What Jia Ting said was "what are you doing", but this sentence was obviously asking Yao Yanyan, and she looked straight at her with her eyes.

The dignified beauty looks demure and dignified on weekdays, but her expressionless face is actually very oppressive.

Yao Yanyan looked at Jia Ting without any psychological burden, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect to see Qin Luo here, so I came to say hello.

Jia Ting said quietly: "I have no problem with you coming to say hello, but you shouldn't be sitting in my seat.

Yao Yanyan's smile remained unchanged: "We are all classmates in the same school. It's rare to meet on the same plane by such a coincidence. Don't be so stingy."

Then Jia Ting stopped talking, and just stood aside and looked at Yao Yanniu quietly.

Although she didn't show any emotional fluctuations on the surface, Qin Luo was very sure that this woman was angry in her heart.

So he called in the flight attendants.

The young and beautiful flight attendant came trotting all the way, with a sweet smile on her face, she asked: "Hi sir, what do you need?"

"Please help my friend change a set of chair covers, and bring a new blanket," Qin Luo pointed to Jia Ting's seat.

"Okay, please wait a moment, the flight attendant turned and left.

The meaning of Qin Luo's words is self-evident. On the surface, he asked the flight attendants to help change the seat covers and blankets, but in fact, he was suggesting that Yao Yanyan should leave.

Interesting to say, in Qin Luo's opinion, Yao Yanyan is not a person who can't read the atmosphere.

When Jia Ting spoke just now, she should have sensed that Jia Ting was angry, but she didn't mean to get up just now.

She didn't get up until Qin Luo finished speaking, and said to Qin Luo with a smile: "My seat is in front, if you are bored, you can come and chat with me."

After finishing speaking, he gave Jia Ting a meaningful look, twisted his alluring waist and left.

Not long after, the flight attendant replaced Jia Ting's seat with a new set of seat covers, and brought new towels and disposable slippers, completely erasing the traces left by Yao Yanyan.

After Jia Ting sat down again, she said to Qin Luo, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, and if you insist, she came here because of me, and I didn't stop her. If I offend you, I apologize to you," Qin Luo said softly.

When he was talking, he saw Jia Ting frowning slightly, as if he was still a little dissatisfied with what happened just now.

This made Qin Luo a little curious. It stands to reason that Jia Ting is not the kind of narrow-minded person, so she wouldn't be so angry when someone took her seat.

Perhaps the two knew each other, and there was some conflict before?

Jia Ting quickly began to answer Qin Luo's doubts.

She shook her head and said: "It's not because of you, but because of me.

Qin Luo froze for a moment: "Do you know each other?"

"I don't know, but I told some stories about her."

As Jia Ting spoke, her expression was slightly "six three three" and hesitant, she continued: "I'm not a person who likes to talk about others behind their backs, but Yao Yanyan...does have a problem .”

"What's the problem?" Qin Luo became interested.

Jia Ting said: "She is good-looking, and she dresses well... well, she is attractive, so there are not a few boys in school who like her, and she has also been in love several times.

"But as far as I know, she doesn't fall in love with the person she likes, and she doesn't fall in love with the person who likes her. Instead, she likes to grab other people's boyfriends, and especially from those women who have better comprehensive conditions. Seizing love with a sword is like trying to prove that I am better than that woman."

After a pause, she added another sentence: "This is not what I heard, but I have seen similar situations several times when I was a freshman."

She deliberately added the last sentence in order not to make Qin Luo feel that she was someone who likes to talk about others behind their backs, so after she finished speaking, she took a look at Qin Luo to make sure that he didn't feel disgusted by it, and then she was a little relieved.

As for Qin Luo, after listening to Jia Ting's description of Yao Yanyan, he felt admiration in his heart: he deserves to be a Tauren warrior.

Among all the women with distinctive looks that he has tested so far, Yao Yanyan is a well-deserved king.

A "Tauren warrior" is so much more distinctive than others that I don't know where it is.

Those who are "cold" and "perfectionist" are all younger brothers.

For real people, it depends on the tauren.

Moreover, Qin Luo's impression of Yao Yanyan was quite deep. Counting this time, he and Yao Yanyan met three times in total, but each time she seemed to come with a certain purpose.

