Too fast, this toxicity is too fast, and, the most important thing is that this poison is not ingested by breathing, and it can enter the body through the skin as long as it is touched.

This is a poison of a regular nature.

After a while, Han Chen's Golden Immortal's cultivation directly fell, his eyes were red, panting, and he looked in the direction of Cihang, at this moment, the Cihang Daoist had surpassed everything.

It's over, this is actually a fucking aphrodisiac, how can the flood world also have such a lewd medicine.

Han Chen's last trace of reason wanted to cry without tears, and he wanted to cry out, but then he turned into a devil in his heart and rushed towards the Cihang Daoist.

Although the cultivation of the Cihang Dao people is not low, and the cultivation of Da Luo is in the middle of the period, this evil love pill is already the poison of the law, how can a Da Luo Golden Immortal who has just come into contact with the law resist.

Saw Han Cheng rushing towards his side.

A trace of innate reason began to sink in the midst of desire, losing the original heart of the most "three-two-three" meaning, and the Taoist heart that had been practiced for thousands of years and held tightly turned into nothing at this moment.

The red mist is vast, the purple bamboo spirit sea, swaying wantonly in the sea breeze.

Immortal clothes were lightly solved, three thousand troubles of green silk blew down the endless scenery, and the nine-pin white lotus slowly grew larger for unknown reasons, wrapping the two of them.

Youdao is:

Red dust and sea beauty, purple bamboo and white lotus are concentric.

Shin-kun gently tunes the lute hand, and Myozen sings high songs with low weeps.

White lotus lightly spit mutton fat dew, there is a guest Yao pond qiong jelly leading.

Hongmeng Taiyi Immortal Technique, creating Yin and Yang Dao Gong.

Seven days and seven nights later.

Open his eyes again, feel the mana surging in his body, the early realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, feel the power in his body, Han Chen was overjoyed in his heart, secretly said,

"Is this the legendary double cultivation? It actually helps so much in cultivation! "

Han Chen was originally not sure that he would be promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal before the end of the Feng Shen Tribulation, but who knows, this time the accident actually allowed him to successfully break through.

He couldn't help but make Han Chen sigh that the path of dual cultivation still had its reason for its existence, thinking that those great gods of the Hong Wilderness were not without anyone who achieved quasi-saint power through the dual cultivation of yin and yang.

It's like the Maharaja of the East and the Queen Mother of the West.

There are also the ancient Heavenly Emperor Dijun and Xihe and Chang Xi, who are also double cultivators.

Here, even in the Buddha in the future, there is joy.

It can be seen that the status of this path in the flood is still very high, especially for those cultivators with low qualifications, the path of double cultivation is a good shortcut.

Looking at Cihang in the white lotus three meters away from him again, a white robe is very dignified and holy, who would have thought that this fairy who looked at this serious priest would be crazy to the point of outrageousness.

Once upon a time, Han Chen thought he was about to die.

If it weren't for the critical moment, that pure Yin Origin converged, producing a powerful Creation Qi, pouring into his body, it is estimated that it would really be cold by now.

Alas, it is too dangerous to be secretly calculated in the future.

Nima, who is that female power, how can there be such a strange hobby, Lao Tzu did not provoke you, is it necessary?

Now Han Chen still remembered the enchanting sound in his ears.

Hate is itching.

After I preach sanctification, don't let Lao Tzu catch you, otherwise I won't let you have a good time!"

With Han Chen's cultivation now, of course, it is impossible to trouble the person who secretly calculates himself, that person is definitely not simple, so that Cihang and other Da Luo Golden Immortals do not notice, and those who are calculated, it means that they must at least be quasi-saint powerhouses.

And such a strong person, maybe there is a mixed element saint standing behind the other party.

But what about the quasi-saint goddess in the flood world who is so boring?

After thinking for a long time, Han Chen still didn't have the slightest clue.

After a while, Cihang opened his eyes and looked at each other, very embarrassed.

"That, Cihang Daoist woke up, that red mist is really not made by the poor road, you know, the dangerous scene before, if it were not for the help of the Taoist friends, the poor road is estimated to have fallen by now."

Han Chen's mind was complicated at the moment, and he had beaten to death before, and wanted to take the other party's life.

And now, alas, oh my God. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Daoist friends don't need to explain, this matter, poor Dao believes that it was not Daoist friends who made it.

After all, no one will joke with their own lives, with the cultivation of the Golden Immortal and the double cultivation of the Da Luo Golden Immortal powerhouse, if they don't really want the peony flower to die, otherwise no one is so stupid.

As for saying that the poor road came to save you, the Taoist friend said it wrong.

Da Luo Jinxian's Yuanyin is so precious, how huge, in fact, the poor road wants to save it, even if the poor road wants to save, forcibly cross you with the yuan yin, it is estimated that you will explode and die.

It is not the poor road that really saves you, but yourself, which is an original force, eternal, mysterious, full of creation, and benefits the poor road a lot.

So you have to thank yourself for that. "

Cihang Daoist has long woken up, after all, she is the middle stage of the Da Luo Golden Immortal, no, now her cultivation is already the late Da Luo Golden Immortal Perfection Realm, the infinite realm of the Da Luo Golden Immortal Perfection Realm... 0

Yes, this time of double cultivation, not only Han Chen gained benefits, but also promoted from the Golden Immortal Perfection Realm to the early stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

And she Cihang reaped even greater benefits.

You must know that it didn't take long for her to be promoted to the middle stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

If you want to complete the entire process of the middle stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, if you don't have the opportunity to practice hard by swallowing mana alone, it is estimated that it will take at least ten thousand years.

After all, the cultivation above the Great Luo Golden Immortal is not something you can do with hard work.

Resources are not very important, the important thing is chance, understanding, luck, merit.

And now, directly entering the mid-stage of the Da Luo Golden Immortal to become the late stage of the Da Luo Golden Immortal has not only broken through the middle stage of the Da Luo Golden Immortal, but also completed the entire process of the late stage of the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Only a slight chance is left to advance to the Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection Realm.

Da Luo Jinxian is complete.

Among the entire second-generation disciples of the Interpretation Sect, only Guangchengzi and Burning Lamp are Da Luo Golden Immortals.

It was precisely because of this that she did not have an aversion to the double cultivation with Han Chen this time, but more thankful, thanking the other party for giving her this supreme opportunity.

As for chastity or something, as a Honghuang Daluo Golden Immortal Great Psychic, he didn't care so much in his eyes.

Of course, not everyone is like this, like Hou Yi was killed by the Eastern Emperor for Chang'e, and 0.2 has Chang Xi, Xi He was willing to blow himself up for Emperor Jun and so on.

All of them show that there is also love that mortals care about in the flood.


Hearing Cihang's words, Han Chen suddenly thought of something.

It turned out that it should be the origin of the world, and the three incarnations felt the crisis of their own Buddha-figure's life, so they forcibly crossed a world origin without their own initiative.

The world origin, the world origin of the high-level middle thousand worlds, is a lot of wonders for Da Luo Jinxian.

But Da Luo Jinxian couldn't use it, but not everyone could directly absorb the origin like Han Chen.

Moreover, Cihang also successfully absorbed a huge world origin through Han Chen's double cultivation, so that the cultivation of the world essence breakthrough, of course, there are also reasons why the Cihang Daoist people had deep roots before.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to make such a big progress.

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