The second after hearing the system prompt, Qin Luo fell into deep contemplation, looking at Jia Ting with gradually complicated eyes.jpg.

The system's selection of targets is completely random. Of course, this randomness does not mean that it is completely random. It is impossible to directly set a target for Qin Luo on the other side of the ocean, but will randomly select one from the target group around Qin Luo.

The target group targeted by the system is those who have a clear personality and can be attacked. The number of people Qin Luo knows is only in the single digits.

Not to mention Ji Yan, who has already exploded mines, Jia Ting, Hao Meng, Shi Yulu, Jiang Zhitao, Yao Yanyan, and Linglong are all counted, because their test information centers have distinctive personalities, and ~prompts for strategies.

Oh, by the way, Zhang Ru is also one of them.

Therefore, when the system selects the target, it must be selected from here.

Qin Luo has been thinking about which one the system will eventually choose as the next target, and he is still praying in his heart that it must not be Zhang Ru, otherwise you will go to someone's house to continue digging three feet, that is too much up.

The law may allow it, but it is certainly immoral.

Fortunately, Jia Ting was chosen in the end.

Surprised, but not unexpected.

I just don't know what kind of mine Jia Ting is?

Is it the same gold mine as Ji Yan, or a more advanced mine?

As a gold miner with no emotions, Qin Luo's eyes looking at Ji Yan are like a scanner at this time, and his active mind immediately thinks about the strategy method for the setting of "Perfectionism".

Xu Shi noticed his subtle gaze, and Jia Ting suddenly looked away from the phone and turned to look at Qin Luo.

The eyes of the two intertwined, Jia Ting's expression was complicated for a moment, but then returned to normal, and asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Qin Luo shook his head and turned to play with his phone.

Jia Ting didn't pay too much attention, but just watched the video near the end again, and said: "This very nice, and between the rainbows, the two songs are your original songs. I didn't expect it before. You still have the talent for that."

"Really, which one do you think sounds better?" Qin Luo asked casually.

"Hongjian," Jia Ting replied without hesitation, and then explained: "Although I am not as professional as Lulu in music, I can tell that Hongjian sounds better just by listening to it, and... ..."

"And what?"

"Happy stories make people feel beautiful, but they will be forgotten after a while, while sad stories can resonate in people's hearts. Even after a long time, they may still be remembered from time to time, making people feel sad

Jia Ting's words made Qin Luo couldn't help but glance at her sideways.

She may have recalled the scene at the school celebration party that day, and her expression really became a little sad.

Qin Luo didn't react on the surface, but he had a clearer understanding of Jia Ting's character in his heart.

Most people would not be able to say such polite words, and even if they could, they would definitely feel ashamed, but Jia Ting obviously did not.

Obviously, this girl is a literary young woman.

A literary young woman with a perfectionist personality... It's hard to deal with.

He immediately retracted his gaze and continued to fiddle with the phone.

Jia Ting was actually paying attention to Qin Luo's reaction. When he saw him looking at her, Jia Ting slightly pursed her lips.

Of course she knows what kind of personality she is. She likes to read books on weekdays, and occasionally she will say a few polite words.

She herself really didn't think there was any problem, but Ji Yan, Hao and Shi Yulu often said that she was too literary.

Jia Ting doesn't care about this, but she also knows that not everyone likes that tone.

When Qin Luo looked over, she thought that the other party would complain about herself, and made fun of her like a few roommates.

But, no.

He just glanced at her and continued to play with his mobile phone, as if he understood her at that moment and chose to understand.

This discovery made Jia Ting feel inexplicably excited.

She turned her head to look at Qin Luo, and inadvertently saw his mobile phone screen.

There is an encyclopedia information on it, and Jia Ting subconsciously blinked the four words as keywords.

Perfectionism...what is he searching for?

Jia Ting was a little suspicious.

Of course she knows herself well, if she insists on giving herself a personality similar to Ji Yan's Gao Leng, in Jia Ting's opinion, her personality is perfectionism.

