At this moment, the four strongest people in Xiqi, Burning Lamp, Guangchengzi, Yang Jian, and Nezha, were all locked in the Four Elephants Divine Fire Array, and although the Four Elephants Divine Fire Array could not create a world space like the Tongtian Sage Immortal Sword, it was also extraordinary.

At least it will take some effort for Burning Lantern and Guangchengzi to go out, and as for Nezha, they can't get out at all when they come in.

Therefore, now in the battlefield, only Cihang is outside.

The Cihang Daoist also roughly calculated the power of this flame at the moment when the other party cast the Divine Fire Array, and this fire was really powerful, that is, the cultivation of this king ~ demon was too low.

If there is a Da Luo Golden Immortal, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with!

Thinking of this, Cihang was also ready to make a move, first extinguish this divine fire, without this divine fire, this four brothers of the king and demon would be completely lambs to be slaughtered.

But at this moment, Yang Jian's shouting came, and of course she saw the scene just now, her Taiqing Master's Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman was taken away with a treasure.

That treasure is a copper coin, it should not be the talisman seal refined by Taichen, after all, what other talisman seal can take away the talisman path treasure.

I didn't expect that this person still has such a strange treasure, and this treasure should have a relationship with the poor road!

She didn't dare to take the magic weapon of the Taiqing saint for herself, but she took a fancy to the copper money treasure, and she heard the words, "Wait and hold on first, and come when the poor road goes!" "

After speaking, he saw a divine light flying towards Han Chen.

Han Chen saw Cihang flying towards him.

Spit out the shape of the mouth with two seeds.

There is no sound, but Cihang can clearly see it, Miaoshan!

The two words immediately shocked Cihang's heart, secretly said, why is this wronged family, you a Taiyi Golden Immortal actually wants to snatch away the saint's supreme treasure, aren't you looking for death?

Cihang was speechless in his heart at the moment.

Alas, my Cihang is defeated in your hands! Although I don't know why Taichen wanted to snatch his master uncle's Taiqing talisman, I don't know where he got the courage to do this.

But, she didn't want to care.

"Little thief, Hugh wants to escape!"

Cihang drank angrily, waved the mutton fat jade bottle in his hand, and a willow leaf flew out and flew towards Han Chen, the willow leaf was two long in the wind, and in a short time, it turned into a willow leaf hundreds of feet long.

The speed is so fast that ordinary Da Luo Jinxian can't react.

Seeing the willow leaf coming towards him, Han Chen smiled slightly, casually, a fairy light flew out from Han Chen's hand, and suddenly the willow leaf turned into a smash.

Sure enough, Sister Guanyin still cares about me.

Han Chen thought to himself.

Because that willow leaf looks like a sharp attack, it is actually a paper tiger, Han Chen softened a little, and it shattered, this is the time that Sister Guanyin gave herself to escape.

Cihang saw that Han Chen broke his magic weapon, and he was still standing there dumbfounded, and suddenly his heart was anxious, secretly cursing, and he didn't run away, and my performance would be seen through later.

After all, none of the people present were ordinary people, the two Da Luo Golden Immortals were complete, Yang Jian's heavenly eyes were brilliant, he saw through the void, and he looked at the thirty-three heavens above, and the eighteen-layer hell of the Nine Nether Mansion below.

Such a look in the acting skills of ordinary people can be seen at a glance.

Thanks to it, she is almost a Daluo Golden Immortal with a complete cultivation.

"The little thief quickly hand over the Taiqing Saint's Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman, otherwise you will have nothing to hide from heaven and earth."

Cihang's words were to tell Han Chen what the magic weapon in his hand was and who it came from.

Let him know the weight, if it is not necessary, or hand over the magic weapon, after all, offending a saint is not a joke.

"Hahaha, is this the only way for Cihang Daoyou's magical ability?

If you only have this ability, the poor road will go! "

Han Chen laughed.

Bah, show mercy to your subordinates, don't be ignorant of evil.

Looking at Han Chen's arrogant face, Cihang really wanted to leave this guy, "Little thief, you don't know how to be a villain, don't blame the poor road for being unkind..."


