
Guang Chengzi sacrificed the Fan Tianyin, and on the other side, Nezha and the Burning Lantern Daoist also made a move, and the Qiankun circle and Qiankun ruler in their hands killed Gao Youqian and Li Xingba.

Without the big array, the three of them can't cast the formation and can't exert much magical power, how can they fight the big Luo Golden Immortal.

With the cultivation of the three of them, the Golden Immortals were not opponents at all.

Suddenly three miserable screams.

The three brothers fell into the battle formation at the same time, and the true spirit went straight to the divine platform.

"Three senior uncles!"

Zhang Guifang, as the boss, saw the four Jiejiao seniors die in battle, and the Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivators couldn't fight, how he was an opponent.

Sure enough, Zhang Guifang shouted, at this moment, there were several generals from Xiqi City, and among the battle armor, there were Nezha's brother Jin Zha, and Huang Tianxiang, Nangong Shi and others.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly killed Zhang Guifang, Zhang Guifang saw this, the defeat was born, there was no fighting spirit, and he didn't want to perform the soul capture secret technique.

And seeing that the "683" manager was surrounded, the wind forest was in a hurry, and he quickly rode the dragon blood god horse to help.

"Big handsome, let's go!"

But as soon as Feng Lin's words fell, Yang Jian shot a heavenly eye light towards him.


Falling off the horse, that Huang Tianxiang picked up the spear in his hand and went straight into the heart of the wind forest, "Ah! There was another miserable scream, and the true spirit also went straight to the Sealing God Platform.

Seeing the tragic death of his general, Zhang Guifang had a nervous breakdown and roared.

"God won't help me!"

After roaring, the mana in the body was reversed, and it suddenly boomed! With a loud bang, the flesh exploded itself, and the truth flew towards the Sealing God Platform.

It's over.

With the death of Zhang Guifang, the commander of the Western Campaign, this time the Western Expedition is over.

To be honest, for Zhang Guifang and the Four Saints of Jiulong Island, this period of time really made Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa frightened, and it was too difficult to deal with.

Now, if it weren't for the dispatch of the three Da Luo Golden Immortal powerhouses, I am afraid that it would not be so easy to win.

The most important thing is that Cihang's three-light divine water extinguished the other party's divine fire.

It's really pitiful that the Dao Xing has been mourned for ten thousand years, and since then he has been a god of the heavenly court!

Seeing the death of the commander, the remaining merchant troops quickly put down their weapons, ran and surrendered, but most of them ran, and only thirty percent of the soldiers surrendered to Xiqi.

There are really many soldiers in the big business, and their own families.

For those soldiers who fled, Jiang Ziya did not order a pursuit.

"Yang Jian, you lost your uncle's magic weapon this time, so let's go with me to the Bajing Palace to ask for guilt first." Guang Chengzi glanced at Yang Jian, as the first general of the felling merchant.

The first master of the third generation of the Interpretation Sect should not have left Xiqi City at this moment.

But who let Yang Jian lose the magic weapon of the Taiqing Saint, which made it difficult for Guang Chengzi to explain to this great disciple, if he was no longer on the scene, it was okay, but he was on the scene.

He also let Yang Jian lose the treasure at the scene, which is really unbearable.

I can only follow Yang Jian to the Great Chitian Taiqing Realm to ask for sin.


This treasure is not an ordinary important ah, I just hope that the punishment of the master uncle will not be too heavy.

Hiroshiko said with a wry smile in his heart.

And the person next to him also nodded, "In this matter, Poor Dao also needs to go to the Jade Void Palace to tell the teacher." "

As the deputy head of the Interpretation, he is also responsible.

Who let him and Guang Chengzi have a high status in the interpretation of the teaching, but also on the spot, but the Cihang Daoist, in the interpretation of the teaching, is a small transparent, this time to defeat the four saints of Jiulong Island is still the main credit.

Although, there was suspicion of releasing water before dealing with that little soldier, but there was no evidence.

Maybe it's really that little soldier's cultivation is profound, has a quasi-saint cultivation, or has a powerful secret technique that has broken Cihang's magical power.

"Junior sister, do you want to go with me to the Jade Void Palace to meet the teacher?"

Burning Lantern suddenly turned his head to look at the Cihang Daoist and said with a smile.

