But seeing that the rune divine light flickered, he knew at a glance that this was an innate spiritual treasure with great power.

I think it's this thing that specializes in restraint charms.

It can make my heart move, thinking that coming to this treasure is not simple, as for the restraint talisman seal...

Hmph, I don't believe you can restrain the runes, and you can also restrain the Dao Runes!

Han Chen thought to himself.

The seal is like a pill, divided into several levels of spirit, immortal, god, and Dao, generally the first two levels are easy to obtain, immortal pills or something, immortals with alchemy talent can also be refined.

But at the god level, whether it is a pill or a talisman seal, it is not so easy to obtain.

And the Ultimate Divine Pill is now only able to be refined by the Taiqing Saints in the entire Flood Wilderness, and as for the Dao Pill, it is estimated that only the Taiqing Daoists can refine it.

And the Dao talisman, Han Chen himself really can't refine it, because of the restriction of cultivation, plus the precious materials needed.

But Han Chen can't refine it himself, doesn't mean that the three incarnations can't refine it.

As for the materials, Han Chen was very poor, but unfortunately he got a chaos fragment from Wang Demon some time ago.

That chaos fragment is not an ordinary fetish, and the share is not small, it is comparable to the size of a small basketball court, if it is given to Yuan Shi Tianzun, it will definitely be able to refine another acquired treasure.

It can be said that this chaotic fragment is far more than the alien fire in it.

However, for Wang Demon, this Chaos Fragment 663 was not so important, and they had already refined their Origin Spirit Treasure with the Chaos Fragment piecemeal.

This fragment should be grateful and befriended Han Chen, the promising fifth senior brother.

Han Chen also smiled.

The moment he got the fragment, he connected the three grid avatars, and asked the three grid avatars to help him refine the Dao talisman, and the result did not disappoint Han Chen, enough to nine small copper coin-like Dao talismans.

And the names of these nine small copper coins are not simple.

It is called the Falling Treasure Dao Talisman, and all magic weapons below the innate supreme treasure can fall, but unlike the Falling Treasure Money, this is a talisman seal, which is disposable and will not be available when it runs out.

Of course, such a huge piece of chaos fragment would not only refine nine Falling Treasure Dao Talismans, but also ten Chaotic Yuan Sword Qi Talismans and five Heavenly God Thunder Talismans.

It took twenty-four Dao Talismans to consume one or two of the chaotic fragments the size of that basketball court.

That is, the three incarnations used the power of the world of the five spirit worlds to help refine, otherwise it might not be completed so quickly.

Han Chen, who now holds twenty-four Dao Talismans, can be said to have increased his confidence.

But in the end, his cultivation is too low to dare to find death in front of the Da Luo Golden Immortal, otherwise, I am afraid that he has not yet cast the Dao Talisman and will be given by these Da Luo Golden Immortals.

Yang Jian smiled, and the spirit talisman in his hand threw at the mixed element sword qi talisman, and immediately dropped the sword qi talisman that was in the air.

"Wang Demon, is there still a talisman seal, if you don't have my magic weapon, you will take it away!"

The generals on Xiqi's side also laughed when they heard this, at this moment, the Xiqi soldiers actually soared, full of fighting intent, and they all thought that the merchant army would be defeated this time.


Wang Demon was helpless in his heart, there are too many magic weapons for this teaching, even the magic weapon to restrain the talisman seal, this is a divine rune, even the rune is not afraid, in the future, the rune cultivator is afraid that he will be killed by this Yang Jianke.

"Yang Jian hasn't come down yet, more when!"

Zhang Guifang suddenly shouted at Yang Jian at this moment, hearing this voice, Yang Jian's heart was bad.

In fact, with Yang Jian's current cultivation, coupled with the Chaos Xuan Jade God and Demon Body, it has a certain immunity effect against the attacks of such divine soul secret techniques, although it is not as good as Nezha, a cultivator with a divine soul and a physical body.

However, Yang Jian's cultivation is also high enough.

