After all, practicing Hongmeng Shinto, the Terrans are the most suitable race to provide incense.

As for why the Terrans were not migrated from the Flood World?

Mainly because the Honghuang Terran was created by the Nuwa Saint, if the Honghuang Terran immigrated to their own world, there is a cause and effect entanglement, the most important thing is that the Nuwa Saint will discover the unusual of his world through the luck of the Terran Race.

Before preaching a saint, of course, Han Chen did not dare to be so reckless, and Yunxiao also considered this reason, so he thought of finding himself, a junior disciple who mastered mediation, to help his own people.

To be precise, it is a race that belongs to the Great Desolate World.

The materials that create living beings determine the potential of living beings, even if the Terran race is Nuwa Niangniang with innate creation divine objects combined with creation wonders such as Sanguang Divine Water, refining and creating in the innate treasure Qiankunding.

But the potential of the Terrans is innate except for the first ones. "Three Eighty-Three"

The Terrans behind are all innate beings, which makes it difficult for the Terrans to become the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Now in the entire Flood Barren Race, almost all of them who can achieve the Great Luo Golden Immortal are those who have great merit, and there are very few who really rely on their own efforts to cultivate into the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

It is because of the Taiqing Sage Jindan Avenue that Chisongzi and the Nine Heavenly Xuannu will be enshrined by the Terran because of the Da Luo Golden Immortal of the Terran race, and the incense is constant, especially the Nine Heavenly Xuannu, who is now the ancestor of the Terran Honored Soldier Family and the Terran God of War.

This also shows the difficulty of the Terrans in achieving the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

If Han Cheng hadn't encountered the system, it could be said that there would never be a chance to achieve the Great Luo Golden Immortal in this life, and it was precisely because of this that Han Chen would have thought of asking for a divine position.

Although he is on the list of gods, at least he does not need to worry about his body in the future.

Maybe you can find your own path in Shinto.

And hearing Han Chen's words, Yunxiao shook his head with a wry smile.

"Junior Brother, rest assured that the authority of the world will be handed over to you when the time comes.

But, don't say that the nine heavens rest soil such a congenital creation divine thing, that is, the three light divine water, senior sister I don't have it, but there is a congenital water origin in the world I water and fire gourd, and this thing, you see if it works! "

Yunxiao stretched out his right hand, and a red and blue divine light flashed, and it was the Ultimate Innate Spirit Treasure Water and Fire Gourd that appeared in his hand.

But I saw Yunxiao patting the gourd, and several divine lights flew out of it.

But it was a golden liquid the size of a regimental basketball.

"Aang..." A seven-clawed black dragon phantom hovered over the golden liquid.


"Tweet..." It was a fiery red phoenix phantom.

"Whew..." a nine-tailed white fox phantom whistled as if crying.

"This is ... Sperm blood? "

He really didn't expect that his senior sister giant still had so many good things, judging from the breath of this essence blood, the owner of these essence blood was at least Daluo Golden Immortal before.


These were all collected by Senior Sister when she was walking in the flood wilderness, and the owner of every drop of essence blood was the strength of Da Luo Golden Immortal, including the nine little golden crows that were shot by Houyi that year.

Later, I found one by my senior sister and refined a drop of essence blood, but unfortunately the essence blood contains karma and anger.

Junior Brother, I don't know, can I? "

Among the four groups of essence blood, the master of the essence blood of Jinwu has the lowest strength, only it can be compared to the Great Luo Golden Immortal, but its potential is the highest, after all, it is a second-generation divine descendant.

His father is a top innate demon god three-legged golden crow.

"Senior sister, you can do it then, but after these creatures are created, their potential is destined to be limited, and it is difficult to surpass the owners of these essence blood by the restrictions of the master of this emperor essence blood.

Even, it is difficult to become a Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Of course, if Senior Sister takes these races as the dependents of the world, after the world is promoted to the Great Thousand World in the future, these races should be able to get the feedback of the origin of the Great Thousand World and break the shackles of the bloodline.

It's just that before that, I'm afraid that the potential is mediocre, moreover, the junior brother believes that as a race like providing fire, it is better to be the Terrans, the Terrans are born with a Tao body, the potential is good, the innate wisdom, the life is weak, it is easier to obey, and it is conducive to the development of the world's heavenly court. "

Han Chen said what he knew and suggested.

"How does Senior Sister not know that the Terran race is the best choice, but Senior Sister does not have nine heavenly rest, nor does it have three light divine water, even if it is created, it is estimated that it is a race with no potential, what is the use."

Create a human race, let's wait for later.

Now for the time being, these four races form the dependents of my world, and let's establish the Hongmeng Heavenly Court first. "

This is what Yunxiao thinks in his own mind... 0

His own Great Desolate World has also given birth to some innate beings, plus the four races created, as well as the fierce beast race, the demon ancestor bred by the negative energy of heaven and earth, which is enough.

"That's fine, when does Senior Sister have time, you can go to the chaos to find something, I believe that with Senior Sister's luck in the chaos, maybe you can really find the Nine Heavens Rest!"

It may even be possible to find the Chaos Resting Land. "

Han Chen suggested with a smile that the Yunxiao World could block the possibility of venturing into the chaos at the Taiyi Golden Immortal Perfection Realm to find the Middle Thousand World to break through Daluo.

I didn't expect to find it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Later, he continued to work hard and found a high-level middle thousand world.

With such luck in the chaos of his own world, he may still be able to find the Nine Heavens of Resting Land to create the Terran race.

"How can there be such a simple thing as Junior Brother you said!

It's better to find Nuwa Niangniang or Houtu Niangniang to help and be reliable. Hearing such an unreliable suggestion from his junior brother, Yunxiao rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.


Hearing the words of the world, Han Chen slapped his thigh and said with a happy face.

"What? Junior Brother, do you really want to find Nuwa Niangniang to help?

I'm afraid it's difficult, last time you refused the opportunity for Nuwa Niangniang to accept apprentices, it is estimated that Nuwa Niangniang still remembers to hate you. Looking at Han Chen jokingly, he said with a smile.

"It's not Nuwa Niangniang!"

"Can't it be done in the Houtu Niangniang?"

"Yes, it's Houtu Niangniang, senior sister, does Houtu Niangniang have nine days of rest?" Nuwa Niangniang has nine days of resting soil 2.0, which is a well-known thing in the flood famine, but it is not clear whether Houtu Niangniang has it.

But there is a high probability.

After all, she is the ancestor of the earth, and now she is in charge of most of the authority of the tunnel, and this kind of thing should not be difficult for a strong person like her.

"There should be, after all, the Houtu Niangniang Gang is practicing the Avenue of Reincarnation, and also practicing the Avenue of Earth.

When the teacher preached at the beginning, he mentioned that Houtu Niangniang was in charge of several avenues, and among the saints, except for the Dao ancestor, Houtu Niangniang was the first strongest. "

Yunxiao said with a slightly reminiscence.

"But Junior Brother, you and Houtu Niangniang are not acquaintances and friends, even if Junior Brother you are a god of the Pangu Clan, and you are from the same vein as him.

However, in the end, the cultivation is too low, I am afraid that Houtu Niangniang will not take you, the little cultivator of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, to heart." "。

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