The two talked and learned a lot about both sides, but what Cihang didn't expect was that this Taichen in front of her was not only her fifth disciple of the Tongtian Master, but also the god of the Pangu clan.

Meimu was amazed.

I am very satisfied that if I can find such a Daoist, my future road will be easier.

But Han Chen was embarrassed at the moment, and he didn't know how to say it.

Through the exchange between the two, Han Chen now can be regarded as having a relatively deep understanding of Cihang, and secretly said in his heart that if this Cihang is placed on the earth.

Typical is a strong woman who is not valued in a big family, and then comes out to work hard to start a business!

This kind of person has no sense of belonging, some are just their own careers, everything is based on their own interests, and everything that can be useful to them will not be let go.

Including my current self, of course.

It was because of this that Cihang proposed to him two ideas to become Taoists.

Seeing Han Chen's hesitant appearance, the Cihang Daoist frowned, a little unhappy.

"Why, Taichen Daoyou is definitely not worthy of your noble Pangu clan?"

"How come, Daoist friends don't misunderstand, Taoist friends are classified as innate gods, Da Luo Gao Xiu, I still rely on the help of Taoist friends, only 30 have the current Taiyi Miao Realm cultivation."

If you really want to say that you are not worthy, then it is also that the poor road is not worthy of Taoist friends.

The reason why Poor Dao hesitated was that he wanted to tell Daoyou, but the disciple of Daoyou was Princess Longji, the daughter of that Haotian God? "

Han Chen sighed, or said it, to be honest, for Cihang such a career-type female cultivator Han Chen is still very admired, single-mindedly, even if he is reincarnated as Miaoshan Guanyin, his father forced him to marry, Miaoshan who did not have the previous life Suhui actually became a monk directly, leaving all the red dust and the world for the Dao, and was prosperous and wealthy.

However, this kind of career-oriented female cultivator is also very ruthless in her heart, and Han Chen doesn't know if she can keep me.

The most important thing is the wonderful relationship between himself and his own disciple Princess Longji, but he can't deceive the other party!

"It's such a poor disciple!"

I don't know what Han Chen wanted to express, but the Cihang Daoist also nodded and admitted, of course, she wouldn't say that Princess Longji was taken by her to block the robbery for herself.

Therefore, Han Chen pondered for a moment and explained what happened that night with Princess Longji.

And hearing Han Chen's words, the Cihang Daoist opened his eyes wide.

Looking straight at Han Chen, the dagger-like eyes made Han Chen look a little self-contained, yes, who can stand it.

Even if she took Princess Longji to prevent herself, she was a master and apprentice, and now, her own pair of masters and apprentices had a relationship with the person in front of her.

Thinking of this, Cihang's heart became inexplicably disordered.

"That's it, it seems that fate is not enough.

Taichen Daoyou, please let go of the lotus platform, the poor road is about to leave. "

Although she wanted to be a Taoist couple with the other party mostly out of the benefit of future cultivation, but now looking at the other party's hesitant expression, she didn't know why, there was a lot of anger in her words, an inexplicable sourness.

Looking at the Cihang Daoist who turned around, Han Chen also felt a little self-blame in his heart.

But that's probably the best outcome.

"Taoist friend..... Can the poor road be called Taoist friends and good goodness? "

"Miaozen? Creation is mysterious, the road is good, very much to my liking, good, since you like to call it that, then you call it! And the Dao sign of the Guanyin you said before, I also want it. "

There are some little women's squeamishness in the words, and there is a kind of domineering of a strong woman.


The Nine-Pin Lotus Platform spread out and turned into a white light that escaped into Han Chen's Divine Sea.

"Although the induction is related to this innate island, Miaoshan has Putuo Mountain Cave, see that you don't even have a congenital dojo, this innate island will be given to you."

Without saying a word, without turning his head, colorful auspicious clouds arose under his feet, slowly soared into the air, and disappeared into Han Chen's field of vision in the blink of an eye.

I didn't expect her to like to call her that.

Han Chen was also surprised to hear that the other party called himself Miaoshan, but all this is not important, the important thing is that he finally has a home.

A dojo of its own, a home of its own in the Great World of Floods.

This innate island made of chaotic fragments is not small, and it is no longer even under the two immortal islands of Yingzhou Abbot, it is 30,000 li in radius.

Such an immortal island has an area that exceeds the entire area of the earth, and it is not so much an island as a continent.

However, in the vast sea of desolation, this is just an island.

There are a number of innate spiritual veins in the islands, and how many they are, Han Chen, who has not yet checked them, said that it is not very clear, and he can only know after checking the islands.

But the rich innate aura that is about to liquefy is not under Penglai Immortal Island at all.

Divine Mind explored the entire island and found that there were still living beings on this island.

It was a pond in the center of the island, the pond was not small, hundreds of acres, about ten meters deep, this pond was located deep in the purple bamboo forest, connected to a large innate spiritual vein deep in the earth vein. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The pool splashed, and more than a dozen golden carps seemed to sense Han Chen's arrival, were frightened, and flowed around.

Han Chen looked at the golden carp in the pond and counted, twelve, each of which is a congenital being, although it is not as good as the innate demon god, but the heel is also profound, compared to the ordinary innate being, but it is much stronger.

Moreover, each of the auras emanating from his body had at least the cultivation of the Earth Immortal, and one of them even had the cultivation of the Heavenly Immortal.

It's just that he was locked up by the Innate God Array before, so that he didn't know the way of cultivation and couldn't turn into a form.

Now, although Han Chen had broken this formation, he did not destroy this formation, because at this moment, these twelve golden carps still could not comprehend the laws of the Heavenly Dao.

However, even if he couldn't comprehend the heavenly machine, didn't understand the way of cultivation, and couldn't turn into a form, he had already opened his mind, and his wisdom was not under ordinary cultivators, but he was aware that Han Chen's appearance was dispersed with a bang.

Because they can feel the hell-like aura on Han Chen's body, this is a person who is not easy to provoke, or hide first, and then come out when this person leaves.

Although these innate golden carp 960 are wise, their thinking is slightly simpler.

"Hahaha, don't hide, the poor road is Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, the Heavenly Dao saint personally passed on the disciple Taichen, in the future, this island is a poor Dao dojo, you will be a boy of the poor road later."

Han Chen smiled and said.

A creation divine light came out of Han Chen's hand, split in two, and landed on two golden carps in the pond.

Suddenly, two golden carps were wrapped in divine light, and after a few breaths, two six- or seven-year-old boys appeared in front of Han Chen.

Two boys, a man and a woman.

The boy's cultivation has entered the early stage of the Heavenly Immortals, while the girls' cultivation is only the Heavenly Immortals.

"Disciple meet the master!"

"Very good, you two will follow the poor path to practice in the future, by the way, I have to give the two of you a name."

In this way, the golden scale is a thing in the pool, and once the wind and clouds change the dragon, the two of you will take the dragon as the surname in the future.

You two are born near water, water helps wood grow, so give you two, one Yun character, one maple character, how? "

When the boy heard this, he muttered to himself: "Long Feng, Long Feng..."

The girl also called softly, "Long Yun, Long Yun, good, good, thank you for the name." "

"Thank you for the name!" The boy Long Feng also knelt down and bowed.

"Master, master, and them..." At this time, Long Yun suddenly raised her head to look at Han Chen, and pointed to the other her companions in the pool, the meaning was obvious.

And very Han Chen shook his head and smiled...

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