Looking at the bursts of red mist around him, Han Chen suddenly had a bad feeling, while Cihang on the other side was not in the mood to deal with any red mist or something.

Instead, she looked at the purple thunder that was slashing towards her with a solemn face, and she wanted to run very much.

Unfortunately, I seem to be locked and can't run at all.

I can only fight hard.

Thinking of this, as if he had made up his mind, his face was still very painful, sitting cross-legged three meters above the ground, and the seal in his hand did not change ~ continuously.


A divine light emanated from behind it, turning into a golden wheel of light.

At the same time, countless phantom hands appeared behind it, each with different seals, each posture representing this kind of power, a kind of dharma.

And seeing this scene in front of him, Han Chen was stunned.

"Thousand Hands Kannon?"

Four words blurted out from Han Chen's mouth, looking at the female fairy in front of him, the golden wheel behind it made it look more holy, if ordinary mortals saw this, I was afraid that they couldn't help but worship.

Even this influence has affected Han Chen, the Golden Immortal Cultivator, but in the end, it is the Golden Immortal Cultivator, and this influence is not very strong.


When Cihang heard these two words, his heart immediately lit up, as if he understood something.

Guanyin, the sound of suffering in the heavens and all worlds, the three worlds, this Dao is exactly what I intended!

But now was not the time for her to think about this, now she was in a hurry to deal with that quasi-saint-level Purple Xiao Divine Thunder, and forcibly fought against the Quasi-Saint level Purple Xiao Divine Thunder with the Great Luo Golden Immortal Cultivation.

She didn't want to die yet, she wouldn't be so stupid.

It is because it can only endure pain and consume the power of merit.

Yes, the golden wheel behind her is that she has done good deeds in the world over the years, doing something that helps heaven and earth, helps humanity, helps authenticity, and does everything that can obtain world merit.

There is no way, I can't get the great merit of the master like Guang Chengzi and Taiyi Zhenren, I can only rely on myself.

Therefore, she helped the Terrans to develop agriculture, commerce, merit, and even help the Terrans deliver babies, etc., as well as help all living beings surpass the souls of the dead, repair spiritual veins, and so on.

She has worked all kinds of part-time jobs.

This is the accumulation of so many merits, these merits seem to be a lot, in fact, they are not as good as one-tenth of the merits obtained by being a human emperor master.

She has worked hard to save these merits, and she is reluctant to use them.

Good steel has to be used on the blade, so she just turned it into a merit golden wheel and stored it, and then used it when she beheaded the corpse in the future, which can greatly increase the success rate of her own corpse.

But now....

Alas, merit will be found later.

Seeing the golden wheel behind it, although Han Chen did not have merit, he also recognized it, the golden wheel of merit.

How could Han Chen, who had completely mastered the great power of the Tongtian Seal, not know the weakness of the Talisman Way.

The meritorious person is one of the weaknesses of the rune.

It can greatly weaken the power of the way of the seal, after all, the power of the so-called way of the seal is actually with the help of the rule power of the flood world.

Sure enough, the thunder fell.


A loud bang.

The power of that thunder was immediately destroyed by the merit golden wheel, but the merit golden wheel was also directly crushed and shattered, and once again turned into golden light and regathered behind it, forming a round of trumpet merit golden wheel.

But the power of the Purple Sky Divine Thunder was not completely consumed, and there was still a part of the power left.

Only the Da Luo Golden Immortal has an initial effect.

This bit of power, Guanyin did not pay attention to, the thousands of techniques behind it constantly changed, forming a fairy light, three zhang fairy light wrapped, the remaining thunder power was also invisibly dissolved.


Cihang Tankou slightly exhaled a turbid breath, and while he took a breath, his heart was very painful.

Just now, even if his merit is one-fifth, it's too heart-wrenching, one-fifth of the merit, even if it is used to refine the merit magic weapon, I think you can get a lower grade merit spirit treasure.

The most secondary is used to improve cultivation, and it is estimated that she can also become a late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

It's a pity, it's a pity...

His eyes were red and he looked at Han Chen, his heart was full of hatred, the results of his hard work for so many years, today he suddenly lost one-fifth.

This is called Cihang Daoist, how not to be angry, how not to be heartache!

At this moment, many emotions, hatred, jealousy, heartache and other emotions are mixed together, where do you care about the changes in the surrounding environment.

However, after thinking about it, the other party was a disciple of the saint himself, and he couldn't mess around, and he didn't know how many runes the other party still had in his hand.

If there are still more than ten runes, I am afraid that even if my merit is exhausted, it will be useless.

"Poor Dao Interpretation Sect Yuan Shi Tianzun personally disciple, Cihang has seen Senior Brother Taichen, I am afraid that this matter is just a misunderstanding, and I ask Senior Brother for forgiveness!"

Cihang directly submitted to softness first, and it is not okay if he does not submit to softness.

The other party is a congenital tycoon, plus many superb innate spirit treasures in hand, and he has no way to take the other party. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Is it really a Cihang Daoist?

0 ask for flowers

Hearing the words of the female fairy, although Han Chen had already guessed in his heart, but now that he had to admit it personally, he also had some emotion in his heart.

This Luojia Mountain really has a relationship with the Cihang Daoist, that is, he came first, plus the help of the three personality incarnations, otherwise this immortal island is afraid that it will be preempted by this Cihang Daoist.

"By the way, it seems that this Cihang Daoist is still the master of Princess Longji, right?"

Of course, Han Chen, who had seen the list of consecrated gods, knew that this Cihang Daoist took Princess Longji as an apprentice to let her block disasters for himself, which was not a real master-apprentice affection.

At best, it's just use.

Think about the absurdity of that night, to be honest, how Princess Longji and herself have a one-night stand, even if the other party does not think much of herself, she can rush the other party's generosity.

Han Chen also didn't really want him to fall on the list of gods who could not be free.

Of course, this is just out of Han Chen's personal feelings.

As for letting Han Chen help, it was impossible, and Han Chen's own calamity had not yet disappeared.

But if you solve the Cihang Daoist people here, you don't think you need to stop the disaster for Longji, right?

Think about your current relationship with the Cihang Taoist.

Because this innate immortal island is definitely a deep cause and effect, after all, he took the great opportunity that should belong to the other party, such a cause and effect, the two must solve it, otherwise it will be unfavorable to cultivate in the Dao in the future.

Therefore, after hearing that the nun in front of him reported to her home, Han Chen still did not let the other party go, unless the other party made a great oath and gave up Mount Luojia.

The Cihang Daoist looked at Han Chen, who was silent on the other side, and was immediately upset, he was so soft, the other party actually did not answer, did he not want to let himself go?

Hmph, I really have to fight to the death, and I Cihang is not necessarily afraid of you.

Cihang loves the avenue, and if she is not 100% sure of anything, she will not act casually.

"Could it be that Daoist wants to break the net, although Poor Dao does not know how many runes you still have, but Poor Dao is absolutely sure to kill you before the merit is exhausted."

The voice was as cold as a cold wind, overflowing with murderous intent.

I don't know when, the rich red completely wrapped the two of them, and at this time, Han Chen and the Cihang Daoist also noticed that something was wrong.

"What? Taichen thief, you cheating! "

Cihang's first reaction was that the other party secretly attacked, and hearing the words of Cihang Daoist, Han Chen smiled bitterly, this red mist was not made by him.

The seductive woman's voice just now, I don't know who it is?

I hope this red mist is not some serious poison.... Door..

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