And at this moment, there was a trace of movement from the door of the world.

"Senior Sister Yunxiao?"

Seeing the woman outside the Five Spirits World, who is not Senior Sister Yunxiao, the two worlds are not very far apart, and there is this law to share the channel, so as long as you can walk in the chaos, it is still very simple to come from the Great Desolate Realm.

Of course, if Han Chen went from the Five Spirits World ~ to the Great Desolate Realm, it would not work.

The main thing is that Han Chen's current cultivation is only in the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he wants to cross the chaos to the Great Desolate Realm, looking quite close, in fact, it is still very far, at least for the Taiyi Golden Immortal, this distance is not close.

Besides, the Taiyi Golden Immortal does not have the ability to cross chaos far away, and a small one may be devoured by chaos.

Seeing Yunxiao's appearance, Han Chen was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately understood, thinking that Senior Sister would now cultivate "Hongmeng Divine Dao" and break through the quasi-saint cultivation.

Without hesitation, Han Chen directly opened the door of the world.

After a while, a white fairy dress and a goddess stepped from the void.

"Quasi-Saint mid-stage?"

The moment Yunxiao entered the Five Spirits World, the three incarnations sensed each other's cultivation, and the quasi-saint mid-stage directly skipped the quasi-saint early stage and reached the quasi-saint mid-stage realm.


This really surprised Han Chen.

"Junior Brother, congratulations to Senior Sister on her successful promotion to Quasi-Saint Attainment, and the future mixed yuan is promising."

In the palace, Han Chen greeted Yunxiao with joy and asked why.

"If I hadn't met my junior brother, Junior Sister would not have been able to kill the three corpses so quickly and be promoted to a quasi-saint.

I also didn't expect that being promoted to a quasi-saint with "Hongmeng Shinto", and then cutting off the good corpse with a water and fire gourd, could actually have such a good effect, directly crossing the early stage of the quasi-saint to become a quasi-saint mid-stage realm. "

Yunxiao's eyes were filled with deep gratitude when he looked at Han Chen.

"Huh? Junior Brother didn't expect that in a short period of time, you actually managed to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

With such a progress, no one in the entire Three Realms can beat it. "

At this time, Yunxiao also discovered that Han Chen's cultivation was already in the early stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and it was still a very stable kind, and he couldn't help but feel that his junior brother's talent was excellent.


Listening to Senior Sister's admiration, Han Chen touched his nose a little embarrassed, and there was a smell that he had done something wrong.

After all, how he broke through, he can't say this.

Yunxiao's mid-Saint cultivation consciousness, how could he not feel Han Chen's mood change, "How?" Could it be that something big happened to Junior Brother? "

Yunxiao said with a slight smile.

"Hehe, senior sister, there is no big thing, but it is indeed a good one, chance, junior brother, I also took this opportunity to successfully become the Taiyi Golden Immortal Dao Fruit."

Han Chen actually said about the matter of Nanhai Luojia Mountain, of course, the matter with Sister Guanyin must be actively ignored.


Junior Brother, your luck, even the world I have to envy ah. "

"It's a pity that the Pure World White Lotus lost its origin at the time of opening the heavens, and only became a ninth grade, if it didn't damage the origin, it must be a top-grade Innate Spirit Treasure that is comparable to the twelfth grade meritorious golden lotus.

It's a pity! "

To be honest, Han Chen has always sighed a little for the fact that the White Lotus of the Pure World is only the ninth grade.

"These are all superb innate spirit treasures, you still dislike it." And as soon as I come, I will give you two innate spiritual roots, a congenital blessed land, your senior sister and I do not have such a blessing. "

Although Yunxiao found two Middle Thousand Worlds in the chaos, the blessings in the Flood Desolation World were not so good.

Sanxian Island, there are several small innate spiritual veins on it, it can barely be regarded as a congenital blessed land, far from being comparable to Penglai Immortal Dao.

That Three Immortal Island, when he was a Daluo Golden Immortal before, was only barely enough, and now he is cultivating in the middle of the quasi-saint period.

The supply of spiritual energy on Sanxian Island is definitely not enough.

Therefore, Yunxiao also wants to find a blessed land of his own in the flood.


"Senior Sister also wants to find the Cave Heaven Blessed Land?

Yes, Senior Sister has now become a quasi-saint power, but the aura on the Three Immortals Island is not enough, if Senior Sister wants to find a new dojo, Junior Brother may be able to help! "

Han Chen pondered for a moment and said.

"Oh? What do junior brothers have in mind? "

Yunxiao's eyes lit up when she heard this, after all, her junior brother had already found her own dojo, maybe the other party really had some secrets that she didn't know.

"Actually, Junior Brother had already considered it before going to the South China Sea, and if the trip to the South China Sea failed, he would go to that place, but that place is now the owner."

"Already have a master? Then aren't we bandits? No, no, your senior sister I wouldn't do such a thing. "

"Hahaha. Senior sister doesn't need to worry, the owner of that innate blessed land is just a scattered immortal, and he is destined to be on the list of conferred gods. "

0 ask for flowers

"How did you know they would be on the list of consecrated gods?"

"Junior sister listens to me, junior brother, I will definitely not talk nonsense.

This blessed place is called Wuyi Immortal Mountain, there are two Dao Scattered Immortals in the mountain, named Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao, as for cultivation, I think it should be above and below the Golden Immortal, and I am not very clear about the specific junior brother.

Moreover, whether these two are the owners of this blessed land is not certain.

There must be a congenital blessed earth, there must be a congenital divine array, and the innate divine array can not be broken by a golden immortal. "

Is Wuyi Mountain a blessed land?

Although Han Chen has not been there, can it be a simple place to breed innate treasures such as the ultimate innate spirit treasure falling treasure money and the innate spirit root big red robe.

It seems that the big red robe was later discovered by Wuyishan as a farmer, and the Jade Emperor Mother was supplied, allowing the Jade Emperor to take this place for himself.

Therefore, it seems that this innate cave mansion has obviously not been developed.

Listening to his junior brother's words, Yunxiao nodded, feeling that this was really the case.

"It's okay, when I have time, I'll go to Wuyi Mountain to take a look, but before that, there is still something in the world to ask for the help of my junior brother."

"Oh? What's going on? Junior sister said that it is, as long as Junior Brother can do it, he will go all out. "

Yunxiao said what he wanted to create the creatures of the Great Desolate Realm.

The main thing is to create the Great Desolate Creatures of their own bloodline, let them dominate the Great Wilderness, establish the Heavenly Court, and collect the incense of all living beings in the Great Desolate World.

And hearing Senior Sister Yunxiao's words, Han Chen bowed his head slightly to show understanding.

"Senior sister, if you want to create living beings with the cultivation of junior brothers, you must rely on the power of the world, and the materials needed to create living beings are not all materials.

Ordinary materials create creatures that do not have much potential.

It is best to have a creation divine object like the Nine Heavens Resting Soil in the hands of Nuwa Niangniang combined with the Three Lights Divine Water, but even so, if you look at today's Terrans, there are several Da Luo Golden Immortals. "

Han Chen completely controlled the mediation and creation of divine powers, and it was still possible to create living beings, but with Han Chen's current magic power of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is estimated that he would be exhausted without creating much.

It would be different if you were helped by the power of the world.

Creating creatures of his own world, especially the Terrans, Han Chen also thought about it, but there has never been any good material, so he has never made a move.

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