Quantitative robbery chaos, although the heavenly machine is chaotic, can not be counted specifically, but the saint can be calculated, combined with the long river of fate, plus the telling of several people.

In vain, the Taiqing Daoist opened his eyes, and the Yuan Daoist also opened his eyes, and was about to say something.

But he was stopped by the Taiqing Daoist.

"That's it, if it's really a fate, this treasure has nothing to do with me, this time has nothing to do with Er and others, retreat, and assist King Wu to complete his mission and wash away the calamities on his body!"

Hearing the words of Master Taiqing, Guangchengzi and Cihang were overjoyed.

I didn't expect that the uncle didn't punish them, which was simply wonderful, but the people of Cihang Daoist seemed to feel that the uncle of Taiqing looked at him, as if the master was too.

"Won't you hurry up and thank your uncle for your forgiveness?"

Yuan Shi saw that the three were still unmoved, and immediately shouted angrily, and the three of them bowed when they heard this, "The disciple thanks the uncle for not punishing him." "

"Go ahead. Go, in the midst of the calamity, King Wu and Jiang Ziya "eight six seven" may be in danger at any time, Yang Jian, you as a general must not leave for a long time, or go back first! "

"Disciple retreat!"

Yang Jian led the order and said, but he only had the Taiyi Golden Immortal, where could he cross the chaos and go to Xiqi City.

"Poor road gives you a ride!"

After speaking, he saw that Taiqing raised his hand and waved his sleeve, and a mysterious force wrapped Yang Jian, and after a while, when Yang Jian opened his eyes to see where he was.

It was found that it was already in Xiqi City.

Suddenly, he sighed, "It's really a saint's immeasurable power." "

"See, General, the General is back!" At this time, the small soldiers patrolling the city next to him saw Yang Jian and immediately came to see him, shouting with joy....

Guang Chengzi and the Cihang Daoist also bowed and left.

Only Taiqing and Yuanshi remained in the Bajing Palace.

"Senior brother, why didn't you let me punish this miscreant just now, this miscreant is simply unreasonable, and actually deliberately let Na Taichen leave, so that Junior Uncle loses a treasure of luck."

At this moment, Yuan Shi said angrily.

"Poor Dao said before, this is fate, no wonder Cihang, even if there is no Cihang's appearance, I think there are other factors, I wait in the Dao of Heaven, in the great will of heaven and earth, after all, I have suffered the cause and effect of heaven and earth, and I can't be freed."

That Rune Dao Supreme Treasure is important to him, and it is not important, although it is Qi Luck Supreme Treasure, but Fu Dao Qi Luck is not huge, not much for him.

Of course, casually giving it to anyone else is enough to cultivate a quasi-saint powerhouse.

But according to Fang Cai's words and fate, the two saw the picture of a very good relationship between the future Taichen and his disciple Cihang.

Although there are only a few fragments.

But with the sage's ability to calculate, where do you not know the reason.

I couldn't help but say that this disciple of his own, Cihang, must now have some hidden secrets with Na Taichen, as for what the secret is, the two of them don't know very well, but their senior brother's magic weapon must have been deliberately let go.

"I really thought that there was a quasi-saint powerhouse in heaven and earth who dared to fish in troubled waters in the midst of calamity."

Even if his senior brother did not pursue it, Yuan Shi Tianzun was still a little angry.

"That Taichen Master and Nephew are expected to mix in the future, but they can't force it into the West, otherwise I'm afraid Master Venerable will blame him!"

For Luo Xiao's existence and Luo Xiao's ambition, as a saint, he is well aware.

Of course, Hongjun Daozu also knew, but as long as the line in Houtu did not break through, then Luo Xiao would not want to have a chance, at least it would be difficult to have a chance.

But now in addition to the back soil, there is a new variable of Taichen.

Under the variables, the future is chaotic, and the future of Xuanmen is unknown.

Hongjun would rather Han Chen become a tunnel to join the Houtu than let him be controlled and used by Luo Xiao, and then come to seize his Heavenly Dao authority.

