
A sword light battle slashed towards that willow leaf, even if Han Chen only had a Golden Immortal Perfection cultivation, the Qingping Sword in his hand was a saint's magic weapon.

After the sword light flickered, the willow leaf was split in two without accident, as if revealing a divine machine, the golden light dissipated, turning into two willow leaves with normal two-fingered laughter, falling with the wind.

It is worthy of being a saint's magic weapon!

Han Chen secretly thought that although he didn't know who the female cultivator in front of him was, the power just now was obviously already the Great Luo Golden Immortal cultivation, the willow leaf exerted by the power of a Da Luo Golden Immortal, plus the jade clean bottle, and the willow leaf.

All this made Han Chen have a bad suspicion.

Wouldn't this woman be the Guanyin of the descendants of the Cihang Daoist? Doesn't it mean that the Cihang Daoist is a man? How did she become a woman, moreover, this appearance is no worse than her Yunxiao senior sister.

Such a thought flashed in Han Chen's mind and was thrown out.

Now is not the time to think about this, now this mother-in-law wants to kill herself, if you are not careful, you may really die.

After all, the other party was Da Luo Jinxian, and Han Chen did not dare to be careless.

The Tai Void God Armor appeared, turning into a set of silver-white battle armor, and after the Qingping Sword in his right hand broke the opponent's willow leaf, Han Chen did not stop, hey...

A divine light flew out from Han Chen's hand.

"Purple Sky Divine Thunder, go!"

It is a purple Xiao God 060 thunder talisman, not to say, the avenue is three thousand, in terms of attack and destructive power, the first place needs to be the thunder road.

And the Thunder Way of the Flood World is also leveled.

There are five elements of thunder, above the five thunders there is the Yin and Yang God Thunder, and above the Yin and Yang God Thunder, and above the Yin Yang God Thunder is the Purple Xiao God Thunder created by Hongjun Daozu.

This divine thunder has also become one of the thousands of divine thunder in heaven and earth after the ancestor of Hongjun Dao.

As for the Purple Sky God Thunder, the Heavenly God Thunder that opened the heavens and the earth when the Pangu Great God opened the world.

Dutian God Thunder was created by Pangu, and its level is equivalent to the Chaos God Thunder of the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Thunder, except that there is no Chaos God Thunder in the rules of the Flood Barren World, only Dutian God Thunder.

As for wanting to borrow the Dutian God Thunder, it is not a divine rune, at least it is a Dao talisman.

However, this Purple Xiao God Thunder Talisman in Han Chen's hand was not comparable to the Purple Xiao God Thunder Talisman refined by the Peach Incarnation, which was refined by the three personality incarnations and quasi-saint cultivators.

Definitely the ultimate rune.

The borrowed Purple Sky Divine Thunder is the power of the Quasi-Saint Initial Realm.


Sure enough, at the moment when Han Chen displayed the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Talisman, Cihang Dao's face changed greatly!

Because of the fluctuations in the energy of the rules of heaven and earth that were pulled by that rune, her, a mid-stage powerhouse of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, was shocked.

In his heart, he secretly cursed, a small Golden Immortal cultivator, not only possessed a saint's magic weapon, but also looked at the silver-white battle armor he was wearing and the nine-rank white lotus under his feet.

These two treasures all revealed the aura of the ultimate innate spirit treasure, especially the battle armor.

Seeing that a small golden immortal turned out to be such a luxurious equipment, if it had nothing to do with the saint, she wrote the Dao number of Cihang backwards.

It really made her envious and jealous.


Why is it, this Da Luo Golden Immortal, that you can only get a middle-grade innate spirit treasure, but you suddenly hold three superb innate spirit treasures.

It's not fair, it's so unfair.

The Cihang Daoist deeply felt God's malice at this moment, thinking about how she was also a disciple of the saint.

The treatment is simply very different.

But at this moment, she couldn't help but be envious and jealous, because the runes cast by the other party couldn't be blocked by themselves, and they couldn't stop it at all, maybe the other party had other runes.

Thinking of this, he was ready to take the initiative to report his home, hoping that the other party could bypass himself under the face of his saint disciples, or the faces of the two Sanqing disciples together.

"Daoist friends, please stop!"

In the end, Cihang drank loudly, hoping to get away with the other party and not be blinded by the killing.

Nima, you said stop it, why didn't you say stop when you engaged in a sneak attack, now if you can't fight, stop, where in the world is there such a beautiful thing?

Don't think you're beautiful, I won't hit you. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Let's see how I destroy flowers today!

Han Chen's heart is full of anger at the moment, and the Great World of Flood Desolation, can't (daah) have a benevolent heart, otherwise, if he accidentally dies, he will be blind to his golden finger.

Han Chen, who had a golden finger, still wanted to preach the immortal Mixed Element Saint.

But I don't want to end up capsizing in the gutter because of a momentary mercy.

"Hmph,, why didn't you say stop when you sneaked attack, now look at the situation is not right, you want me to stop."

Where in the world is there such a good thing. "

Rip and pull!

Above the nine heavens, the Purple Sky Divine Thunder cut through the void, pierced through the clouds, and came towards the Immortal Island, targeting the True Compassion Daoist.

"This....... This guy is so fierce? "

The lust hidden in the void, twisting the enchanting waist, but she did not dare to move, she was a quasi-saint, but it was only in the early stage of the quasi-saint, among the many named disciples under Luo Xiao, the weakest strength.

And the power of thunder is born to restrain their demon race.

Seeing Han Chen borrow the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder in the early stage of the quasi-saint with a rune, she was immediately afraid.

Yes, afraid, not afraid, if this is to herself, it is estimated that she will be seriously injured, and she has no defensive spirit treasure in her hand that can block this level of thunder.

Her Lingbao is of the auxiliary class.

Not sure to block the thunder, of course, the most important thing is that her teacher explained that she could not hurt this son, and this son was of great use to their demon gate to prosper and compete for the flood and wilderness trend.

"Teacher, you are a difficult disciple."

Now she didn't dare to use her magical powers, but a pair of hooking eyes turned, and suddenly thought of something.

A red pill appeared in his hand.

"Hee-hee, fortunately, there is still a pill of sin, otherwise I really don't know how to be good."

The so-called Evil Love Pill is a secret medicine that collects the power of the lust of all sentient beings and refining through her natural talent, which can break the Da Luo Golden Immortal, so that the six Da Luo Jin roots are pure and keep the heart are also folded in lust.

Even Da Luo Jinxian would be recruited, let alone an ordinary cultivator.

The Desire Demon stretched out his white jade-like slender jade finger, and between the two fingers, a projectile-sized red elixir gently popped out under its finger, turning into a red light and flying straight towards the location where Han Chen and Cihang were.

"Na, little brother, sister can only help you get here, you enjoy it slowly!" Hee-hee, my sister will go first! "

At this time, the crisp oriole-like sound came like a mountain spring, which made people have an endless aftertaste.

How could there be such a pleasant sound.

Han Chen couldn't help but think in his heart.

Wrong! There are also people in the dark.

"Taichen, a disciple of the Shangqing Sage of the Late Generation, I don't know which senior is here, please come out and see you!"

Shouted to the Void Obedience Rite.

Unfortunately, the void did not answer, and when he looked again, a thick red fog rose up around him for unknown reasons...

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