"No, this time it is also the responsibility of letting that little thief run away, so that when he and Senior Brother Guangchengzi go to the Great Red Sky Taiqing Realm to ask for sin."

The Cihang Daoist shook his head and said.

"This matter should not be the responsibility of the junior sister, but the little thief's means are too clever. I can't even see the poor road, let alone Junior Sister. "

Guangchengzi shook his head and said, although he Guangcheng did not behead the three corpses, he became a quasi-saint.

But he has been in the Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection Realm for many years, and as an Ancient Golden Immortal, whether it is the cultivation realm or mana, he is far beyond Cihang, who has just entered the late Daluo Perfection realm.

Yes, Hiroshiko has his own pride.

This is also the real thought in his heart, he can't see through it, it shows that the other party's strength is absolutely unfathomable, and it is expected that Junior Sister Cihang will lose her hand.

However, he turned his head to look at Yang Jian, "Senior nephew Yang Jian, can your heavenly eyes see something?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Heavenly Eye Divine Power belongs to the supreme Divine Power among the thirty-six Divine Powers of Tiangang.

Although the name is simple, it seems that there is no power, but it can become a supreme power, how can it be simple.

There are several levels of this power.

The first layer, the eye of the law, this level generally gives birth to all golden immortals, as long as they are serious, they can cultivate and see through all the things under the physical isolation.

The second layer is called Wise Eye, and Insight is not something that ordinary people can cultivate, and cultivating this eye can see through the art of evil changes...

The third layer is called the Heavenly Eye, the Heavenly Eye, which has various effects, and the power is different.

The low-level can see through the illusion of change, and the higher-level ones distinguish between good and evil and loyalty, Wen Zhong has cultivated this heavenly eye, and some such as the eye of reincarnation, which can exert the power of reincarnation, the golden eye of fire, the golden eye of the sun, etc. all belong to the category of the eye of heaven.

The last one is even the Eye of Heaven.

There are two kinds of Eyes of Heavenly Dao, the first is the Panchaotic Sun and Moon Heavenly Pupil practiced by Pangu Great God, and the second is a power possessed by Heavenly Dao, the Eye of Heavenly Punishment.

Of course, the Eye of Heavenly Punishment cultivated by a cultivator with divine powers was far inferior to the Eye of Heavenly Punishment of the Heavenly Dao.

But it can also be done with the help of a small number of the power of the Eye of Heavenly Punishment, such as the Heavenly Walking Method.

And Yang Jian's Reincarnation Heavenly Eye belongs to the relatively advanced Heavenly Eye among all the Heavenly Eyes.

So far, under the saint, this kind of Heavenly Eye is the only one who has successfully cultivated.

Therefore, Guang Chengzi felt that Yang Jian's eyes were good, and he should be able to see something, and hearing Guang Chengzi's words, Yang Jian stopped talking in his heart.

But he saw something.

But he didn't dare to say it.

Although the situation was tense at that time, he still saw that his uncle Cihang seemed to know the thief, and the previous attack seemed to be acting.

Compared with the power exerted when killing the king demon later, it is completely two states.

However, although Yang Jian suspected something in his heart, he did not dare to say it, after all, Cihang was his uncle, and the most important other party was still standing in front of him.

Glancing at Cihang.

Ci 4.1 Hang saw Yang Jian's eyes, and secretly said in his heart that it was not good, could it be seen by Yang Jian, shouldn't it.

"Master Yang Jian and nephew have something to say directly, there is no need to twist and pinch."

Cihang looked calm, but his heart was a little nervous.

Yang Jian thought for a moment, but still didn't have the courage to ask, "Uncle Shi, the disciple didn't see anything, which little thief's means are too mysterious, maybe Uncle Shi should know something?" "

Hearing Yang Jian's words, Cihang also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time constantly scolded Han Chen for burdening himself.

"Also, let's go, ask the uncle first."

Guang Chengzi nodded in recognition of Yang Jian's words, turned his head to look at Jiang Ziya and said, "Junior brother, I don't wait for the period, don't be too impulsive, if you can't beat it, hang up the battle card and wait for Yang Jian's nephew to come back." "

"Senior brother rest assured, junior brother, I am not an impulsive person."

Jiang Ziya smiled and said....

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