The Great Red Sky is too clear.

Although it is a saint's dojo, it is also a top-level middle thousand world, and at this time, Taiqing opened up after preaching sanctification, and suppressed by Huang Zhongli, the head of the ten innate spiritual roots of the Flood Wilderness.

Yes, to open a dojo in the midst of chaos, you need to find innate spiritual roots to support the sky, or you can learn from Pangu Great God to support the sky yourself.

This is currently the safest known way to create your own world in the midst of chaos.

Yes, the safest, not the only one.

Because in the chaos, there are also naturally formed small thousand worlds and middle thousand worlds, and these worlds are not suppressed with innate spiritual roots, but the probability of success in these worlds is too low.

It is possible that these worlds could have been created by a small chaotic storm or a battle of chaotic beasts, but most of these worlds collapsed due to instability not long after their success.

Very little can really be preserved.

A thousand born worlds, one can be successfully preserved and stabilized, it is not bad.

It is precisely because of this that although the chaos is large and giving birth to new worlds all the time, there are still very few worlds that really survive.

However, these are all worlds formed by chaotic nature 30, and have nothing to do with cause and effect.

But if the saint wants to create the world, then there is a great cause and effect here, and you will get the merit of the great road reward for creating the world, but if the world is destroyed, it is not merit.

It's Dao karma.

Dao karma, this is not a heavenly path karma, there is no saying that a saint is not stained with cause and effect, even if you are a mixed element saint, you can't escape the power of the Dao.

Therefore, even saints do not dare to mess around casually.

If you want to open up the world to be your own dojo, the saint must first prepare his own heaven-supporting innate spiritual root, and if he wants to open up a dojo in the top middle thousand worlds, he needs a superb innate spiritual root.

Even if it is a low-level Middle Thousand World, at least it needs a top-grade innate spirit root.

The Middle Thousand Worlds are too little help to the saints, especially the kind of thin Middle Thousand Worlds, and the only role is to provide the saints with energy for the saints to practice.

As for providing the Source of Creation?

How can the creation origin of the production of a small Middle Thousand World be compared with the Pangu Great World.

Even if he occupies one-tenth of the Qi Luck of the Pangu Great World, the Creation Origin obtained every day is far more than a million times more than the Creation Origin provided by his top-level Middle Thousand World's Dojo.

There is no comparison at all.

However, it is still very good to use it as a machine for producing energy, after all, even if the saint can absorb the chaotic qi, he still needs to refine and refine, which will greatly slow down the speed of cultivation.

And if you absorb the flood world, it will affect the development of the flood world and form a big cause and effect with the world.

Every time you absorb the energy of the flood world, some karma will be generated, and there is a certain amount of karma, if you don't contribute to the world, it is estimated that even if the Heavenly Dao does not find you, you will not be able to stay.

In the Nine Heavens of the Taiqing Realm, in the Eight Views Palace, the Taiqing Saint and the Yuan Shi Tianzun were sitting cross-legged.

And Yuan Shi Tianzun was seriously looking at the Taiqing Sage manipulator a small thousand world.

No, it was the manipulator Taiqing Realm's Heavenly Dao that controlled a small thousand worlds.

The level of that small thousand world is not low, it is enough to top the small thousand world level, and this world can become a middle thousand world by a trace of it, but in the chaos, it is basically impossible to achieve the middle thousand world by relying on itself.

And at this moment, the Taiqing Saint formed a mysterious vortex with the Heavenly Dao of the Taiqing Realm, constantly devouring this small world.

The thunder in the Xiaoqian World is dense, constantly attacking the Heavenly Dao of the Taiqing World, which is the resistance of the Xiaoqian World, but it is useless.

Who let him resist against a saint?

After a while, Taiqing stopped.

"Senior Brother, why did you stop?"

Seeing that Senior Brother listened, Yuan Shi Tianzun next to him was very surprised, and asked puzzled.

"Junior Brother, that small thousand world has grown for a long time, there are already many creatures in it, the strongest is a congenital lotus flower, this woman has the Dao of Heaven, although her cultivation is not high, only the Golden Immortal Realm. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But if you forcibly devour it for your brother, this person who is in harmony will inevitably have the determination to die and destroy the world, and then it will be useless for the brother to devour that world.

Maybe it will also cause some harm to the Taiqing Realm. "

"What does Senior Brother mean?"

Yuan Shi nodded clearly when he heard this.

"Brother Wei is ready to accept her as a named disciple and let her be reincarnated in the Flood Desolation World, so that in the future, her achievements should be higher, so that all sentient beings will not stop at the Golden Immortal."

I want to come to this woman is also willing. "

Taiqing smiled and said.

"It's just a congenital being, is it necessary Senior Brother?"

Congenital beings are not innate demon gods, and Yuan Shi Tianzun really can't look at it, unless you have great merit and luck in your body, so he will look up.

And the female immortal of this small thousand world, the golden immortal cultivator, born with a soul and feet, should actually refuse the saint to devour the world, which in his Yuanshi view is to violate the majesty of the saint.

If you don't punish it, it's all counted, and you will be accepted as a named disciple.

"Hehe, this woman has some fate with the poor way, although she is accepted as a named disciple, but the poor way will let the Nine Heavenly Xuannu go to edification."

The Nine Heavenly Xuannu was born in the Terran race, and although she later became a named disciple of Nuwa, when he passed on the Jindan Avenue of the Terran Race, this woman was also present and heard that he was also half a teacher of the Nine Heavenly Xuannu.

Hearing the words of the senior brother, Yuan Shi did not make a sound, although he could not look at it, but he knew that his senior brother was very particular about the law of fate, forget it, it was not his own business, why be nosy.

"I have to say that the way to connect Taoists to the world is really mysterious.

It's also thanks to the last time I discussed with the Taoist friends, otherwise how could I have created such a magic method? "

At this moment, Yuan Shi suddenly changed the 937 question, and the person who received the Dao came.

"Yes, the great wisdom of receiving Taoists is not under the poor path, if it weren't for me and the legacy of the Father, the cultivation of the poor path now is estimated to be inferior to receiving Taoists."

And if this method can be perfected, it should not be under the three-corpse preaching created by the master. "

Taiqing smiled and said.

And the Yuan Shi Tianzun next to him heard his senior brother's words, pouted, now that he has become holy, how do they still not know if the three corpses can be sanctified?

No, sanctification is not possible at all.

At least what they knew about beheading three corpses could not be sanctified, it was very likely that their Dao Ancestor Venerable had left a hand or something, anyway, they did not rely on the three corpses to preach.

They are sanctified by the merits of the heaven-opening merits that their Father has left them.

And the one who received the Taoist was truly sanctified by relying on the law of the dream world plus some merit.

Although the way of the dream world of the person receiving the Taoist cannot be fully sanctified without merit at present, in the future, if the person receiving the Taoist perfects the path.

Perhaps it will truly be sanctified by this preaching alone.

In this way, the way of the world in this dream should be another way of preaching in the flood.

Even if it can't be done at present, it is enough for the two of them to reopen a door outside the Xuanmen, which is what Yuan Shi envies.

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