There are always flaws in this world, and it is impossible to achieve perfection in everything, but Jia Ting has pursued perfection in everything since she was a child, and then struggled between "flaws always exist" and "must be perfect".

The easiest way to withdraw cash is that Jia Ting will strive for perfection when playing the game. If she needs to get three stars to pass the level perfectly, then she will not play the next level unless she gets three stars.

Under such circumstances, there will actually be a customs clearance leaderboard. Even if Jia Ting gets three stars, she still can't reach the highest score, and there are even countless other players between the highest score and the highest score.

Ordinary people will definitely not care much when encountering this kind of situation, even Samsung doesn’t have to get it, they only care about whether the game is interesting, and if it is interesting, they will continue to play.

But Jia Ting is different. In such a tangled situation where she cannot pursue perfection, her final choice can only be to give up the game.

To some extent, this is not a good thing, more like a mental illness, but Jia Ting doesn't care.

The world is rich and colorful, and people have different personalities. She also knows that she can't expect everything to be perfect, but at least she can achieve perfection by herself.

This is her perception of her character.

Because of this, when she saw Qin Luo searching for "Perfectionism", she felt a little suspicious. She didn't know whether Qin Luo was searching for relevant information on a whim, or because of herself.

The former is unlikely, because when a person wants to understand something, there are always prerequisites, right?

For example, if you walk down the street and see a cool car with an unknown brand, you can't help but search for relevant information on the Internet.

In the same way, there is no "perfect idea" slogan on this plane, and there are no other words that remind people of these four words, so why did Qin Luo search for it for no reason?

The only possibility is because of Jia Ting, because if there is anyone on this plane who can remind people of these four words, then Jia Ting is the only person.

However, people who are not familiar with her are definitely not aware of this, and even those who are familiar with her may not necessarily think about it.

Therefore, Jia Ting was a little uncertain about Qin Luo's psychological thoughts, especially when she thought that she didn't get along with Qin Luo much, but the other party saw through her inner essence, which made her feel very subtle. .

Qin Luo didn't know that a simple action of his own had aroused such colorful inner activities in Jia Ting.

At this moment, all his attention is on the phone.

The simple explanation of perfectionism in Encyclopedia is: similar to what people call obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is a kind of idea based on dissatisfaction and imperfection everywhere, and the idea of ​​extreme pursuit of perfection and flawlessness, which is due to the extreme environment Lack of communication and lack of security.

Everyone doesn't know what kind of character Jia Ting is in. Since she has become the target of the attack, Qin Luo's primary goal now is to think about how to make Biao Ting destroy her character.

Unlike Ji Yan, Ji Yan's high-cold personality is a relatively common and common personality, so it is actually very simple to destroy.

In contrast, Jia Ting's character design makes people feel that there is no way to start.

Q: How do you get a perfectionist to do something imperfect by himself?

Answer: ...I can't answer it.

This question is too difficult, Qin Luo has never been exposed to it, so he can't do it.

For a while, Mr. Qin felt very depressed, and even felt that Jia Ting was the most difficult to conquer among the few girls around him with distinctive personalities.

Jiang Zhitao is a star, the way to make her self-destruct is to let her give up being a star, although it seems a little difficult, but at least it is a clear strategy line, so that it will not make people unable to start.

Linglong is Lily, so the way to make her self-destruct is even simpler, just give up on women and fall in love with men.

Zhang Ru Qin Luo is obviously not crazy enough to attack a widow when his daughter is his first love, but since it is one of the targets for reference, he can also talk about it.

Zhang Ru's character design is controlled by her daughter, and her method of self-destructing her character design is also simple, so that she does not "control" her daughter, but "control" others.

Look, these people's methods of destroying people are very simple. Qin Luo even studied what he should do if the system did not select a target a few days ago.

At the same time, I was thinking, don't choose Jia Ting, this girl is too difficult to attack.

