The light of enlightenment can not be used by anyone, only cultivators who have practiced the magic power of mediation or mastered the way of creation.

But how difficult it is to mediate creation, let alone the Da Luo Golden Immortal, even the saints are not many people can fully grasp it.

Therefore, these people actually have drawbacks in the light of enlightenment, which will limit the upper limit of living beings, of course, the more powerful the less drawbacks.

Because these people have more mastery of the magic of mediation.

And Han Chen, as a person who completely controls the magical ability of mediation and creation, ignites the creatures with the light of creation, basically without any drawbacks, and will not affect the potential of the children's creatures.

However, Han Chen now only has the cultivation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Igniting with the light of creation and consuming a lot of his own mana, this is what Han Chen does not want to do.

"Everything in heaven and earth cannot be perfect, otherwise you will be jealous by heaven, and now the poor way of the two of you helps each other, and the natural Tao body comes out, which is the luck of the two of you, as for your people, in the future, it will depend on the efforts of the two of you to cultivate."

Teaching them to practice and let them rely on their own efforts to become incarnated is in line with the way of heaven. "

In fact, what Han Chen said was not wrong, pointingization was originally an act that violated the way of heaven, and it would somewhat damage the luck of those who exerted their divine powers.

After all, according to the operation of the rules of the Heavenly Dao, all those who are not born with the Dao body, except for the innate divine, the rest must survive the Transformation Thunder Tribulation before they can transform into a form.

And you point it at will, so that these demon creatures can obtain the Dao body without experiencing the Transformation Thunder Tribulation.

This is both a form of cheating and an act against the way of heaven.

Long Yun and Long Feng both heard Han Chen's words and thought thoughtfully.

"Okay, the poor way teaches you two the way of cultivation, you two can teach this method to your people, you yourself can also practice this method, and strive to prove that the immortal golden immortal is."

Looking at the two thoughtful, although the two of them are not low in wisdom, after all, they have not experienced society, and many times they also need to experience systematic education.

But Han Chen doesn't have time in a short time, so let's take your time in the future.

After thinking about it, the "Secret of the Stars" passed down, the mana in his hand condensed, mediated and created, and created something out of nothing, and soon a golden book appeared in Han Chen's hand.

The content in the book is written by Han Chen with divine thoughts, and there is no need to be literate, as long as you watch this book, there is a Han Chen phantom teaching in the book, which can be regarded as Han Chen's previous life earth online course mode produced.

"This book is the practice exercises given to you by the poor way, and the careful teaching in it, if you really don't understand anything else, or if you have any questions, you can come to me, I will give you two answers one by one."

Both boys were born with natural beings.

The qualifications far surpassed his two sons of Mingyu and Mingjue in the blessed land of Penglai Immortal Island.

Therefore, Han Chen intends to cultivate the two, and if the two are contending, it is not impossible to accept the two as personal disciples in the future.

After all, in the flood world that has experienced several calamities, there are very few innate spiritual veins, and the innate demon gods, who should have been born, are basically born, and it is basically impossible to find an apprentice of the innate demon god.

According to what Han Chen knew, if the entire Hong Wilderness really said that the innate demon god who had not yet been born, it was estimated that Sun Monkey and Yang Jian's disciple Taishan Shenshi dared to be the one.

Therefore, it is already very good to have a spiritual disciple.

"Thank you Master for the law!"

Long Feng quickly took the book and thanked him.

"When will the two of you become the Immortal Golden Immortal Dao, and when will you be the personal disciples of the Poor Dao."

Hearing Han Chen's words, the two children were overjoyed, "The disciple will definitely not disappoint the master, and he will definitely work hard to practice hard to strive for the Immortal Golden Immortal Fruit position." "

"Well, the poor road needs to retreat to stabilize the cultivation, you two first familiarize yourself with the exercises, try to practice, and educate some of your brothers and sisters by the way.

However, don't run around, there is a congenital divine array on the island, and the large array is too heavy to be blocked. "

"Abide by the decree of the master, rest assured, Long Yun and I will not run around."

Deep in the purple bamboo forest, a bamboo house made of purple bamboo, under the magic power of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, was completed in just a few minutes according to Han Chen's previous life.

This is still Han Chen does not want to mediate the creation of the divine power, but wants to use purple bamboo to build a bamboo house, if the mediation to create the divine power to build a house, it is completely a matter of thoughts. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Looking at the bamboo house covering an area of two hundred square meters in front of him, Han Chen was very satisfied.


After the house was repaired, a blue light flew back and fell into Han Chen's hands, not what Qingping Sword was.

Yes, just now Han Chen built a bamboo house with the Qingping Sword.


Thanks to the Qingping sword, if there is no Qingping sword, it is really a little difficult to build a bamboo house with these purple bamboos. "

Han Chen couldn't help but sigh.

These purple bamboos are developed from the mother plant of purple bamboo with high-grade innate spirit roots, and although each plant is not comparable to the innate spirit roots of the mother plant, it is also a treasure of heaven and earth.

Although such a purple bamboo cannot refine a treasure like the Houtian Lingbao, refining the immortal treasure is completely enough.

Therefore, the hardness of this purple bamboo can be imagined, that is, the sage magic weapon such as the Qingping sword, otherwise, Han Chen's bamboo house courtyard would not have been built so smoothly.

Those who can use sage magic weapons to build bamboo houses are estimated to open the world, and Han Chen is the only case.

Walk into the courtyard full of joy.

Under a bamboo pavilion, Han Chen sat quietly on a futon made of purple bamboo, his mind sinking.

"Shhh, congratulations to the host of the ashram of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Mount Loja.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Saint Level deduction card.

To use the deduction card, you need three god-level exercises, or twenty immortal-level exercises.

Shh, the host has been detected to meet the conditions, does the host start deducing? "

"Huh? Aren't they all saint-level deduction cards, how come nine god-level exercises were needed last time, and only three god-level exercises are needed this time?

Could it be that the saint-level deduction card is also strong and weak? "

At this moment, Han Chen was a little confused.

There are three god-level exercises, Han Chen now has them, and even saint-level exercises, but now Han Cheng is not a good choice.

After all, now Han Chen also understands the ability to deduce this card.

Abilities are actually used to collect data from collective exercises, refine their characteristics, and strengthen them to turn them into a more advanced exercise.

Now Han Chen has a lot of exercises in his hands, which makes Han Chen a little difficult.

After thinking about it, "Let's use these three exercises." "

"Choose "Eight Nine Xuangong", "Three Corpse Dao Method", "Qinglian Sword Song", and start deducing!"

With Han Chen's order, the deduction card in the divine sea began to operate, constantly changing, collecting data, selecting, optimizing, strengthening, rehearsing, combining...

As time passed, a new exercise slowly appeared.

"Hey, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Saint-level Technique 'Chaos Green Lotus Law Phase'."

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