Combined with her character design and what Jia Ting said, Qin Luo understood what her ultimate goal was.

Obviously, this woman is not interested in Qin Luo, who is so attractive, but interested in snatching him away from other women.

This hobby is really... well, something.

Qin Luo suddenly asked: "You mean, she ran over to me on her own initiative to snatch me away from you?"

"The word grab is not very accurate, after all, we are not the kind of relationship she imagined."

Jia Ting corrected it first, and then said: "But she probably came here with that kind of mentality, including the previous open class, because she saw that Ji Yan wanted to sit next to you, so she sat down first. past."

Good guy, it sounds like an old tauren.

Qin Luo couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Seeing his delicate expression, Jia Ting thought that he didn't quite believe what she said, so she thought about it and said, "Based on your conditions, even if you don't stay with Ji Yan, the person you're dating in the future will definitely be the same ."

"Under such circumstances, if the girl is from our school, if Yao Yanyan finds out about it, she will definitely find a way to keep getting close to you. As a friend... well, as a friend, I hope you don't take it seriously. What does she think.

"Although she is certainly attractive to men."

When she said the last sentence, she stared at Qin Luo with burning eyes, as if she wanted to see if he agreed with her sentence.

After all, Jia Tingrao felt that Yao Shanshan was very attractive to men from her perspective as a girl.

Needless to say about her appearance and figure, her hot dress is like poison to adolescent boys, and few people can resist it.

Although Jia Ting and Yao Yanyan have not had much contact, judging from the other party's personality and clothing, it can be guessed that the other party is an extremely outgoing and active girl.

How many men can stand up to a good-looking, coquettish and enthusiastic girl?

Therefore, Jia Ting felt that, as Qin Luo's friend, it was necessary to remind her in advance.

Because in her heart, a woman with problems in her heart is not worthy of the excellent Qin Luo.

Qin Luo nodded with a smile and thanked her.

Such a simple answer made Jia Ting feel a little confused. She felt that Qin Luo might feel that she was meddling, and that she might even be attracted to Yao Yanyan.

But after a while, Jia Ting realized that she should be worrying too much.

When a person is interested in another person, he will definitely look in the direction of the other person from time to time, and even find a way to actively approach the other person.

Let's not mention introverts for the time being, but Qin Luo is definitely not introverted, otherwise he wouldn't be able to talk about going to the door of the girls' dormitory every day to confess his love.

Qin Luo sat on the right side of the aisle, while Yao Yanyan sat on the left side of the aisle two rows ahead.

As long as Qin Luo thinks, he can see Yao Yanyan when he turns his head.

And it must not be the back of the head, because Jia Ting secretly noticed that Yao Yanyan seemed to be looking back all the time.

If Qin Luo glanced over there, the two of them would look at each other.

But Jia Ting found that Qin Luo hadn't looked there, not even a glance, just sat on the chair and closed his eyes to rest, as if he was asleep or thinking about something.

For some reason, Jia Ting felt a little happy when she found that Qin Luo didn't pay attention to Yao Yanyan, and the little unhappiness caused by Yao Yanyan just now disappeared.

She turned her head, looked through the window at the endless fields below, looked at the blue sky in the distance, unknowingly emptied herself, enjoyed this comfortable tranquility, and felt a little drowsy for a while.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from beside her ears, which woke Jia Ting up.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw were two big hands hanging on her chest.

Qin Luo retracted his hands indiscriminately, showing an awkward yet polite smile: "I said it was a coincidence, do you believe it?"

Jia Ting was stunned for a long while before realizing that she subconsciously covered her chest with her hands, stared at Qin Luo vigilantly, and moved her body back.

And with this movement, she saw a blanket slipping off her body, so she was taken aback again.

She remembered that she had just put the blanket over her lap, but now it had slipped off her body.

Of course, the blanket would not cover her body by itself. Obviously, Qin Luo just put the blanket on, and then she woke up suddenly and saw this scene.

Jia Ting blushed slightly, because a lot of strange things had come to her mind just now.

For example, did Qin Luo do anything while he was asleep?