As a result, the system chose Jia Ting, who was the most difficult, and was really afraid of what would happen.

Qin Luo, who had been thinking for a long time, finally sighed a little depressed.

Jia Ting on the side asked him, "Why are you sighing?"

Qin Luo said quietly: "I'm thinking about how Mengxin, who has just walked out of Novice Village, can conquer the full-level big devil."

Jia Ting was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "This is very similar to what Mengmeng usually says, do you also like playing games?"

Qin Luo shook his head, and was about to put away his phone when his eyes suddenly fixed on a certain sentence on the screen.

It is similar to what people call obsessive-compulsive disorder... This can be used as a breakthrough to try.

At this point, Qin Luo suddenly said: "Do you want to play a game?"

Jia Ting asked with interest: "What game?"

"In this way, I will do it, and you will learn from me."

As Qin Luo spoke, he clasped his thumb with four fingers of his right hand and pressed down.

With a "click", the knuckles of the thumb made a crisp sound.

Then Qin Luo looked at Jia Ting and signaled that it was her turn.

Jia Ting frowned, wondering why Qin Luo would play such a meaningless game.

She has also seen this kind of behavior, some people have such small movements, especially some boys, they like to snap their fingers from time to time, and then think it is very handsome, trying to use this method to attract girls' attention , As everyone knows, it is also easy to cause inflammation.

Qin Luo is obviously not this kind of person, so why would he play such a strange game?

As a girl with a strong thirst for knowledge, Jia Ting explained the four words "ask if you don't understand" very clearly, and asked immediately: "Why do you want to play this kind of game?"

Qin Luo asked back: "Is there any question?"

"This game is pointless."

"It's fine if you don't want to play."

Hearing this, Jia Ting hesitated for a moment, but still clasped her thumbs with her four slender and white fingers, imitating Qin Luo's way of clasping her thumbs.

Qin Luo nodded with a smile, then snapped his right index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger, and then changed his left hand after the right hand.

Jia Ting followed suit. Although she thought it was boring and meaningless, she still followed Qin Luo's example.

Until Qin Luo snapped the ring finger of her left hand, Jia Ting thought to herself, it's over with just one little finger...

"Okay, the game is over," Qin Luo snapped his left ring finger and said suddenly.

Ting was stunned at the time: "Don't you still have a finger?"

Qin Luo said: "There is no rule that all fingers must be snapped."

It is true to say so, but...but...doing things should have a beginning and an end!

Jia Ting's complexion became tangled and complicated. She looked at Qin Luo, and then at her left little finger. It felt like a piece of white paper was suddenly dyed black, making her

Very uncomfortable inside.

Finally, she couldn't hold back any of them, clasped her little finger with four fingers, and pressed down.

Just when Jia Ting thought she could breathe a sigh of relief - the little finger didn't click.

Jia Ting: "...

Qin Luo: "Pfft."

Jia Ting glanced at Qin Luo expressionlessly, then turned her body so that Qin Luo could only see her side face, and at the same time moved both hands in front of her body, secretly poking her little finger

It didn't click once, it didn't click twice, it didn't click three times.

Jia Ting couldn't help taking a deep breath, because she pressed her little finger hard three times in a row, and she already felt her knuckles were showing pictures.

It may hurt for several days if it is pressed down like this, but if it does not ring, Jia Ting may suffer from it for a long time.

So she gritted her teeth hard, clasped her little finger with four fingers of her left hand, and pressed down hard again.



At the same time as her knuckles made a crisp sound, Jia Ting let out a soft hum.

Not knowing if it was an illusion, Qin Luo saw that her delicate body trembled slightly, and then pretended to be calm and returned to the normal sitting posture.

Qin Luo looked at her for the first time, and found that her eyebrows were slightly raised, and the corners of her eyes moved from time to time, as if she was enduring some kind of pain.

But the slightly raised corners of her mouth seemed to prove her comfort and joy at the moment.