Tai Yi's successful cultivation is more than most of the second-generation disciples of the Three Sects, and its combat power is not under Da Luo, and the flesh body cultivated by Eight Nine Xuangong cannot be injured by ordinary magic weapons.

But Zhang Guifang's Divine Soul Secret Technique still had an effect on him, although the effect was not very obvious.

Suddenly, Yang Jian wanted to recall the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman, and now he still remembered the explanation of the master ancestor and protected the magic weapon in his hand, which was the treasure of the Taiqing master.

Senior Uncle Taiqing cherishes it very much, but he can't lose it in his own hands.

Therefore, at the first time, he thought of the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman, and quickly took back the magic weapon with his divine thought, but just when Yang Jian was about to take this magic weapon back.

A divine light flew out from the merchant army camp below.

This change alarmed everyone on both sides, and when they looked closely, they found that it was a copper coin with winged (dafg) arms.

I saw that the target of the copper coin went directly to the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Fu, and the goal was very clear, that is, the treasure of his master and uncle, no, this item cannot be lost in my hands.


Yang Jian scolded angrily, and only in this way could he express his eagerness.


This time it was Guang Chengzi who was anxious, no one knew better than him about the magic weapon in Yang Jian's hand, this magic weapon itself was just a superb innate spirit treasure, and there were many extreme innate spirit treasures in his master's hands.

Simply losing a spirit treasure, his uncle would not care too much. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, the luck of this treasure being able to hold the talisman seal is similar to the seal of the Terran race, especially after the sealing of the gods, the Shinto is prosperous.

With the wisdom of Hiroshiko, it is impossible not to think that the great prosperity of the Shinto means the great prosperity of the way of the seal.

At that time, just holding this magic weapon alone can occupy a part of the luck of the Fu Seal, who doesn't want this, if it is possible, he Guangchengzi wants to occupy this treasure.

In this way, he will surely prosper the entire three realms and rank in the first line of interpretation.

Unfortunately, this treasure belongs to his saint master, and he has 10,000 dares and does not dare to do it.

And now, look at the copper coin.

Which guy is this, who actually dares to sage the wool of a saint? Don't want to live?

Hiroshiko couldn't figure it out.

But at this moment, he couldn't help but think more, but saw that copper coin touching that mixed yuan Yiqiao Taiqing talisman, "Gong....."

A divine light flickered.

Yang Jian suddenly couldn't feel the connection between Taiqing Fu and himself.

"This is..... What kind of magic? "

Yang Jian's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, his eyebrows were reincarnated and looked in the direction where the copper money flew from, it was actually a white and clean little soldier, and the little soldier looked at Yang Jian with an innocent smile.

Snow-white teeth were exposed, but there was no hint of panic.

"How daring!"

Yang Jian roared angrily, holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand, ready to fly towards the small soldier.

At this moment, Wang Demon also found the little soldier, frowning in his heart, what is so capable in the merchant army, how do I not know, such a means to be a small soldier, isn't it overkill.

Not to mention Wang Demon, even Zhang Guifang, who is the commander, is also the second monk of Zhang, and he doesn't understand that there are such capable people among the small soldiers.

However, no matter what the little soldier was, he couldn't let Yang Jian take back that strange magic weapon, if he didn't have this magic weapon, it would be time for his Mixed Yuan Sword Qi Talisman to show his skills in the future.

Thinking of this, Wang Demon was overjoyed.

"Hahaha..... Three eyes, your opponent is us, you better worry about yourself first! "

Wang Demon drank loudly, and with another blow, he opened the heavens and the earth and killed Yang Jian,

The giant axe phantom, splitting the void, Yang Jian dodged one after another.

Imprisoned by the space of the Four Elephants Divine Fire Array, he couldn't go out, so he could only watch as the young man took away the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman about to take away, and his heart was anxious, so he couldn't manage so much and shouted into the void.

"Uncle Cihang, you can't let that little soldier snatch the magic weapon of Senior Uncle Taiqing!"

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