If not, what exactly was he trying to do just now?

If so, what steps have those evil hands made without their knowledge...

Thinking carefully, she was so frightened that a young girl didn't dare to delve into it.

But fortunately, this is just her overcompensation.

She took a sip of water pretending to be calm, pretending nothing happened, turned to look at Qin Luo, and found drawing paper and pencils on the table in front of him.

At a glance, the painting on the drawing paper seems to be a person.

Jia Ting didn't wonder why this thing appeared on the plane, because if conditions permit, as long as you tell the flight attendant, let alone drawing paper and pen and paper, it's okay to ask her to draw a picture for you on the spot.

"Are you drawing?" Jia Ting became interested, she didn't know Qin Luo could draw before.

"En," Qin Luo responded, tilting the drawing paper slightly.

His little action made Jia Ting raise her eyebrows, because she couldn't see what was drawn on the paper.

Is he avoiding me on purpose? Does he feel that his painting is not good-looking? Or is the painting not for me to see?

Jia Ting became more interested and said, "What is the painting? Show me."

Qin Luo shook his head: "Don't look at it, the painting is average."

"It's okay, I'm just looking at it."

"There's really nothing to see."

If it were someone else, Jia Ting would have put away her curiosity long ago and ignored it.

But it was different when it was Qin Luo. On the one hand, she wanted to see how Qin Luo's painting skills were, and at the same time, she really wanted to see what was painted in that painting.

Because of the hasty glance just now, she saw a person on it, and it seemed to be a little familiar.

So a bold idea popped up in her heart, and she was eager to prove her own idea.

So, facing Qin Luo's refusal, she didn't speak anymore, but just looked at Qin Luo with a pair of beautiful almond eyes, without blinking, just watching quietly.

In the end, Qin Luo showed a look that he couldn't bear to be watched like this, sighed and said helplessly: "I haven't finished painting yet, and my painting skills are average, so I haven't finished painting yet."

Woolen cloth.

Jia Ting said, "It's okay, I know a little bit about drawing, so I can help you take a look."

"Then... okay."

Qin Luo finally handed over the drawing paper.

Jia Ting took the drawing paper with both hands, and the first time she looked at it, she was stunned.

The drawing paper is just ordinary sketch paper, and the pictures on it are stick figures drawn with pencils.

Although it is a stick figure, this painting has clear lines, orderly arrangement, and obvious shades.

Ordinary people will only think that the painting is very beautiful at a glance, but those who know how to draw will know that the painter has good painting skills.

But these are actually not important. The reason why Jia Ting was really stunned was that the person in this painting was her.

The background of the painting is on the plane, and the scenery outside the window is outlined with only a few strokes.

The girl is half lying on the slanted chair, her eyelids are slightly closed, and her dignified oval face looks extremely beautiful, and it is the kind of beauty that jumps out of the paper, which makes people's minds involuntarily

Three ministers jumped out independently.

sleeping Beauty.

And on Sleeping Beauty's body, there is also a blanket that seems to be covered.

There are two invisible hands holding the two corners of the blanket, which seem to be a little out of place because they haven't been drawn yet.

If the painting is completely finished, the scene in the painting will be the same as what happened just now.

It's just that the painter obviously didn't guess that Sleeping Beauty would wake up suddenly, so the slightly embarrassing scene just happened.

Jia Ting looked at the painting quietly, the expressions on her face changed one after another.

At first he was dazed, then surprised, then involuntarily raised his brows and eyes, and gradually lost his mind, as if completely immersed in the painting.

"Does it look good?" Qin Luo asked suddenly.


Jia Ting nodded, looked at Qin Luo with complicated eyes, and said softly: "The painting is very beautiful.

Qin Luo asked again: "Do you think you look better in the picture, or in reality?"

Jia Ting thought for a while and said: "Art is always higher than life, because it is processed, but art comes from life after all, so in my opinion, the real is the most beautiful

Qin Luo nodded, but did not speak.

Jia Ting didn't know what Qin Luo's real thoughts were, so she didn't say much, but asked after a few seconds of hesitation: "Why did you draw such a picture?"