Maybe this is the legendary pain and happiness... Qin Luo bowed his hands to Jia Ting silently in his heart, and felt that her appearance was really interesting, so he couldn't help staring at her.

Jia Ting seemed a little uncomfortable being watched, and said lightly: "It's a boring game.

Yo, if you say this, I won't be sleepy.

Her indifferent attitude made Qin Luo excited at the time, he said with a smile: "You will feel bored because you haven't finished this game perfectly."

This simple sentence easily attracted Jia Ting's attention.

As expected, she looked at Qin Luo curiously, with a hint of urgency in her words: "Not yet finished? What do you mean?"

Qin Luo showed a soft smile, kicked off the slippers, and slowly raised his feet.

Jia Ting's expression gradually became dull.

"You understand what I mean?" Qin Luo looked at her with a smile.

Jia Ting didn't speak, and there was a hint of "you're fucking kidding me" in her slightly empty eyes.

Qin Luo said cheerfully: "Ordinary people can snap their fingers, but it's difficult for their toes, so it's okay if you can't finish it. You don't have to have any psychological burden. If you think so

It's not's just a small thing, don't worry about it. "

Jia Ting's eyebrows were obviously raised at that time.

She gritted her teeth and wanted to lift her feet up, but after thinking about it carefully, she kept the original posture and did not know what to do. Ten toes poked secretly in the slippers.

When I bend hard, I can feel that some of them seem to be ringing, but there are obviously a few others that are not ringing.

0......seeking flowers......

Jia Ting's competitive spirit was aroused at that time, and she subconsciously wanted to clasp her toes with her hands.

However, in the next second, she seemed to remember something, and turned her head to look at Qin Luo who was on the side.

Qin Luo said casually, "It's not that I haven't seen it, so don't worry about it."

Then Jia Ting remembered the picture of Qin Luo looking at her smooth feet and helping her apply the potion.

An unnatural blush appeared on Jia Ting's dignified oval face, and finally she didn't lift her foot, but bent down and clasped her big toe without Qin Luo's sight.

One minute... two minutes, three minutes, five minutes passed.

Jia Ting finally sat up straight again. A thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead, staining a strand of her front bangs.

Unconcealable depression remained.

After all, it's hard to get over it... Qin Luo almost couldn't hold back his laughter, he endured it so hard that his shoulders shook twice.

Jia Ting glanced at him with some embarrassment, rubbed her teeth in her mouth twice, and said calmly, "boring."

[You got calligraphy +2]

[You got literature +2]

[You got strategy +2]

[You have acquired advanced chess skills]

【You got the future market magnifying glass】

【You got 500,000 money】

The second after the system sound sounded, Qin Luo finally couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

It was rare for Jia Ting to express her emotions on her face. She stared angrily at Qin Luo, her ordinary chest heaved with difficulty for a while, and finally got up expressionlessly.

Qin Luo quickly said: "Hey, sorry, sorry, I'm not kidding you, why are you going?"

Jia Ting ignored him, got up and left on her own.

Qin Luo stood up and looked at her, watching her walk to the toilet, and finally sat back down again.

Seeing her small appearance, Qin Luo played a song that he had accidentally heard in the system before, and couldn't help humming: "Mom who wants to be strong in life, what can I do for you?

Humming and humming, Qin Luo suddenly felt something was wrong, so he kept his expressionless face as if nothing had happened, closed his eyes and focused on the rewards.

Compared with the time when Ji Yan exploded mines, Jia Ting's rewards this time were not particularly rich, but they still exceeded Qin Luo's expectations.

Compared with the rewards that broke out from Ji Yan for the first time, Jia Ting's rewards this time are obviously much richer.


Not only has more attribute point rewards, advanced skills and a seemingly powerful prop.

The most important thing is that the money of 500,000 yuan was "several times higher than Ji Wei's at the beginning.

So, what is hidden under Jia Ting's strong appearance is actually a rare earth mine?

Sure enough, high difficulty and high reward, this is the truth.

