
Han Chen was shocked in his heart.

Immortal Book...

Hearing Master Taiqing's words, Han Chen finally understood what he had cut off Hu Donghua, and finally understood why he could get the Heavenly Dao Deducion Card again.

Immortal Book.

This is simply the household registration that controls the entire Heavenly Court Immortal God System.

In fact, the Flood Barren World has its own household registration, that is, the famous book of life and death, this treasure is the ultimate innate spirit treasure, which is currently in the hands of Houtu Niangniang.

As long as those who have not entered Da Luo are within their records, this treasure can be used in conjunction with the ultimate innate spirit treasure Spring and Autumn Pen, which can eliminate life yuan and dominate the time of life and death.

And the immortal book is different.

Just now, this Taiqing master has explained that only those who have entered the immortal nationality can enjoy the luck of the heavenly court, merit, incense, etc., that is to say, only those who are famous in the immortal register can be regarded as officially established.

In the future, all the names of immortal gods will be entered into it, and those who do not want to do so will not be able to exercise the power of the seal in the future.

That is to say, as long as there are monks who want to ask the gods with talismans, or borrow the power of the right gods, etc., the nameless person above the immortal book is invalid.

These two functions were simply fatal restrictions on the immortals and gods of the Heavenly Court.

It is precisely because of this that although the later Donghua Emperor is not within the Six Emperors, relying on this authority, 397 Shengsheng obtained a Tianzun position, and his status is not under the Six Emperors in the slightest.

The name of the Heavenly Court Hubu Tianzun is not idle.

When I officially ascend to the Taihao Emperor Monarch and take charge of the Book of Life and Death, plus this immortal book, won't this control the identity information of the living cultivators of almost the entire Flood Barren World?

Of course, the information of Da Luo Jinxian who was not an employee of the Heavenly Court would not be recorded here.

But the future is the general trend of the Heavenly Court.

In this way, thinking about my future authority, I am afraid that the Jade Emperor will hand over a cigarette and call my brother when he sees me.

However, let go of the imprint incarnation of the Taiqing saint...

This is a huge risk, who knows if the other party has noticed anything, especially the matter of his own three personality incarnations, although he has fooled the past with mediation.

Yes, do the other party believe it?

This world is about whether you can preach the Dao fruit of the mixed element, and it can be said that this world absolutely cannot be lost.

And the matter of immortal nationality, Han Chen wanted it very much, moreover, he didn't believe that he couldn't do it without Taiqing's admission, "It's really not okay, when the time comes, go and ask some masters or Houtu Niangniang." "

Houtu Niangniang was able to seal Taihao to herself, indicating that she was very optimistic about herself, and begged the other party to help such a small favor, and she would not refuse if she thought about it.

After all, Houtu holds most of the authority in the tunnel.

The Heavenly Court is not only the Heavenly Court of the Heavenly Dao, but also the Authentic and Humane in it, and the entire Feng Shen is the general trend generated by the operation of the great will of Heaven and Earth.

It's just entrusted to the hand of Hongjun, the Heavenly Dao Practitioner, to carry it out.

"Well, you can ask for the help of the Terrans, after all, I am from the Terran race, and the three emperors and five emperors want to be more assured that the immortals are in the hands of a human race, rather than the hands of the saints of the Heavenly Dao."

Thinking of this, Han Chen was confident.

With his own master, this Heavenly Dao Saint, the Authentic Houtu Niangniang, and the three emperors and five emperors of the Terran race, I don't believe that without the support of your Taiqing Yuanshi, you can't be the Hube Tianzun of the Heavenly Court.

Watching Taichen hesitate for a long time and did nothing, Taiqing was a little worried in his heart.

As for a middle thousand world in Yunxiao, can it be exchanged for the position of Heavenly Court Hubu Tianzun?

Theoretically, it can't, but the key is that he needs a big world, and, still that sentence, at the moment Taichen was born, the fate of the Rune Dao Supreme Treasure Mixed Yuan Flame Talisman in his hands had already ended.

He can't force it, instead of forcing it, it is better to push the boat along the water and make a deal.

"Uncle Shi, offended!"

"Master and nephew . . ."

Before Taiqing finished saying anything, the three personalities of heaven and earth were dispatched at the same time, three quasi-saint powerhouses, and Taiqing, even if he was a saint imprint incarnation, was just a Da Luo Golden Immortal, a Da Luo Golden Immortal far away from the original world.

How can he fight against three quasi-saints?

In order to prevent the other party from blowing himself up and causing damage to his own world, Han Chen could not let him have a chance to make a move, after all, this was a strong figure of Da Luo.

It is enough to cause indelible damage to a world of thousands of years, and may even lead to the destruction of the world. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Who made it the incarnation of the saint (daag)?


Three incarnations, the seal in the hand shot at the same time, in the sky, a huge green lotus phantom appeared, a twelve-pin Heavenly Dao green lotus constantly beating, sigh...


Taiqing incarnated with a roar and wanted to resist, but he was still sucked in by that green lotus and directly sealed in the Five Spirits World Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.

After all, at present, the entire Five Spirits World can only be sealed by this.

As for killing the Taiqing Saint Imprint Incarnation?

Han Chen didn't have this boldness, he didn't want to completely offend him, the sage master uncle, and sealing the other party was undoubtedly the best choice, with three personality incarnations guarding, he didn't even think of a chance to come out.


At the moment when Taiqing was sealed, the entire Five Spirits World actually trembled.

"This... Is this a loosening of the world with a breakthrough? "

Now the Five Spirits World is still a high-level Middle Thousand World, if it is breaking through, it will be a top Middle Thousand World, Han Chen did not expect that sealing his master incarnation would have such benefits.

"So it is!"

The Five Spirits World is Han Chen's Dao Fruit, which is actually equivalent to Han Chen's current body, and everything in Han Chen's body can be clear.

The evolution of the world has loosened the reason, and the relevant information is also transmitted quickly.

But because it is the incarnation of a saint, even if it is only cultivated by the Great Luo Golden Immortal, it itself has the relevant characteristics of a saint, and the heavenly path of the five spirits world began to copy on its body to collect relevant information about these characteristics.

Make a combination of information collection and obtain a lot of useful information.

Many of the world's laws were more complete, especially the spatial structure of the entire world, and Han Chen obviously felt that the spatial structure was much more stable than before.

In the previous Five Spirits World, as long as the Golden Immortal could shuttle through the space in the world and carry out space means such as space jumps.

And now, at least it takes Da Luo Jinxian to forcibly break through the space to shuttle.


That Chaoyuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman This was the moment Taiqing was sealed, without the Taiqing imprint, the Lingbao flashed with a chaotic divine light, and then flew directly into Han Chen's body.

A message appeared in Han Chen's mind.

"Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taichen Talisman!"

"This is ... Automatic recognition? Can the innate spirit treasure still automatically recognize the Lord? "

This made Han Chen a little confused, the previous innate spirit treasure, even if his master gave him the Saint Magic Weapon Qingping Sword, he needed to refine it himself.

Up to now, even if Han Chen let the three personalities incarnate, the three quasi-saints helped refine.

But it still hasn't been completely refined yet.

"It turns out that this treasure is really related to me!"

After a while, after sorting out the information of the spirit treasure, Han Chen also understood why he could obtain this treasure, it can be said that after he completely controlled the Rune Supreme Inheritance of the Pangu Great God.

This talisman is destined to return to itself as soon as it is burned.

He will become a Rune Dao Lord just as the Taiqing Saint will become a Dan Dao Dao Lord, and dominate the Fu Dao Qi Luck.

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