The same move, the same leaf, and Han Chen was still a fairy light, easily, and the willow leaf turned into pieces.

"Everyone, the poor road leaves first, there is no need to send each other!"

Han Chen laughed loudly, turned into a divine light and fled west, disappearing in the battlefield of Xiqi City after a while, and seeing Han Chen's disappearance, Yang Jian was shocked.

"Uncle Master, hurry up!"

"Yang Jian, the matter of the felling merchant is important, what should you do if I go after that thief?"

Cihang pretended to be helpless and transmitted a message to Yang Jiandao.

Hearing this, Yang Jianton was helpless, Cihang was right, compared with the sage magic weapon, the felling merchant was more important.


"Hahaha..... Okay, three eyes, now there is no such strange magic weapon..."

Wang Demon laughed, although he didn't know who the person who snatched the magic weapon was, but, no matter what, it was a good thing in their favor.

"Hmph, even if there is no Taiqing Talisman, you can send all Daoists to the God Sealing List!"

Losing the magic weapon of the sage master uncle, Yang Jian was very guilty, and he knew in his heart that he would inevitably be punished by the master after going back, and it was at this moment that Yang Jian's heart was full of anger.

Now he is also ridiculed by Wang Demon, which makes his anger even more difficult to quench. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Hmph, three eyes, who sends whom on the list is not certain, kill!"

Wang Demon controlled the large array, and another heaven-opening divine power slashed towards Yang Jian.


Yang Jian sneered and did not take it to heart.

The so-called formation must have flaws, all four-elephant formations are similar, requiring four strong people of the same level to stand in four directions, so it is easy to break the formation.

0 ask for flowers

Because it can't release four Daluo consummation attack power at once, it can only release three at most.

One of them can only maintain the cultivation power of the defenders, that is, the initial strength of the Taiyi Golden Immortal of the four kings and demons, but this time is very short.

But in the eyes of Da Luo Jinxian, no matter how short this time is, there is a gap.

And at this moment, a cold blue light flew out from the mutton fat jade clean bottle in Cihang's right hand, and a drop of three-light divine water the size of a baby's fist made Cihang's heart ache.

But I saw that drop of three-light divine water turn into a blue light and pass through the four-elephant formation.

One-in-two, two-three, three-way.......

In just one breath, the entire formation space was like a downpour.

And at the moment when the three-light divine water appeared, Wang Demon was also shocked in his heart, and instinctively felt the crisis, and sure enough, Wang Demon had not reacted.

The two purple fires in the Divine Fire Array instantly annihilated the moment they touched the blue raindrops.


Seeing this, Wang Demon was furious, and shouted angrily.

"Find death!"

Cihang ran the mana in his hand, and the rain transformed by the three light divine water in the air began to differentiate, turning into the sun divine light, the taiyin divine light, and the star divine light.


The divine light turned into thousands of long swords and slaughtered towards the king demon...

Seeing such a sharp attack, Yang Jian in the formation was a little stunned, because the gap was too big compared to the means used to deal with the thief who had just snatched the Shi Bo's magic weapon from his hands.

Uncle Dark Dao, why did your previous attack look so unsatisfactory.

Cihang didn't care what Yang Jian thought in his heart.

Continue to increase the intensity of the attack, even dared to call herself a, hmph, she hated others to call herself a, except for Taichen Daoyou, who called herself a, she was reincarnated.

You are no exception!


Too fast, really too fast, who would have thought that the rain could turn into such a lethal sword, Wang Demon did not react at all.


This was the last thought in Wang Demon's heart!

With a miserable scream, it was the king demon soul of the head of the Four Saints of Nine Dragon Island that broke off outside Xiqi City, and the true spirit turned into a divine light and flew to the divine platform...

"Big brother!"

When Yang Sen and the three saw their eldest brother killed, their eyes were red, and their hatred condensed into substance.

"You better take care of yourselves....."

Hiroshiko, after a smile, pointed out his right hand.


Fantianyin once again sacrificed.......

(Tomorrow plus more million).

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