Just when Qin Luo was sighing like this, he suddenly felt that someone walked in front of him and sat down next to him.

Aren't girls going to the toilet very slowly? Why is she so fast?

Could it be that Jia Ting is actually a bigwig in women's clothing?

Unrealistic fantasies popped up in Qin Luo's mind, he opened his eyes and glanced at her, then he was dumbfounded.

The woman sitting beside her was not Jia Ting.

She was wearing a clear beige vest. Under her white neck, the lines of her two clavicles were extremely obvious.

This clear and small vest obviously couldn't cover her figure, so that the hem of the dress was pushed up a bit, revealing her graceful waist.

A pair of denim hot pants made her straight and slender thighs look very eye-catching, but they were not completely exposed to the air pressure.

The reason is simple, she wore a pair of fishnet stockings.

The fine holes are all over the net stockings, revealing the flesh-colored thigh skin, making the eye-catching degree even higher.

Qin Luo's gaze sized her up and down, and finally he couldn't help sighing.

Among the women I know, this girl may not be the most beautiful, but she is definitely the hottest one.

It was like the sentence she whispered in her ear when she was in the public class for the first time.

She really has a clear understanding of herself... Well, this is very good, self-knowledge is the most important thing in a person.

"Does it look good? Do you want to touch it?" Yao Yanyan ran her hands across her legs wrapped in fishnet stockings as she spoke. The smiling appearance reminded Qin Luo of

The spider essence in the Pansi Cave.

Qin Luo wanted to yell at that time: Hey! Goblin! Eat my old grandson!

But what actually came out was, "Why are you here?"

"Of course I made a special trip to meet you."

Yao Yanyan smiled sweetly, then changed into a resentful little look, and said: "It's a pity, someone's attention is always on other women, and when they are in the lounge

Noticed you, but you haven't seen anyone, it's really sad.

Well, not just a goblin, but also a dramatist.

He said casually, "It's quite a coincidence."

"How is it a coincidence? I told you that I came here specially to meet you," Yao Yanyan pouted dissatisfiedly, but seeing Qin Luo's unconcerned expression, she stopped acting and said

: "Well, I actually planned to travel to the imperial capital, and I didn't expect to meet you here."

Qin Luo asked: "I went on a trip just after the holiday, why don't you go home?"

Yao Yanyan answered irrelevantly: "Do you want to go home with me?"

Then Qin Luo ignored her.

This is the third time Qin Luo saw Yao Yanyan, the first time was in the classroom, and the second time was in the library, each time she was quite impressed.

I have to say that the impression of the goblin grinding people is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As usual, Qin Luo showed a look of indifference to Yao Yanyan, but Yao Yanyan didn't care, and sat next to Qin Luo, smiling and chatting casually.

She said: "You are so amazing. Just after we finished with Ji Yan, I changed hands and turned my attention to Jia Ting. You are indeed the man I like."

Qin Luo: "You may have misunderstood something."

She added: "How long have you been with Jia Ting? Did you start dating after Ji Yan ended? Or did you have sex secretly when you were with Ji Yan?"

Qin Luo: "How vulgar to use this word... We just happened to get on the same plane."

She went on to say: "Such a coincidence, do you think I believe it or not?"

Qin Luo glanced at her: "Didn't it be a coincidence that you took a plane with me?"

Yao Yanyan smiled and said, "I told you from the beginning, I came to meet you on purpose."

Qin Luo snorted, and didn't even believe a single performance symbol in what she said.

For this tauren warrior, Qin Luo keeps a respectful and distant attitude, because he feels that whenever there is a girl by his side, Yao Yanyan will look special


It seemed that he wanted to do something urgently, just like now, he probably came here excitedly after seeing him and Cao Ting together......

How are you different from that Cao thief?

"Take it quickly and go back and forth, Jia Ting will come back later..."

"What are you doing?"

Before Qin Luo could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden voice.

The two people in the seats turned their heads together, and saw Jia Ting'er standing aside with a blank expression.

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