also fulfilled her teacher's obligations.

As for Hao asking her for trouble after the calamity.

There is no need to care about this, with the two saints carrying it with Zhun Tian and Leading, how can he help himself? .

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