Last time, when the four of them were planning to seal the gods together, the two sides discussed at the same time, and the usher took out the law of his dream world.

Let Taiqing and Yuan Shi be amazed.

After the discussion of the Tao, Taiqing and Yuan Shi took out the Pangu Creation Imprint in the true spirit, and jointly studied and deduced the method of receiving the dream world of the Taoist.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the two really got some results from research.

With the Pangu Genesis imprint and the way to the dream world as the core, a secret method called "Genesis" was formed.

Of course, this name is casual, it can be called "Taishang Laojun Genesis", or it can be called "Laozi Genesis" or "Yuanshi Tianzun Genesis" and so on.

The name doesn't matter.

After all, this is the secret method jointly made by Yuan Shi Tianzun and Taiqing Saint.

This method does not directly help the monks themselves, does not help you preach, nor can it help you improve your cultivation, but if you want to have a world of your own.

This Genesis helps.

Because this method can really help you create a world of your own.

The feasibility is still very large.

A great world, even if there is no Flood Barren Great World, the origin of sacrificing three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, and there is no origin such as the Flood Barren World, it is still a great world.

If there was a great world, even if the two saints of the West could not fully repay the loan owed to the Heavenly Dao, it would be almost the same.

Of course, this method is not something that ordinary people can practice.

At least you have to have a Middle Thousand World, and you also need to have a cultivation above the Great Luo Golden Immortal, because only the cultivation above the Great Luo Golden Immortal can control the Heavenly Dao of a Middle Thousand World.

In this way, we can take the Heavenly Dao as the core and absorb the origin of other worlds.

Yes, the "Genesis" created by Taiqing and Yuan Shi that can realize the great world is a way to devour the origin of other worlds to achieve the promotion of the world under their control.

Of course, this method is also dangerous.

There can be no change, if there is a master of the world in other worlds, and others are unwilling to blow themselves up under your persecution, then this great karma needs to be borne by you personally.

The full consent of the other party is required.

Of course.

The world master of this top small thousand world in front of him is just a golden immortal cultivator, a golden immortal cultivator, Xu Yili temptation, can easily solve it.

But those cultivators above Da Luo who possess the Middle Thousand Worlds are not something that ordinary temptations can solve.

For example, Yunxiao, a disciple of the outer sect who intercepted the heavens.

Yes, after Taiqing and Yuan Shi created this "Genesis", they set their sights on the clouds.

Who let Yunxiao have so many worlds, and there are two middle thousand worlds.

Two seats!

Think about their saints, even Taiqing himself only had three Middle Thousand Worlds before, one of his own Taiqing Realm, and two were found in the chaos.

And in the beginning, there is only one middle thousand world.

It is the small thousand world, the two of them have hundreds of them, but the small thousand world and the middle thousand world, the two are simply not comparable at all.

It can be seen from this that looking for the world in the chaos, it is not that you have an advantage if you cultivate high, this thing still depends on luck, even if you cultivate only Da Luo Golden Immortal.

If you are lucky, it is possible to find the top world.

And even if they are saints, for so many years, exploring in chaos, they are actually similar to Yunxiao, the Great Luo Golden Immortal, which really makes several saints impress Yunxiao.

In the past, these saints were just impressed.

But after Taiqing and Yuan Shi created the "Genesis", it changed, and the two wanted to engage in the world of Yunxiao, but they never had the opportunity, after all, the two were each other's uncles.

As an elder, robbing the things of the elders for no reason, even if they don't want face, it's embarrassing, not to mention that both of them are people who want face.

And now, by coincidence, I encountered the Feng Shen Tribulation.

In this way, the two have long planned to calculate Yunxiao through quantitative robbery, and then take away the two worlds in their hands, and the two worlds are one for each person, just right.

"Senior Brother, although this method is mysterious, there are too many worlds it needs to consume, Senior Brother, your Taiqing Realm is originally a top mid-thousand world.

Now it has fused two middle thousand worlds, hundreds of small thousand worlds, and it is still a top middle thousand world, I don't know when it will be the head. "

At this moment, Yuan Shi Tianzun couldn't help but complain.

In fact, the promotion of the Middle Thousand World level was still very simple, as if his dojo Qingwei Tianyu Qing Realm was originally just a high-level Middle Thousand World.

But after fusing and devouring another Middle Thousand World and hundreds of Small Thousand Worlds that he was looking for in the chaos, his Jade Clear Realm successfully promoted to the top Middle Thousand World.

The spirit root in the world is still only a top-grade innate spirit root, but it has not affected the promotion of the world in the slightest.

Although the promotion in the middle thousand worlds is simple, the difficulty of being promoted from the middle thousand world to the big thousand world is not ordinary difficulty.

The Taiqing Realm is already the consummation of the top of the world.

After all, the world opened up by Huang Zhongli, the head of the ten innate spiritual roots, as the foundation, but it was still devouring and fusing two high-level middle thousand worlds and hundreds of small thousand worlds of different levels.

But it is still only the top level of the world.

It can be seen that it is difficult to promote from the middle thousand world to the big thousand world.

"It's difficult, but if there is a big world, we can also use the power of the world to get rid of the confinement of Hongmeng Purple Qi, which is our only hope."

Yes, what they want to do is to use the power of the Great Thousand World plus their own cultivation to get rid of the confinement of Hongmeng Purple Qi and get rid of the control of Hongjun Dao Ancestor.

After becoming holy, they knew that their cultivation was too dependent on Hongmeng Purple Qi, and Hongmeng Purple Qi was transformed by the authority of the Heavenly Dao controlled and refined by Hongjun Dao Ancestor.

If you withdraw from the Hongmeng Purple Qi, you and them will inevitably cultivate to a great reduction, fall to the holy position, and become mortal dust.

And the two of Zhu Ying and Zhun Ti used the power of Luo Jun's great world to get rid of the confinement of Hongmeng Purple Qi, stabilize their cultivation, and successfully get rid of the control of Hongjun Daozu.

After all, the two are still Heavenly Dao Saints, and they are still Heavenly Dao Saints who are not controlled by Hongjun, and immortal Heavenly Dao Saints. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hongjun wanted to engage the two of them, not to mention that his profound Luo Xiao did not agree, even Heavenly Dao did not agree.

Yes, at this moment, the two of them are very envious of the introduction and quasi-mention.

The idea of the two is to create a great world, and then merge the world into the Flood Barren Great World, striving to get rid of the control of Hongjun Daozu while gaining more Heavenly Dao Authority Factory.

Of course, in order to increase the probability of success, the plan of the two is to divide the fortune of their third brother Tongtian Sect.

"Brother Wei can feel that if I am adding three or four high-level Middle Thousand Worlds, and then looking for hundreds of Small Thousand Worlds, I think it should be enough for my Taiqing Realm to be promoted to a Great Thousand World."

"Alas, why don't those useless disciples of mine look for the world in the chaos like Sect Yunxiao!"

At this time, Yuan Shi complained about his apprentice on the side.

I don't want to think about how hard it is to find the world in the chaos, it is completely thankless, the vast chaos, looking for the world, is simply the probability of a blind cat encountering a dead rat.

Success is accidental, failure is inevitable, they have the help of luck, they don't need to find the Middle Thousand Worlds to achieve the Daluo Golden Immortal, why work so hard?

Is it bad to stay in the cave and enjoy life?

In fact, this is also the common idea of the saint's own disciples, who can cultivate freely and freely, who will suffer such sins, the risk of chaos is too great, in case of encountering a chaotic storm, a careless, even the Great Luo Golden Immortal has to be cool.

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