Facing the Taiqing Saint who ran out of the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman, Han Chen was extremely panicked in his heart at the moment, after all, the other party was a saint, an immortal saint.

Inside, the three grid avatars are ready to strike at any time.

"Disciple Taichen meets Shi Uncle!"

Taking a deep look at the saint incarnation in front of him, Han Chen did not dare to be careless and hurriedly greeted him, after all, this is etiquette, and the face of the saint cannot be ignored.

"Master and nephew don't need to be so nervous, as you can see, the poor path is just the imprint incarnation of the innate spirit treasure, if you are just a small Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Even if you are a Da Luo Golden Immortal and do not enter the Quasi-Saint, it is delusional to completely obtain this magic weapon of the Poor Dao.

I just didn't expect it...

I didn't expect that the master and nephew still had this kind of means, and the three Daoists came out! "

Taiqing's words were not wrong, although it was only a trivial imprint thought in the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman, but after all, it was a saint's imprint.

Its strength is enough to have the strength of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

This is still because he doesn't care much about this magic weapon, and he is ready to give this magic weapon to his disciples, because of the imprint left by Cai casually, if the imprint in his innate supreme treasure Taijitu is at least quasi-holy perfection realm.

If you want to rob the saint's greatest treasure, you don't want to think about it.

If it was in the Flood Barren World, as the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao Saint, he had the characteristics of a Heavenly Dao Saint, that is, he would not die or die, and if Han Chen was in the Flood Barren World, it would be absolutely impossible to refine this treasure.

However, now he clearly felt that this was not a flood world.

Moreover, there are three powerful auras around, quasi-saint late-stage level breaths, and this breath is from the same source as his master and nephew, and I don't know what means his master and nephew exerted, and he actually has such power.

Under such power, Taiqing did not have the slightest room for maneuver.

It can only be refined.

Hearing Taiqing's words, Han Chen frowned, knowing that the three incarnations should have been detected by his master, and his heart said, it was indeed the incarnation of a saint.

Even if there is only Da Luo Golden Immortal, the realm is still there, not an order of magnitude.

Therefore, Han Chen was not hiding anymore.


Under Han Chen's control, three regular energy fluctuations appeared beside Han Chen, the divine light flickered, the spatial ripples constantly vibrate, and after the light, three figures sat next to Han Chen.

Tai Qing looked at the three figures in front of him who were similar to Han Chen, and with the realm of his saint, he could certainly feel his quasi-saint cultivation, and suddenly thought of something.

Pupils widen.

"Master and nephew, this is...

You actually killed three corpses in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm'? "

Although the way of beheading three corpses is a method of achieving quasi-sainthood and preaching mixed elements, in fact, beheading three corpses is not directly related to the improvement of cultivation, but the three corpses hinder the rapid improvement of cultivation.

Theoretically, as long as you understand against the sky and wisdom against the sky, even a mortal can kill three corpses.

But if you want the three corpses to become one, you must have the cultivation realm of a quasi-saint perfection infinite realm saint.

It was precisely because of this that Taiqing would be shocked, shocked that Han Chen had beheaded three corpses before he proved Da Luo, what a heaven-defying thing.

If this is the case, there will be no bottleneck before this master and nephew in the future.

All the way up, the practice is as simple as eating and drinking.

Envy, shock, jealousy and other emotions can emerge in Taiqing's mind.

Think about him, he only cut off his self-corpse with merit after becoming holy, and he can't achieve the unity of three corpses.

Hearing Taiqing's words, Han Chen smiled and said.

"Beheading three corpses?

Shi Uncle is afraid of misunderstanding, this is just a use of Shi Nephew's mediation and creation power, if only he could really kill three corpses. Han Chen didn't expect that his uncle would think that he had killed three corpses.

"Hmm.... So that's it! "

Taiqing saw that the three avatars did not have the slightest expression, like stones, and felt their close connection with the world, which was too clear.

I think these three incarnations were created by Master Taichen and nephew with mediation and transformation powers, combined with the rule origin power of this Middle Thousand World, right?

As for how to shape and why he couldn't do it, Taiqing could only attribute it to the fact that he did not fully comprehend mediation.

But, wait.....

Taiqing suddenly thought of something.....

"Master and nephew, this world is the world of Yunxiao's master and nephew?"

"Uh..... Back to Senior Uncle, this world was indeed Yunxiao's senior sister before, but then Senior Sister gave this world to me, so now this world is already my master and nephew. Han Chen was very calm, but Taiqing was shocked in his heart.

What the? Yunxiao actually sent his own Middle Thousand Worlds out? What is the relationship between the two of you? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

You are a personal disciple, an outer disciple, and besides, it seems that you were only a disciple in the past, when did you have such a good relationship.

Even a world in the middle of a thousand is willing to send each other!

This is a world of thousands.

Its preciousness is self-evident, thinking that he wanted to use the ultimate divine pill before, the exchange of the Nine Turns Da Luo Wuji Golden Pill and the Jade Emperor and the Terran Race was rejected, but think of the importance of a middle thousand world.

In fact, a Middle Thousand Worlds is more important for a Da Luo Golden Immortal who has not beheaded three corpses.

Because the Middle Thousand World can provide the Daluo Golden Immortal with the origin of cultivation far and continuously, so that it can quickly advance to become a quasi-saint in the future, especially Yunxiao, a Daluo Golden Immortal who does not have much luck in the Flood Barren World.

This is bad, before I wanted to calculate Yunxiao and my junior brother to divide the two worlds of Yunxia, but now it seems that it will not work.

This news must be conveyed to the Buddha-figure.

Taiqing was very anxious in his heart, but now he was in a middle thousand world in the midst of chaos, isolated by the world, isolated by chaos, and he did not have the slightest inheritance of luck in this world.

There is no way to get in touch with Buddha-figures, and if you have qi luck in this world, you can still contact Buddha-figures through qi luck.

"So it is, but congratulations to the master and nephew for having such a world, the avenue can be expected."

Master and nephew, poor road has (money) a package of transactions to talk with the master and nephew, I don't know if the master and nephew can be interested. "

"Oh? I don't know what kind of deal it is, but the uncle said that it was okay, if it was feasible, the disciple would not refuse the garbage. "

I don't know what medicine is sold in the other party's gourd, but Han Chen is always highly vigilant in his heart.

"The master and nephew have taken away the Poor Dao's Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman, but this talisman is prepared by the Poor Dao for your Donghua Senior Brother in the future.

Those who are ready to turn this treasure into an immortal nationality, those who fly to the heavenly court in the future, the names of the gods must be entered into this immortal book, those who have the immortal nationality are the right fruit, enjoy the luck of the heavenly court, the immortal status does not fall, and the immortal blessing will be enjoyed forever!

Immortals are famous gods and immortals who can lower their divine power in the way of seals.

But I didn't expect that this treasure was taken by the master and nephew because of chance, but it was related to the master and nephew...

The poor trade is simple.

As long as the master and nephew release the incarnation of the imprint of the poor road, the poor road promises to support the master and nephew in the future to take the cactus, and this treasure is also given to the master and nephew free of charge.

I don't know what the master and nephew want? "。

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