Qin Luo said softly: "Because I think that the real beauty is always short-lived, and this beauty will slowly change over time, and it may eventually disappear completely one day in the future."

"However, if you keep this beauty on the drawing paper, it can be preserved forever, it will not disappear, it will always exist."

Jia Ting listened to his words silently, looked at his indifferent expression, inexplicably felt a trace of sadness on that handsome face.

She'd heard similar theories before, because in a way, that's how the camera was invented.

It's just that these words came out of Qin Luo's mouth, but she could hear something different.

For Qin Luo, what is good?

Was the love for Ji Yan in the past beautiful?

Is it to remember that relationship, so I learned to keep the beauty on paper?

Then...why is it me who appears on the paper?

Jia Ting stared at the Sleeping Beauty on the paper in a daze, and said after a while, "Let's finish drawing the remaining hand too."

This painting is very good, exceeding Jia Ting's expectations for Qin Luo's painting skills, but it is still incomplete. There is still a pair of hands missing in the painting. He should gently hold the two corners of the blanket and "hold it

Min knees on Sleeping Beauty.

Therefore, Jia Ting desperately wanted to see those two hands, and wanted to see the complete appearance of the painting.

But to her surprise, Qin Luo shook his head.

He said, "No more painting."

Jia Ting froze for a moment: "Why?"

"I can't draw anymore," Qin Luo said as a matter of course: "You have to know that painting is a matter of state. The state I just had is gone.

not coming out. "

Jia Ting immediately became a little anxious: "It shouldn't be, it's only one hand away from finishing the painting...... In this way, can you check the state again? I want to see the complete appearance of this painting.

As she said so, her dignified oval face showed obvious urgency and anxiety.

Qin Luo had no choice but to agree, saying that he would look for the status again.

Jia Ting looked forward to it happily again, and lay down on the chair again, put herself into the posture just now, and even closed her eyes, as if she was fully cooperating with Qin Luo.

However, after waiting for a while, she couldn't help opening her eyes, and found that Qin Lu was actually playing with his mobile phone there.

Jia Ting raised her eyebrows all of a sudden.

"what are you doing?"

"Playing with the phone."

"Of course I know you're playing with your phone... I asked why you weren't drawing?"

"It's said that I can't paint anymore, I have no status, and I don't paint anymore.

Qin Luo's posture at this time is obviously really not planning to draw any more.

This made Jia Ting depressed and helpless, she finally gritted her teeth and said, "Give me the painting, I will draw it.

Qin Luo glanced at her in surprise, without saying anything, and handed over the drawing paper and brush.

Then Jia Ting bent down on the small table and drew.

As a result, Tian minutes passed.

Twenty minutes passed.

Thirty minutes passed.

For half an hour, Jia Ting sat there without moving, just staring at the painting with her two beautiful red phoenix eyes, the brush in her right hand was tightly pinched, trembling from time to time

Whenever it is about to touch the drawing paper, it will retract again.

This gesture is as if the paintbrush she is holding is not a paintbrush, but a sharp knife.

And the drawing paper is no longer drawing paper, but a stone carving that breaks when touched.

She wanted to use this knife to make the stone carving more beautiful, but she was afraid to use the knife for fear of destroying the stone carving.

Qin Luo was playing with his mobile phone, looking at her from time to time.

After half an hour, even he was tired of watching, and finally couldn't help sighing, and said: "If it doesn't work, forget it, it will make you entangled."

Jia Ting didn't speak, and after ten minutes she breathed a sigh of relief, put the pen in her hand on the small table, and lay down as if exhausted.

"I'm afraid I can't draw well," she said helplessly, "I just checked the time, and obviously I only fell asleep for half an hour, and you actually drew such a picture....

One pair of hands, but I don't know why, I always don't write, for fear that drawing it will destroy the painting. "

Qin Luo smiled and said nothing, not surprised by this situation at all.

He used [an opportunity to make a perfect painting] to draw this painting. Although it was a temporary idea, the painting is indeed very perfect. It is understandable that ordinary people cannot write

Jia Ting obviously knows how to paint, but it is precisely because of this that she can see the tricks in this painting.

