"Huh? How so? "

Yuan Shi also discovered the cultivation of Cihang's own disciple, and actually had a cultivation that was close to the completion of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, I remember that last time, I was just entering the middle realm of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

How many years has it been?

This is about to become the complete cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal?

Yuan Shi really couldn't figure it out, even if he was a top innate demon god and had the Pangu Relic Inheritance, it took tens of thousands of years from the middle period of the Great Luo Golden Immortal to the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

What chance did this apprentice of himself get? But no matter how big the opportunity is, there will not be such a big progress.

Can't figure it out.

But he ignored this disciple.

Among his many disciples, except for Huanglong Zhenren, they are all innate demon gods, among which Guangchengzi and Burning Lantern are the upper innate demon gods, and the rest are also middle and lower ~ innate demon gods.

Among them, Cihang is the lower innate demon god, and among the lower innate demon gods, it is a relatively moderate kind, so he doesn't look at this disciple very much.

I feel that it is too difficult for this disciple of my to be promoted to the Quasi-Saint Dao, and if he does not have great merit, it is estimated that he will always stop at the Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection Realm with intelligence.

Therefore, he said that most resources are tilted towards a few disciples with deep qualifications.

And Cihang, just by the way.

"Junior Brother, Senior Nephew Cihang is afraid that there is a blessing similar to Yunxiao."

Taiqing bowed his head slightly and said with a smile.

When Yuan Shi heard this, it was clear, it was really so, isn't that Yunxiao only the next innate demon god, but he can become a Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection Realm by relying on blessings.

This disciple of his own is afraid that he also has a similar blessing.

"Senior Brother said that Cihang also found the Middle Thousand World?"

"No, the Middle Thousand World is not omnipotent, and it can't make people have such a huge improvement in a short time, but individuals have personal fate, Cihang master and nephew, junior disciple can focus on cultivation.

Maybe in the future, he can surpass Guangcheng Shi and nephew. "

Hearing Senior Brother's words, Yuan Shi smiled bitterly, "Senior Brother, I had already made an agreement with Zhun Ti Daoyou, and after the calamity, it all depended on the wishes of the disciples, and if they were not willing to stay in the Interpretation Sect in the future, they would have to stop it."

This prospective Taoist friend has always been close to the lantern.

However, he is also a teacher and friend with Cihang, so I am afraid that this disciple, junior brother, I can't keep it. "

And that's not all there is to it.

After all, Zhun Ti and Zhu Yi wanted to offend a saint, a saint with strong combat power, and dismembered his sect, and all the luck of his dismemberment and division belonged to him Yuanshi and Taiqing.

In this way, wouldn't it be that Zhun Ti and Zhu Yi were not busy in vain, but also offended the Tongtian Saint.

Such a thing that has no benefit, can a person who does not see a rabbit and does not spread an eagle agree?

It is precisely because of this that the two sides signed a series of unequal treaties, including the affairs of their disciples, and also agreed that it was all up to the personal wishes of their own disciples.

If his own disciples are unwilling, the other party cannot force it.

This is already the best result.

Hearing the words of his junior brother, the Taiqing Daoist also sighed, "Alas, that's it, that's it, if his heart is not in the Daomen, it is useless to force it, everything has its own fate!" "

After speaking, Taiqing's hand faced the void a little, and a void golden bridge appeared.

Not long after, three people walked down from the Golden Bridge.

It was Guang Chengzi, Cihang and Yang Jian, who walked up to them and hurriedly faced Taiqing and Yuanshi on the cloud bed.

"The disciple meets the master (Shi Zu), meets the master (Shi Bozu)!"

Guang Chengzi and the three did not expect that the master was actually here, they all secretly said in their hearts that it was bad, if it was just that the master was here, maybe they could talk better, but their master was also here, and it was estimated that a punishment would be indispensable.

However, a few people can only bite the bullet.

"Okay, get up!"

Yuan Shi waved his sleeves and said, but the three of them still did not move, still kneeling on the immortal jade floor, deeply bowing their heads, not daring to look directly at Sheng Yan.

"Say, but what problems did you encounter?"

Taiqing on the side also saw something at this moment, and there was a bad premonition in his heart, but he still asked. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The disciple lost Shi Bozu's Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman, and asked Shi Bozu to surrender the crime."

The first one to speak was not someone else, it was Yang Jian, after all, this treasure was thrown out of his hands, and the main responsibility was in his own hands.

"Mess, didn't you pay attention?

Don't let that Taichen steal and deceive him, don't you take my words to heart? Well, now your uncle's treasure is lost.

0 ask for flowers

Do you think it's just the loss of a simple Superb Innate Spirit Treasure?

This is a lost momentum!

In the midst of the Sealing God Tribulation, the Divine Dao will be prosperous, and the Dao of the Rune Seal will also flourish, and holding this Rune Dao Supreme Treasure can not only obtain the luck of the Rune Dao, but also indirectly control the Divine Dao.

Even if the Heavenly Book God List is withdrawn by the Dao Ancestor, and the God Whip is awarded Hao Tian by the Dao Ancestor, I still have the power to balance the Heavenly Court. "

At this moment, Yuan Shi Tianzun was furious, if he didn't need to take care of his identity as a saint and elder, he would almost point at Yang Jian's nose and scold.

At this moment, Yuan Shi Tianzun was really angry.

Although the gods of the Heavenly Court and their saints can't look at them, they can't do without the power to control the Heavenly Court.

Although the Heavenly Book God List is now in his hands, after the calamity is over, it will definitely be taken back by the Dao Ancestor, and as for the whip, of course, it will be given to Hao Tian.

Otherwise, how could he, the Great Heavenly Venerable, control the gods, and why should he use the Heavenly Court to unify the three realms.

"At this time, the disciple was also at fault, the little thief did not know what means to use, the disciple's magical powers were all broken by him, at that time, Senior Brother Guangchengzi and the others were fighting against the four saints of Nine Dragon Island, and the situation was critical.

It was because the disciple did not pursue the thief, which allowed the thief to escape.

He also asked his uncle to surrender his guilt. "

Hearing his master's words, Cihang secretly said in his heart, he didn't expect that that small talisman supreme treasure actually had so many wonderful uses, tempering the Heavenly Court.


No wonder that little wrongdoer risked offending the saint to snatch that magic weapon.

At this moment, Cihang thought that Han Chen knew the role of this magic weapon.

But the more I think about the importance of this magic weapon, the more I feel that I am afraid to bear the wrath of Master Venerable this time, alas, Taichen Daoyou, now you owe me a lot of cause and effect.

"The disciple also has a responsibility, and also asks the master and the master to surrender the crime."

Seeing that his nephew and sister had all admitted their mistakes, how dare Guang Chengzi delay, he also quickly admitted his mistakes.

"That's it, that's it, this treasure fate method is not on the poor road, the moment Taichen Shi and nephew are born, this treasure fate method wants to return, and everything is forced."

You wait and tell the poor road about the scene at that time............. scoop".

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