"Moreover, in the future, maybe befriending Taichen and nephew is not necessarily a bad thing for us..."

Taiqing thought about it and said.

Having an ally who preaches with strength, or is the same Pangu clan as himself, this is simply the best ally in nature, and the two of them want to get rid of the control of their master, maybe they will have to help them.

The future is not clear, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with being prepared.

"As for why Master Cihang and nephew were able to break through cultivation so quickly and achieve cultivation that was close to the perfection of Da Luo, I think it was because Master Taichen and Nephew, although I don't know what method he used.

But this method is beyond the understanding of our saints.

This is very curious about this.

If the calamity is over, you may be able to walk around..."

Taiqing was now full of interest in his master and nephew, and he was not angry because of the loss of the Rune Dao Supreme Treasure, and the Yuan Shi next to him was also thoughtful when he heard the words of his senior brother.

Can Taichen preach? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although there is a high probability in the long river of fate, it may not really succeed, but as long as there is a probability of preaching mixed elements, such people basically do not consider killing each other.

Otherwise, you will have an undead Mixed Element Saint-level hostility.

Can't scratch it...

"That's it, just spare this scoundrel."

Yuan Shi Tianzun said with a deep sigh.

"However, the most important thing for me now is to have a big world, first solve the problem of Hongmeng Purple Qi, and then talk about it, the rest is not important..."

Say, look into the depths of chaos, now he doesn't know where the world of Yunxiao is... 0

After all, the world of Yunxiao is constantly moving, the chaos is too big, the saint is here, the calculus power is completely invalid, and if you want to find something, it all depends on luck.

At this moment, in a place that Taiqing did not know, a huge world.

A middle-level middle thousand world, next to it there is a middle thousand world, the two worlds have some kind of link, but not completely linked, can only exchange the information of the origin of the law.

Matter, energy, but not exchangeable with each other.

And at the moment!

The world suddenly shook, and countless tentacle roots grew out from the surface of the world wall crystal, deep into the chaos, frantically absorbing the chaotic qi, and the world wall crystal was also full of golden tubes.

It's like a blood vessel.

In the middle thousand worlds, in the ten heavens, on the cloud bed, a female fairy sat cross-kneeled, and suddenly, a huge coercive pressure emanated from the female fairy, spreading to the surroundings with the female fairy as the center.

The breath carries the whole world, every corner of the world.

Celestial Realm, Great Wilderness, Four Seas, Underworld, Demon Realm........

All the subordinate small worlds of the world were shocked by this breath, and the innate beings in the world did not dare to move, looking at the nine heavens with trepidation.

The fairy opened her eyes again.

"Chop!" A drink!


A blue light flew out of the fairy's body and landed beside her, turning into a female cultivator who was eight points similar to her.

At the same time, the breath of the fairy grew again, and the breath swept the whole world again, but it caused the creatures of the whole world to 5.2.

"I really have to thank Junior Brother Taichen, otherwise I wouldn't be able to become a quasi-saint so quickly, but I still used two methods to preach the quasi-saint, and the cultivation went straight to the middle of the quasi-saint, and the gain was too great."

Yes, this fairy is none other than someone else, she is breaking through the quasi-saint cloud in retreat.

Just now, relying on the feedback of the world, let it leap into forcibly achieve the early stage cultivation of the quasi-saint, and then cut off the good corpse with the water and fire gourd, and the cultivation grew again, becoming a strong person in the middle stage of the quasi-saint.

In a short period of time, from the Great Luo Golden Immortal to the mid-stage power of the quasi-saint, it is comparable to the ancient card quasi-saint, and few people in the entire flood famine can do it.

And at this moment, a golden light flew towards the clouds, falling below the clouds, it was a white-haired young man, the man was handsome, and a pure yang qi rushed straight into the sky.

Seeing the man, Yunxiao smiled slightly, but this person and she still had a relationship.

"Late Donghua meets Tianzun!"

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