Because of this, she was limited by the fact that her painting skills were not as good as Qin Luo's, so she dared not write for a long time, fearing that one bad painting would ruin the whole painting.

It was also at this time that Qin Luo heard the system beep.

[You got writing +2]

[You got literature +2]

【You gained talent +2】

[You have gained advanced dance skills]

【You got 500,000 money】

Qin Luo was a little caught off guard by the explosion of rare earth resources.

Jia Ting is a woman who pursues perfection. She knows how to draw, but she has been afraid to put pen to paper on the painting in front of her.

Her giving up meant that she had admitted her imperfection, and because of this, Qin Luo received another wave of rewards.

But for Qin Luo, this is completely a surprise, because he did draw this painting on a whim.

Just now Jia Ting was sleeping on the side, Qin Luo inadvertently took a few more glances, the more she looked, the more she felt that this woman was interesting.

Of course, Qin is not an Isp, but just looked at it with a pure appreciation of beauty, so he looked at it, and couldn't help but want to record this moment.

Taking pictures is boring, and it seems too vulgar. If Jia Ting finds out that she has secretly taken photos of her in her mobile phone later, she may be misunderstood.

In contrast, painting is very high-end and full of artistic atmosphere.

Jia Ting, as a young woman in literature and art, was captured by this painting as a matter of course, and Qin Luo was right.

He looked at the slightly depressed family on the side, and suddenly said: "This painting is for you."

Jia Ting was taken aback: "What did you say?"

"I said, this painting is for you."

Qin Luo asked: "Looking at your depressed look just now, if you don't draw those hands, I guess you will be unhappy for a long time, right?"

Jia Ting hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Qin Luo is right, as a woman who strives for perfection, she has always been confident in herself.

3.7 She has learned to draw since she was a child, and she is quite talented in this area. Although she never thought of making achievements in this area, she is also very confident in her painting skills.

Qin Luo's stick figure was drawn in just a few tens of minutes, but it reached a level that she thought she could not draw with her drawing skills from childhood to university, which made her feel deeply

Very frustrating.

Unless I can really draw the remaining hands in this painting, this kind of frustration may last for a long time, and Jia Ting can't help but think about it when she sleeps, and then loses sleep because of it

But even so, Jia Ting still didn't want Qin Luo's painting, because it was so good that she couldn't accept it calmly.

So she refused: "No, this painting is more than enough to be exhibited in the exhibition, I can't accept it."

"As good as you said?"

"It will only be better than what I said."

Jia Ting looked at Qin Luo burningly, as if she wanted to see through how many secrets this man still hides at a glance.

Qin Luo didn't care, and said with a smile: "Well, let's put the painting with you first, and return it to me after you draw those hands, how about it?"

Jia Ting was moved by this proposal and hesitated for a while.

Seeing this, Qin Luo added: "This painting is originally about you, so it's normal for you to complete it, isn't it?"

His last words made Jia Ting very useful, and the last hesitation in her heart disappeared, she nodded and said, "Okay."

She raised her eyebrows slightly, with an obvious smile on her face, revealing a bit of joy in her heart.

Yao Yanyan's good looks are alluring and alluring.

And Jia Ting's good looks are charming and straight to the heart. When she smiles, there will be a feeling that makes people's hearts thump.

Even Qin Luo's heartbeat would inevitably speed up by two points at this time.

But Qin Luo didn't think it was because of Jia Ting's pretty smile, but was happy that she accepted the painting.

The excellence of this painting made Jia Ting admit her own imperfections, and she dared not draw on it lightly.

After she took the painting back, whenever she thought of the painting, she planned to write on it, but in the end she put down the pen helplessly.

There is no doubt that she will be frustrated again at this time.

She dared to move the idea of ​​painting once, and she would be thwarted once.

And every time she fails, Qin Luo will get a system reward.

Even if you really grit your teeth and draw it, if it can't perfectly match the part painted by Qin Luo, it's useless.

As a woman who strives for perfection, she can't be shoddy.

Therefore, this will definitely be a long-term return, and the profit is extremely considerable.

A whimsical idea can achieve such an effect, as expected of me... Qin Luo silently gave himself a thumbs up in his heart. .

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